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It is great , because to me it points out the manipulation of short term data to determine a longer term result and that’s is no way to predict the future. In fact climate is based on about 35 years of weather experience and a few degrees warmer or colder does not change a climate
Also the historical cycles of the sun is mentioned. Bravo. The sun is a constant only in the fact that it is 93 million miles away. Sunrise and sunset like clock work. One danger of these climate scare tactics (ignoring the sun) is to force free people to alter the quality of life in a negative way. This you point out very well. A greater danger is to not educate or prepare civilization’s response to the Grand Solar Minimum. A period we are just entering. GSM can have devastating effects on our food supply. Many will potentially die from starvation and it could be addressed with indoor farming.
New data and evidence is emerging the the Sun has micronova’d in the past many times During its cycle. For further info see OldUglyCarls series of posts on this topic.
Energy poverty is a significant threat to the elderly. Paying more for "green" energy encourages people on limited budgets to keep their houses cooler in the winter. Persistent cold is deadly, much worse than short events of extreme cold and extreme heat.
Charge them 10 cents a gallon that they remove, and use that to beautify the area. Limit their water to the amount that stops it from rising above some critical level. Done!
With a mainstream media in the pockets of the wanna be slave masters .We as citizens must
shine a light on their Dark agenda.
"Argument by intimidation" was well used by the Soviets in that dissidents having an anti-Soviet thought was indication of mental illness and a "mental institution" was the place for such people.
This whole global-cooling, global-warming, climate-change hoopla is reminiscent of times when someone (or the whole tribe) just HAD to be at fault for something totally natural and sacrifices had to be made to appease the gods or whatever powers that be. It seems some people still need a human scapegoat for anything that pops up. Hence, the town votes...
I still adhere to my own theory that we will know for sure global warming is taking place when the elites initiate a massive sell off of beach front property (the recent proposed land grab of such property by the State of Kalifornia doesn't count because that is simply a theft plan to generate revenue for the failing socialist State by renting said property back to the original owners).
It is good to know/read about the work of sane people as opposed to the hysteria of the left and MSM.
More fundamentally, there has as yet been no proof that additions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere cause any significant rise in temperature. The many computer models speculating a temperature increase have proven to at the least be great exaggerations and to be sufficiently different from one another that they actually prove that there is no consensus on the physics of the effects of CO2. Worse yet, CO2 has both warming and cooling effects and you have never heard about its cooling effects -- not many of you, anyway. The cooling effects are less saturated in many cases than is the main warming effect which requires an 800 ppm increase to match the present 400 ppm effect and has clearly been exaggerated. Very little study has gone into the cooling effects.
Still worse, as I have written on my blog An Objectivist Individualist, the Earth Energy Budgets so often embraced by the catastrophic man-made global warming alarmists, including NASA and the UN IPCC reports, violate the Conservation of Energy and apply their own faulty understanding of thermal radiation inconsistently. According to them, the atmosphere absorbs more longwave radiation from the surface of the Earth than a black body absorber could absorb even at temperature lower than those found in the atmosphere, even though the greenhouse gases can at best only absorb portions of the total wavelength spectrum of the radiation emitted from the surface. Another transparent error is the claim that the same thermal vibrations that produce thermal radiation by oscillating electric dipoles can dump 100% of their energy into radiation, while at the same time dumping energy into the evaporation of water and transferring energy into convection currents. It is amazing how you can exaggerate an effect once you are willing to throw the principle of Conservation of Energy out the window. So, there is good reason to expect their many computer models to produce the wrong results they have produced.
But the big example of where climate change appears to be heading by the turn of the century: Minnesota may have the climate currently found in Iowa. Sound the disaster alarms!
If you take a half glass of water, add a cube of ice, mark the level of water with the ice, then let it melt in the water. What happens to the level after the ice melts? So then, what happens when the ice cap melts?