Robin Williams dead at 63
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 5 months ago to News
I am actually sad over this. Having watched his career starting with Mork and Mindy, up to the present, it's terrible. And what could have caused such anguish to cause him to take his own life? Dead Poet's Society come to life.
Previous comments...
So, every time a soldier throws himself on a grenade to save his squadmates... it's suicide and therefore a sin? "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
This is perhaps true. If a man (not the Son of God) lays down his life for his friends, damning himself to hell for eternity... what can top that sacrifice? Certainly not mere death.
No one is telling you that you have to become a Christian, but those of us who are Christian are going to speak up when you attempt to preach about our religion and twist it to your own ends.
If somebody faces off with a cop, pulls an unloaded pistol, cocks the pistol, aims it at the cop and gets shot dead, and does it as part of a plan, we recognize that that is suicide. It is even called suicide by cop.
If Jesus was God he came here to die, intentionally, and knew exactly how it would go down. Not only that, but he could have stopped it any time he wanted to. He committed suicide.
If he was not God, then he was just a guy who got whacked by the Romans.
From research: The phenomenon has been described in news accounts from 1981,[6] and scientific journals since 1985.[6] The phrase has appeared in news headlines since at least 1987.[7] It did not become common until the early 2000s. The phrase seems to have originated in the United States, but has also appeared in the UK, where a jury first determined someone committed suicide by cop in 2003.[8]
Some of the first research into suicide by cop was completed by Sgt. Rick Parent of the Delta Police Department. Parent's research of 843 police shootings determined that about 50% were victim precipitated homicide. Police defined victim precipitated homicide as "an incident in which an individual bent on self-destruction, engages in life threatening and criminal behavior to force law enforcement officers to kill them."[9]
The first formally labeled "Suicide by Cop" case in English legal history was a judgment made by Reverend Dr William Dolman while serving as a London coroner between 1993 and 2007.[10] It set a legal precedent and the judgment, as a cause of death, has been a part of English law since.
You'll notice that they call it "victim precipitated homicide."
But this is minor piddly crap compared to the moral problems with Christian mythology and the Christian God. Frankly, any God that would create a universe in which he intends to damn the vast majority of his sentient creations to an eternity in Hell is neither just, good, nor worthy of worship.
I don't know any moral human being that would have 10 children if he knew from the beginning that 9 would be tortured for their entire lives and the other would live a happy life. Yet that is what this god supposedly did.
Did Christ know how, when, and where He would die? Yes. Did He allow Himself to be crucified? Yes. But was His motivation one of despair? No. Did He nail Himself to the cross? No. He died because He was protecting and enabling the path back to God on our behalves.
You don't have to believe in Christianity. But I would point out two things: one - your assertions about your former life are made to try to present yourself as a subject-matter expert (appeal to authority fallacy). However, you gave up that claim when you renounced Christianity. Two: you are attempting to hijack the meaning of the word suicide by playing word games. On both counts you are presenting a disingenuous argument.
With respect, what is the fallacy in the implication that Only believers can be an 'expert' on Christianity?
Unless it is evil. Then the devil did it.
One thing I would point out, however, is that there are many Christian sects which deny the authenticity of this document as a foundation for defining God. I would only ask that you not judge ALL Christian sects based on the flawed fundamentals of what only a few have adopted.
Regarding your claim that Christ committed suicide, however, that is patently false. Christ's trial, condemnation, and execution were all illegal under Jewish law at the time. The Jewish elders (scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, etc.) viewed Christ as a threat to their power base over the interpretation of Jewish law. Christ had amassed a significant following and had publicly denounced the existing leaders as hypocrites.
According to the Bible, Christ was arrested and taken by the Jewish leaders at night - the first abrogation of their own law. Then he was taken to a secret meeting of the leaders, including the High Priest, Caiaphus. According to Jewish law, no trials were to be performed at night in secret or without providing the defendant the equivalent of a defense attorney. Knowing that the tribunal was a farce, Christ remained silent. Though the tribunal had full authority to have Christ banned from the synagogues, etc., they feared the responses of the people when their antics were discovered, so they sent Christ to Herod in the hopes of getting a Roman judgement passed on Him. Herod was too cagey, knowing what the tribunal was up to and sent Him back. They waited until morning and then took him to Pilate - the Roman Governor and the only one with the authority to pass the death sentence. Pilate interrogated Christ and pronounced Him innocent. Owing to the history of insurrections among the Jews, however, Pilate finally caved to the Jewish leadership and allowed Christ to be executed by crucifixion.
I'm really not sure how you get suicide out of any of that.
But that aside, your story makes a nice history for a guy getting whacked by the Romans. But if you believe he is God then he knew all of this would happen, indeed set it in motion so that he could carry out his mission to be killed.
In that case, it was suicide just as sure as stepping into the path of an oncoming train.
Kinda throws a wrench into the whole philosophy of guilt and coercion implicated by that comment, doesn't it? :-)
Apparently I need to ask the same of you. What are you going on about?
Its like someone pulling the pin on a grenade, then being surprised when the thing goes "Boom!"...
Flanap may have been trolling. it says a lot about the state of mind of those who would rise to the bait, if so.