Not surprised. It has been reported by some that there were e-mails from BHO to HRC found on computers. Main issue with the reports was the use of a pseudonym by BHO. obfuscated the claim just enough to get it buried.
The concern in the "Swamp" is that if President Trump and Barr continue to "peel-the-onion", they will find Obama at the core......and Obama will get a pass. It will at that point that rational people in the country will be outraged beyond belief. This is why the Lefties, the Demonrats, and the Swamp RINOs want to impeach our president and our attorney general.
Also, I believe that Q has a couple of these You Tube folks as conduits to pass to us the plans and efforts, since there is no mainstream media they can trust or use. Only Hannity, Laura and Tucker seem to be able to get the good sources and want to be able to talk about the future, the rest are either canned statement Fox clones, or left sympathizers like Shepard Smith. Ever since the children took over Fox, it has been corrupted to the dark side.
Agree on Fox. Smith is a leftie because he is homosexual and gets aid and comfort from the left. Why Fox keeps Juan Williams around baffles me, as does their move to hire Donna Brazile, former DNC chair and the one who gave Hillary the debate questions, before her debate with Trump. Even Cavuto has become somewhat anti-Trump and leftish in his comments. And Chris Wallace is an anti-Trump infiltrator. He doesn't hide his feelings very well.. I think there may be more to this than maintaining the "fair and balanced" image. It disturbs my trust in Fox"s credibility.
Ever since the children took over, who are all rabid liberal democrats, Fox has been slowly being absorbed into the MSM. Soon they will be inseparable from CNN....
No need for the MSM they are worthless for the most part.These contributors John Solomon , Sara Carter, Tom Fitton Have been amongst the best sources. I listen to Redpill78 and Spaceshot76 and I follow Q.
Yes, all non MSM sources, because none can be trusted, and yet, the counter argument you hear is that they cannot be trusted as they are not "journalists". Well, the market should rule and if they don't get it right, or at least say they have no hard proof of something, people will not watch them, which is what should happen in MSM, so that is proof only sheeple watch MSM, because they know nothing, but believe everything, just as the deep state has conditioned them to be.
The free market system for “the MSM news” is rendered unnecessary by the 6 conglomeration’s That own it all. It is a paid propaganda business model. They don’t give a ship about ratings or providing desired programming. It will be revealed that the MSM has been acting as foreign agents in many ways . Lots of Money from the Middle East and China China China.. As well as the legendary 4 am drops providing the days narative. Think “Easter worshippers” Huh.
There are commentator/observers like X22 and RedPill76 who have all agreed we will see the IG report/Comey Report, then the FISA declass then the unsealing of the indictments, boom, boom, boom. They will hammer the deep state and break it as it fractures, they panic, and they will start tossing each other under the bus to save themselves, and complete their self destruct. I hope it works that way, I believe it will.
It’s not connecting that’s the problem it is the dotting of the i’s and the crossing of the T’s Everything must be done impeccably. Optics are important.
It took too too way too long enough, but public revelations pertaining to Cackles The Evil Hag are beginning to become clearer and clearer. She's still flying high like nothing can touch her, though. And why not? Lynch had Comey excuse her criminality as "careless." And she's the First Lady of a Slimeball-In-Chief once called both "Slick Willie" and "The Teflon Man."
Could.... when then controlled the cops the prosecutors and the judges. Trump and Barr will fry their evil asses. Period. I have no doubt about it. No deals. The wiener laptop will seal her fate after all the rest is revealed. They won’t be able to walk down the street.
Maybe, just maybe between the Uranium 1 deal and the server scandal they will get some payback. I don't hold out much hope of it. they will work out some deal that essentially lets them skate or get a misdemeanor charge. They always seem to get the nothing of minor charge when it comes to the goings on .
No Deals! DuEBpy4U0AEES74.jpg-large.jpg Define 'Projection'. Define 'Getting Ahead of the Story'. What is scheduled to happen this week? Coincidence? PANIC? THIS IS AS REAL AS IT GETS. NO ESCAPE. NO DEALS. ADD BRENNAN TO GRAPHIC AND UPDATE. EVIL HAS NO PLACE HERE. Q
For a long time I semi-joked that she must have the goods on a whole lot of people. Then, recently I heard an interview of an attorney who was trying to get court documents in the case against an individual that Bill had been hanging out with. Turns out, this individual likely has the goods on all kinds of people. Hence...the association.
There is an awful lot that needs to happen before her and Obamas indictments get unseals, The AF report, The FISA declass, then the indictments will be unsealed, so that whoever is left in the country with 2 brain cells to rub together can get past the MSM claim this is all fabricated stuff to trap wonderful servants of the people, and possibly call for a popular uprising, resulting in riots and mayhem in all the cities as Antifa and the special interest groups start screaming, and the paid agitators loot and burn. Really imaging a bunch of transvestites running around in skimpy getups (look at what was worn in the recent gay pride parades for proof) saying "Hillary was framed" all the while spraying perfume and tossing lilacs...utter ruin....
I listen to Redpill78 and Spaceshot76 and I follow Q.
That own it all. It is a paid propaganda business model. They don’t give a ship about ratings or providing desired programming. It will be revealed that the MSM has been acting as foreign agents in many ways . Lots of Money from the Middle East and China China China.. As well as the legendary 4 am drops
providing the days narative. Think “Easter worshippers”
Everything must be done impeccably. Optics are important.
And why not? Lynch had Comey excuse her criminality as "careless." And she's the First Lady of a Slimeball-In-Chief once called both "Slick Willie" and "The Teflon Man."
Trump and Barr will fry their evil asses. Period.
I have no doubt about it. No deals. The wiener laptop will seal her fate after all the rest is revealed. They won’t be able to walk down the street.
The indictments are starting to come, they are beginning to be accountable.
They always seem to get the nothing of minor charge when it comes to the goings on .
Define 'Projection'.
Define 'Getting Ahead of the Story'.
What is scheduled to happen this week?
Everybody knows that who is even casually interested in the truth.
Still, Clinton is making statements against the president as if she were lily white. When is this hack going to be indicted?