Should Amazon Have Negotiated With Scoundrels?
Amazon did the pro-capitalists a great favor by exiting their NYC deal when the progressives threatened more economic extraction. The company demonstrated belief in their own purpose of economic betterment, and adherence to the principles of contract based on property rights. Let’s cheer them on.
States competing for business that bring jobs to such areas is not a bad thing. Intensives, tax breaks, to morph ghettos into goldmines for tax revenue is the intention and that is not twisted logic. What was lost by Amazon not locating to Queens? Nothing. What was lost by NY when Amazon walked away were 20K jobs, ancillary goods and services sold/rented to the amazon facility, and income taxes from many thousands of (previously unemployed) people estimated at 20B.
This is the free market at work on a macro level, state competing with state and intensives (tax breaks, cheaper land and cheap labor) are the currency paid for an area revitalization and a boost in income tax for the state. The zero tax gained from Amazon directly would have been dwarfed by the Amount of revenue generated in income tax and simply constructing and operating the new facility.
Cortez and her leftist cronies should have a curse word attached to them....NY is hemorrhaging money and they really needed this type of business to stem the leak, thats why the lib elite are pissed (their chickens are coming home).
If an individual had private property once then surrendered it to participate in the commune it wouldn't take long to realize your mistake. While the indolent often praise the communist idea as they go in because they expect to get more than they produced when it can be contrasted against those who live in the free market it won't take long for them to decide to get out.
Socialism, communism and any form of tyranny can only survive (it never flourishes) as long as violence can be employed to keep people within the system. There are always people who are willing to 'sell' the lie, use violence to enforce it, and slaves who will subject themselves to horrific conditions, brutal treatment and mass murder as long as someone continues to promise them that this is better than the alternative of being free.
Amazon negotiating with a government to get a better deal under socialism, preferential treatment by a governing body threatening the use of violence proves they are socialists also. They just didn't get the deal they wanted. They want the populace to pay more in taxes to have them there. Amazon should be demanding that the government stay out of their business and leave people alone. If you enter into a deal with the devil then you are on his side.
I don't see this as a good deal for capitalism, Amazon will go somewhere else they can demand protectionism and favoritism over what any small mom and pop operation could demand for themselves.
If instead of giving incentives to companies to bring jobs, we get states competing with each other to see who can be the best run, lowest taxed states we would have capitalism, not cronyism.
I was an elected county supervisor for 4 years. I cannot tell you the number of times other elected people would state, "lets see what other counties are doing and do that" or if the other counties are spending this much on xyz service, we can too". I never saw a tax go down and there's plenty of waste.
Why should there be a deal?
Anything with a deal should arouse suspicions across the political spectrum, who is getting what out of it that they would not otherwise, and who is losing what?
Why are not existing current rules applied across the board? If current rules are bad, then improve (or abolish?) them so they are impartial.
To sell it, though, you need both parties to be able to take credit for it. In WI, Democrats criticized the Foxconn deal. Democrats said we were betrayed because they were going to open innovation centers to design products instead of factories. President Trump called them and supposedly convinced them to change their plans and hire lower-paying jobs instead of the high-tech innovation stuff that pays more and provides the ecosystem for the modern economy to grow. I actually don't believe they changed their plans. I've worked at a major global CM. They don't just go from a greenfield R&D center to a greenfield factory after a phone call. So who knows. But I'm happy Gov Walker helped get them the tax abatement deal, and I'd love to see them do it with Amazon. I don't care if they don't follow through with exact plans.