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  • Posted by $ blarman 6 years ago
    President Trump just tweeted out that he was disinclined to participate on their biased networks in the next debates. I hope he holds to it. The debate "moderators" on many of these shows are nothing more than partisan ideologues with carefully crafted and pandering questions. Of course, the current "debate" format is more sound bites than actual policy discussion. We've devolved a LONG way from Lincoln-Douglas...
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    • Posted by 6 years ago
      This is a dangerous "development" of affairs.

      What the left is doing to isolate the president and deny his participation in the primary debates.

      The public will see only candidates from the left, and if it was left to the dems, they would not include Trump's name on the ballot.

      Authentic communist methods: during their rein there was only one candidate who regularly received 110% of votes.
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  • Posted by mminnick 6 years ago
    The Democrat Party has once again carefully considered the situation, made plans, aim at the target and blown its' foot off. A great many people watch Fox News Channel. The evening hosts try to present an even perspective to any news story they present even though they are TALK SHOW HOSTS and not officially journalists.
    Banning such a powerhouse organization from hosting a debate is really stupid, almost suicidel. But then we are talking about the Democrat SOCALIST Party, not the party of Zell Miller and some other moderates of years gone by. I doubt JFK wuld feel at home in this parfty .as it now stands
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    • Posted by $ blarman 6 years ago
      I doubt JFK would have been okay with the Democratic Party even 20 years ago. He was certainly left of center on social issues, but far more centrist when it came to spending policies. I don't think he would have gone along with these massive debts.

      As to the Democratic Party - they always shoot first and ignore questions later. They couldn't possibly be bothered to see if any of their policies actually worked - that would defeat the purpose in constantly agitating for MORE!
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    • Posted by 6 years ago
      It is a systematic effort of segregating themselves from anything GOP or moderate.

      It is a perfect manifestation of partisanship ran amok.

      The left is convinced that they can win by running a one-player show. This is what the communists did to reach the one-party state.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years ago
    "Fair and neutral" will not happen on any of the networks. Virtually all their people are biased in favor of statist policies and socialist candidates.
    Fox just conceals their bias better by comparing itself to the traitors at CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC, like the GOP does by comparing itself to the Dems, and like most Dems will in 2020 by comparing themselves to the more radical socialists in the Dem party (e.g., AOC.)

    The very use of the word "debate" to describe these pro-statist, anti-freedom media propaganda events is an insult to anyone with the ability to think rationally.
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    • Posted by 6 years ago
      I agree.

      Although I have not seen the pandering to a favored candidate during the debate from FOX to the extent as the moderators from MSM sources have done.

      Remember when the woman (can't remember her name) chimed in to answer a question to help Obama?

      That is a patented no-no to do for independent and non-aligned reporters. Of course we don't have those any more in this country.
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  • Posted by term2 6 years ago
    I stopped watching FOX because they give way too much air time to leftist prattling.

    I dont need to hear what leftists say any more, since it takes too much work to constantly translate their words into what they really mean.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 6 years ago
    Reading the article indicates FOX is barred from HOSTing the debates, not covering them. This means they cannot formulate the questions. Probably as blarman noted in his post the hosts will be guaranteed to be "...nothing more than partisan ideologues with carefully crafted and pandering questions" as opposed to a question of substance.
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  • Posted by jim_rusnak 6 years ago
    If fox is banned then so should the DNC. That means we get more fake news. I think the major other news networks should be banned period. We must take action to regain our nation before it is too late, if it isn't already.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years ago
    It would be amusing to see the President refuse to debate his Democrat opponent on any channel but Fox. That would throw it back in the face of the DNC. The Democrat could, I suppose, refuse to debate on Fox, and conduct a series of softball "interviews" on CNN, unchallenged, but probably without the audience drawn to a debate. Strange times.
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