Chalkboard Lesson: Chicago Marxists, (funded by sorass), are pulling the strings on the attack on our border
Glenn uses the chalkboard to show exactly who is funding and organizing the migrant caravans across the southern border and how they are connected to top leaders within the U.S. government. We're being twisted inside out and this time it goes way beyond George Soros. Watch this clip and see Glenn back in his element, at the chalkboard.
Hope Trump sees it. will have to go back into Q to see if anything was mentioned. Q has stated that it's more than just the wall and he used the wall as a metaphor...maybe that is where the link to all of this is.
Me was gonna get around to it but t slipped my mind altogether.
Thenthis morning me dino found the video above in my email.
Ten minutes through it I pulled out a notepad, thinking to myself that's post this in The Gulch.
Then the thought occurred to me that someone else may already have it here.
And shucks good golly thar it be a-settin' in New..
Gonna watch the rest right here now.
Funny how a lot of this crap is coming from Chicago...nasty place that is...
It's not going to go very far here in Gulch City unless someone Thumbs up it.
Stand guard the gates of their refuge, built with our creation of value but not intended for our use.
It's high time we turn the tables and right the paradigm.
I pretty much stopped following. Beck a couple of years ago. I still have some saved chalkboard shows he did in the past.
Thanks for the video. This one is going in the archives.
Isn't it funny that many problems seem to be coming from Chicago?...think obobo and the demoncrapic party...
As long as you look any of that congregation in the eye, you haven't a thing to worry about.
Just don't show them your back.
Hey, that reminds me of a place where I used to work.
It's a maximum prison filled with sociopaths and psychotics. But it has a chapel, you see.