Robin Williams dead at 63
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 5 months ago to News
I am actually sad over this. Having watched his career starting with Mork and Mindy, up to the present, it's terrible. And what could have caused such anguish to cause him to take his own life? Dead Poet's Society come to life.
Decades ago I worked for a Toys R Us up in Santa Rosa, CA. Here's this guy - kinda short, infectious grin, with some family members in tow, and he's looking for a birthday present for his nieces. Cute kids. I knew he looked familiar, but I couldn't place it, so I asked him had he ever been to... graduated HS way before me, so that wasn't it, he lived in Marin, but not where my family lived, Never lived on the east coast but worked there for a while, but in NY, not DC... we went back and forth like that for probably 5 minutes... anyway, told him if he needed anything I'd be a couple aisles over, He told me if I figured it out to keep it quiet (which just added to the mystery... ) so I went about my business, still tying to figure out how I knew this guy...
Then one of the putzes that worked there gets on the intercom and makes a BFD about how Robin Williams was in the store, etc... They were mobbed, and I just felt... bad for them. guess I missed that silly "starstruck" gene... thank God!
Hope the hurt is finally gone, dude. Sorry you checked out, but ya know, sometimes, shit just happens. Yer gonna be missed.
I've had some other experiences like that since then; the couple that broached (eventually) into recognition (one I remember pretty fondly was comparing our respective "day jobs") was acting was fun, the fame was kinda cool, the hours way long, the money not bad, but they envied having a normal life they knew they'd never have again.
That made me really grateful for what I have!
Neat that you had that conversation with him though. :)
RW was a happy, cheerful character and actor with many dark secrets and hard edges. Alcohol and Cocaine, depression and ultimately suicide show that this beautiful person couldn´t handle being "all good", confused as I was since the world and, especially mankind in general, often need a "kick in the teeth" in the right direction....
RIP "Sir" Robin Williams, "though shalt be missed"
Stay steady and unbowed. The world needs more such people.
Really? Wanna trade?
Did you like the book, 'Robin Crusoe'?
Unfortunately, behind every laugh is some truth and some pain, and like many funny people, Williams had more than his share of pain. I'd pay a lot of money for a DVD of that Carson routine. This world has far too few laughs and 100-times-too-fast synapses, and now we have one less. RIP.
I agree. Some light has gone out of a world sorely in need of it. Say what one will about his politics, he was unmatched in his gift of conveying a story, funny or otherwise.
Charlie Rose....particularly his sketch as
Marlon Brando talking with Michael Jackson.
Laffed 'til I cried!
Youthfulness has nothing to do with age. It's all in one's outlook on life.
I don’t know, but if I could point to one horrible event that occurred recently that could suck the reason for living right out of you--it would be the images coming out of Iraq of beheaded children. I will admit. It’s got me down: the waste of American lives that went into securing Mosul in the first place, the destruction of one of the oldest cultures on the planet, and of course, the children. Absolutely horrific. I wonder if Mr. Williams was affected by these same recent events . He has been there...He would be more acutely affected than any of us. I’m just wondering...
That kid in Syria with his dad holding up a severed head? Evil. Just plain devoid of anything that resembles humanity. Anyway, I would like to know what Robin Williams was looking at last online.
(temperance organizations used to post a sign in French Foreign Legion barracks, "Alcohol is Deadly!"... the above was often inscribed on the wall below it).
tatement by the President on the Passing of Robin Williams:
"Robin Williams was an airman, a doctor, a genie, a nanny, a president, a professor, a bangarang Peter Pan, and everything in between. But he was one of a kind. He arrived in our lives as an alien – but he ended up touching every element of the human spirit. He made us laugh. He made us cry. He gave his immeasurable talent freely and generously to those who needed it most – from our troops stationed abroad to the marginalized on our own streets. The Obama family offers our condolences to Robin’s family, his friends.
I always thought Obama's talents lie in a very different drection. I think the man would be a wonderful funeral director!!
'\ Ialways thought that Obama's talents are misplaced. He needs to be a funeral director!
Oh? Which country do you live in? Cause the U.S. doesn't have a President.
I guess God needed a great comedian.
Nobody owes ANYTHING to humanity.
And yet he gave us the gift of laughter anyway.
Think about how many innocent non-Moslems are being raped, tortured, killed, buried alive in Iraq in the time it takes to post and read the comments here.
Two weeks before the Murrah bombing, a woman and her daughter were doused in gasoline and set on fire. If I recall correctly, the mother died. Today, nobody but me even remembers that it happened. But every year we're all reminded of the dead in the Murrah bombing.
An "acid tongued" left-wing comedian in a fit of self-pity offs himself, after a lifetime of adulation, success and (at least relative) wealth, and he's eulogized by Obama and everyone else with a platform.
Meanwhile, those people in Iraq are dying in hunger, fear and pain... and nobody knows their names. All because Robin Williams once made milk squirt out of your noses.
Oh yeah, and what's Obama had to say about them? "We" underestimated ISIS.
He had had enough.
He was 63 with a successful life behind him. I find it hard to feel pity.
I enjoyed so many of his movies. Among my favorites, "Good Will Hunting" sticks with me the most, I think.
And in case anyone conveniently forgot, Robin Williams was a left-winger.
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