(168) California Collapse Approaching Despite Silicon Valley's Huge Supply of Tax Dollars

Posted by $ nickursis 6 years ago to Government
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This is a worthwhile 10 minute discussion that should be a nationwide commercial. Why? It details the FACTS, the reality, such as Ayn Rand did in Atlas Shrugged. It details the looters need to steal for outlandish waste, failures of a inept government, and the real burden of illegal immigration. Consider this carefully, as the conclusion is not only going to be very, very bad, in a Randian way for Kalifornia, but it also is prophetic for other neo socialist states like New York and Oregon and Washington.

SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhZRWRWkiIA

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  • Posted by mminnick 6 years ago
    Dependng upon how you define collapse it may already have happened.
    1. Free Healthcare for anyone in California (Citizen of Ca or not)
    2. Free Tuition for all
    3. Democrat Super Majority
    4. Democrat Governor
    5. Sanctuary State
    6. Sanctuary Cities
    7. Not Enough Money to pay for it all
    These items are either already in effect or soon will be. A lot of this is based on the Califrnia elector system. All primaries are open, top two vote getters run in the general election. The way the state districts are drawn in Ca, it is very difficult for ano other than a Democrat to get on the General Election Ballot. This generally results in a Socialist in actuality or one in Name only but still two socialist candidates.. (even if they don't admit to being one. e.g. Kamala Harris.
    If anyone here in the Gulch is from California, please comment and if I'm wrong about his please let me know.

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    • Posted by $ 6 years ago
      True, but the precarious nature of their socialist haven has never been fully exposed to the people who live in the ignorant bliss of homelessness, high taxes, high everything, who have been told it's all Trump's fault. How many people in AS went on strike, and how many just sat there and either died or just ignored it? How many in Kalifornia are against the socialist empire? Does it get reflected at the ballot box? Or is the ballot box even reflective of reality? Corruption runs deep, 5 billion disappeared, and they may get a couple miles of fast train...
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    • Posted by term2 6 years ago
      I left California back in 2001 and moved my business out of there too. I could see where it was going. I will say that California has a lot of private wealth that has yet to be usurped by the government there, so its going to last a while longer for sure- BUT with ever increasing taxes and more money going to the "poor" migrants that they are letting in. Soon it will be another urban central america with a few walled-in and gated communities for the rich benefactors of the socialist state. I would say when I left it had become essentially a fascist state run by regulations set down by government. Now its turning more into a greater mix of socialist programs and low IQ and skills migrants.
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    • Posted by capitalist1183 5 years, 11 months ago
      Right on the money ... for now, I live in CA.
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      • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
        Sorry for you, I'm in Oregon, where our looney left keeps taking lesson's from yours. The deep state is hard at work, trying Plan B (We didin't succeed at the top, we will attack from the bottom). I think Kalifornia was a training ground, with New York, at how to steal elections and impose their will on the peasents, who of course, will soon learn the ways of the state: Give us all your money and shut up and do as you are told. At some point, you would think the old Yankee revolutionary spirit would kick in. But, they have (somehow) managed to get a super majority in a state where a large land area votes against them....weird...
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  • Posted by term2 6 years ago
    People who ignore reality try to stretch the rubber band more and more to keep their programs going UNTIL all of a sudden the rubber band snaps and it all comes down. California has been doing this for a long time now. There is still a lot of wealth to steal to keep the liberals going, but its not the low hanging fruit type of wealth. They will need substantial asset taxes (maybe 5-10%) that begin at a few hundred thousand dollars of total personal wealth, and that will have to start soon.
    Socialism can last a long time as it saps up essentially all the wealth in private hands, and the californians should get ready for this to happen.

    Thats why I moved OUT.
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  • Posted by chad 6 years ago
    I think that just like the disastrous dictatorships of South America that occasionally fall they are always replaced with another tyranny that may start less oppressive but always go in the same direction again until it becomes unstainable and then it starts over.
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  • Posted by exceller 6 years ago
    The impending disaster does not stop the newly minted governor of CA, Newsom, to contemplate running for president.

    That is the most significant proof of their insanity. Is running the most populous state (~40 million) to the ground a required qualification to be the president of the country?
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  • Posted by exceller 6 years ago
    The article today in the WSJ:


    In case you can't read it for not being a subscriber, the title is:

    "California Has Become the Far Left Coast".
    By Charles R. Kesler, professor of government at Claremont McKenna College and the editor of the Claremont Review of Books.


    "The Democrats’ crushing dominance allows them to use California as a progressive policy laboratory. As a result, the state has the highest welfare numbers (a third of all Americans on welfare live in California), the largest contingent of illegal immigrants, a burgeoning homeless population, onerous regulations on business and private property, mediocre public schools, high income taxes (the highest marginal rate is 13.3%) and sales taxes, a yawning gap between rich and poor, its own summer blend of expensive gasoline, bedraggled and crowded roads to punish people further for driving, and a widely mocked high-speed rail boondoggle."

    "Take infrastructure. Rather than repair freeways or build new ones, Mr. Brown decided to construct the high-speed rail line between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Vowing “hard decisions” and “tough calls,” however, his successor announced in February that “the project, as currently planned, would cost too much and take too long.” The train’s cost, at last estimate, was between $77 billion and $88 billion, four times the funds available. Incredibly, however, Mr. Newsom didn’t cancel the project. He merely postponed it indefinitely, except for the rump railroad between Merced and Bakersfield, for which not a single mile of track has been laid.
    Or consider health care. A bill to create a single-payer system in California passed the Democrat-controlled state Senate in June 2017, only to stall in the Democrat-controlled Assembly when Speaker Anthony Rendon confessed that his party had no idea how to raise the $400 billion annually the system is estimated to cost. (The whole state budget amounts to $201.4 billion.) Last month Mr. Newsom endorsed “the long-term goal of single payer” but pointedly didn’t introduce a bill to achieve it. In the long run, liberals used to say, we are all dead. It will be interesting to see which arrives first: the train or the government doctors."

    "The promises of California’s government programs are too good to be true, but also, apparently, too attractive to resist. Karl Marx called his kind of socialism “scientific,” as opposed to his predecessors’ “utopian” fantasies. California appears to be pioneering a third kind, which might be called “infantile.” Our Democrats strongly suspect their programs won’t work and know they can’t be paid for—but want them anyway. To analyze that perversity, Freud might be more helpful than Marx. At any rate, California’s experience offers cautionary lessons on the way to 2020."
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    • Posted by $ 6 years ago
      All of this is identical to the govt behavior in AS, the high speed train is the grapefruit of the book, and in the same insane state too. When they start to collapse, though, what will happen? Bail out? I hope Trump just says "Cut them loose...."
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      • Posted by exceller 6 years ago

        It is the proof of the genius of AR who was able to visualize with surgical precision the MOD of a corrupt gov.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years ago
          Exactly, she saw clearly what was happening and was abe to project it to possible outcomes with extreme, prophetic accuracy. That was why, when I listened to AS, I was floored by her story and the fact it was almost 60 years old...
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