Aristotle to Aquinas to Ayn and Core Principles
Posted by mshupe 5 years, 10 months ago to Philosophy
The rise of Western philosophy and the corruption of Western philosophy. How do we best confront the nihilism of Wilson, Dewey, Krugman, et al?
For example, Rand was influenced by Nietzsche, and in particular Aristotle. While Rand expanded, improved on, and rejected some of Aristotle's philosophy, she also thought that mankind needed the philosophical base that Aristotle built, at least according to Harry Binswanger.
Take the ideas and examine them. Cast them into your thought patterns and other fundamental ideas you hold. If the match make them your own in your own words a meaning shades. If they don't flow with yuour opinions and ideas throw them into the trash heap they belong in. Always think for yourself.
I suppose I'm one of them, but I think I produce the country, not vice versa. That's for Soviet Russia.
the Roman-Empire-like decadence that I sometimes see in the US