The green New Deal: No plan like this has been seen since “The John Galt Plan”

Posted by Solver 5 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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“The Green New Deal resolution a 10-year plan to mobilize every aspect of American society at a scale not seen since World War 2 to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and create economic prosperity for all. It will:

 Move America to 100% clean and renewable energy
 Create millions of family supporting-wage, union jobs
 Ensure a just transition for all communities and workers to ensure economic security for people and communities that have historically relied on fossil fuel industries
 Ensure justice and equity for frontline communities by prioritizing investment, training, climate and community resiliency, economic and environmental benefits in these communities.
 Build on FDR’s second bill of rights by guaranteeing:
A job with a family-sustaining wage, family and medical leave, vacations, and retirement security
High-quality education, including higher education and trade schools
Clean air and water and access to nature
Healthy food
High-quality health care
Safe, affordable, adequate housing
Economic environment free of monopolies
Economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work

National mobilization our economy through 14 infrastructure and industrial projects. Every project strives to remove greenhouse gas emissions and pollution from every sector of our economy:
o Build infrastructure to create resiliency against climate change-related disasters
o Repair and upgrade U.S. infrastructure. ASCE estimates this is $4.6 trillion at minimum.
o Meet 100% of power demand through clean and renewable energy sources
o Build energy-efficient, distributed smart grids and ensure affordable access to electricity
o Upgrade or replace every building in US for state-of-the-art energy efficiency
o Massively expand clean manufacturing (like solar panel factories, wind turbine factories, battery and storage manufacturing, energy efficient manufacturing components) and remove pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing
o Work with farmers and ranchers to create a sustainable, pollution and greenhouse gas free, food system that ensures universal access to healthy food and expands independent family farming
o Totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out high- speed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary, create affordable public transit available to all, with goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle
o Mitigate long-term health effects of climate change and pollution
o Remove greenhouse gases from our atmosphere and pollution through afforestation, preservation, and other methods of restoring our natural
o Restore all our damaged and threatened ecosystems
o Clean up all the existing hazardous waste sites and abandoned sites o Identify new emission sources and create solutions to eliminate those
o Make the US the leader in addressing climate change and share our
technology, expertise and products with the rest of the world to bring
about a global Green New Deal.”

And a response:

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    Posted by diessos 5 years, 7 months ago
    Ok, so now that the children have had their play time, are there any adults that can take over the Democrat party.? I had to explain to a millennial today why Karl Marx's ideas won't work. There is hope he's willing to read Atlas Shrugged.
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    • Posted by $ Suzanne43 5 years, 7 months ago
      Wow, that's wonderful! You need to go into every high school in the country and give your talk. Of course, you would have to get past the liberal teachers and administrators first.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 5 years, 7 months ago
    When I read her plan, I immediately thought about what Mr. Thompson said just before he introduced John Galt to the world. He said (paraphrased, of course) that the John Galt plan would lower taxes and provide more governmental services, it would increase wages while lowering prices, etc.

    It was funny to hear AOC backtrack a comment 12 hours after she made it regarding governmental role in her plan.

    Thursday morning, she told NPR that it does involve "massive government intervention". But later in the day, on MSNBC, she called the rumor that it would involve a massive government intervention a "mischaracterization".

    And Kimberly Strassel slams the plan beautifully, saying

    “By the end of the Green New Deal resolution (and accompanying fact sheet) I was laughing so hard I nearly cried...if a bunch of GOPers plotted to forge a fake Democratic bill showing how bonkers the party is, they could not have done a better job. It is beautiful.”
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    • Posted by 5 years, 7 months ago
      That was my thought when I created this topic.

      The looter named their plan, “The John Galt Plan.“ There were a number of promises, such as,
      “It will give more freedom to the individual and strengthen the bonds of collective obligations.”
      -from Atlas Shrugged
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    • Posted by exceller 5 years, 7 months ago
      "it would increase wages while lowering prices"

      Yes, that is the logic of the looting left.

      EVERYTHING this woman dragged up in her unlimited and unhindered-by-facts "vision" can be characterized by the same idea.

      As a simple exercise, Cortez should play with a scale, balance it out with equal weights on both sides, then gradually take weight off of one side and add it to the other. Would she be wondering why the scale would lean heavily to one side, in this case the deficit site?

      It is an enigma what was she studying in her economic class and how did she graduate cum laude?
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 7 months ago
    Total and complete insanity. Now, read it carefully and compare it to most communist manifestos, they all promise the same things, the same way, in the same generalities. Propaganda designed to entice that 50.1% of the mob to rule the other 49.9%, so that the rulers can then shift gears and rule over the 99.9% with their iron fist. Ayn Rand tried to warn us....
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    • Posted by BrettScott 5 years, 7 months ago
      The 'communist' shoe may drop soon. Dems went from liberals, to progressives, to socialists because people found out their true intent and each label was spoiled. IMHO, they were communists all along, but they're afraid to say the 'C-word' out loud.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 5 years, 7 months ago
        Yep, Bad Ideas MUST BE RENAMED to be accepted.

        - Communism
        - Whole Life/Permanent Life Insurance (ie, non-term)
        - Global Warming (Now Climate Change)
        - Comprehensive Immigration Reform (as if creating MORE LAWS that are not enforced will somehow help, it just gives them the INCH they need to get AMNESTY for the ones who came here... REGARDLESS of the fault of their own!)
        - Common Core (being renamed by individual states to hide it)
        - Green/Environmentalism (When people realized Environmentalists were ANTI-HUMANIST, the gig was up, they renamed it)

        The left gets 3 Benefits:
        - NEVER having to admit they were wrong (via controlling the media)
        - Continuous Attacks against anyone challenging them (Deniers, I tell you. Climate Deniers, Truthers, Birthers)
        - The appearance of being in alignment with the majority.. (again, because of the media)
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      • Posted by mccannon01 5 years, 7 months ago
        Agreed, BrettScott. IMHO, the Democrat party began morphing into a full fledged Communist party decades ago. It's now entering the advanced stages of the disease. Pox are popping up all over now.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 5 years, 7 months ago
    When even Nancy Pelosi labels this as a "green dream" you know this is going nowhere. I suspect that the party establishment is willing to tolerate the children in their sandbox, but not to the point that they jeopardize the hard-won seats in districts where Trump won the 2016 election.

    Joe Biden has been playing it smart, and may be the likely winner of the Democrat primaries for the 2020 election. He's embraced none of the socialist ideas that are in vogue with every Democrat presidential wannabe so far. If he chooses not to run, the party should panic, because either Howard Schultz or Michael Bloomberg will run as an independent, with classic liberal policies, and will drain the votes of traditional liberal Democrat voters, to the benefit of a second Trump term.
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    • Posted by term2 5 years, 7 months ago
      O'Rourke is going to be the candidate in 2020. Biden is just a remake of Carter and wont be very interesting as a candidate. Who is Schultz anyway. Bloomberg is just an idiot from new york. O'Rourke is being kept in a closet while the first contenders battle it out in 2019, and he comes in on a white horse in 2020 and takes the democratic nomination with his charm and youth.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 5 years, 7 months ago
        Have you listened to any of his interviews? He's incomprehensible, rambling, and makes no sense. Maybe he's another Obama, who reads teleprompter speeches well. He's a tyro, and Hillary will eat him alive. I still think she'll run again, waiting as the idiot wannabe socialists flame out early.
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        • Posted by term2 5 years, 7 months ago
          Hillary wont run again I predict. She wont get contributions from the dem supporters. They want a fresh face. She lost too many times to unknown people who sprang in at the last minute. Thats my take anyway.

          I think the dems are priming O'Rourke. Texas Senate race was a trial baloon with 86 million invested to see how he did. He got a lot of millenians and he talks like a white version of a black preacher. I think they are keeping him with a low profile until 2020 when he will spring out and take over. I could see him with Harris as the VP pick to cover the black woman vote.
          I havent listened to any real policies he is advocating. I would imagine its un-thought-out garbage at this point (not as bad as AOC who wants to end air travel- amazing how accurate AR was in Atlas Shrugged to predict whats going to happen with socialism
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          • Posted by DrZarkov99 5 years, 7 months ago
            Not only is O'Rourke a socialist, he isn't competent enough to explain his policies. Compared to O'Rourke, Dubya was a great orator. The Dems spent more than ten times the amount Cruz did, and O'Rourke still lost. Not all voters are as stupid as the ones who voted for O'Rourke.
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            • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 7 months ago
              Thanks for your remarks about O'Rourke. I thought it was just me and I was prejudiced because I like Ted Cruz. But I was puzzled why some intelligent Democrats (known to me) were supporting this poor dumb person who couldn't even talk!
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              • Posted by DrZarkov99 5 years, 7 months ago
                What's really unnerving is that his speeches are nothing but progressive gibberish, without a grain of fact or logic, but progressive voters think he's just too wise for the rest of us to understand him. It's the same inane process that has these idiots proclaiming how AOC is so brilliant for her statements like "We need to invent technology that hasn't been invented yet" when asked about how her "Green New Deal" was going to be done.
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                • Posted by 5 years, 7 months ago
                  All we need to do is invent a replicator, and a transporter, like they have on Star Trek. Warp drive and holodecks would also be nice.

                  When you wish upon a star...
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            • Posted by term2 5 years, 7 months ago
              I think you are underestimating the appeal of O'rourke. He damn near unseated Cruz, which is a major thing for an unknown. The dems will put a lot of $$ behind O'Rourke and he has a good year to become more polished. After all, Obama came from the shadows to win the presidency and he knew relatively nothing and was a complete liar in what he said.
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              • Posted by DrZarkov99 5 years, 7 months ago
                O'Rourke is being promoted as "the next JFK," despite the fact he has no accomplishments to support that contention. He's an empty suit with no extemporaneous speaking skills, and has at least two strikes against him, being "pale and male." His senator opponents (Harris, Warren, Gillibrand, Sanders, Booker) have more experience at debate, and he would do poorly against them. He has little name recognition, so he wouldn't have the small contributor draw. The question would be if the party couldn't unseat Ted Cruz by spending an enormous sum on O'Rourke, why would it be anxious to spend another enormous sum on him in an attempt to unseat Trump?
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                • Posted by term2 5 years, 7 months ago
                  Obama was a no name allso with no accomplishments. Pocahontas, warren, and booker will fizzle our due to their mean demeanors

                  They have a year to quiet my polish o rourkr.
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                  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 7 months ago
                    They seem to be multiplying! I listed to that new one Ami (whatever) today and she just joined the group with here 'green' ideas. And she didn't once mention the Military or Veterans, to whom we owe so much. Makes me wonder?
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                    • Posted by term2 5 years, 7 months ago
                      I do think that the dems are launching trial balloons to see what stays up at this point. None of the people that are announcing they are candidates will be presidential candidate. Perhaps they will show themselves to be good VP candidates, such as Kamala Harris for her "blackness and womanhood". The rest of the early people running have no chance to do anything except get a job in a democratic administration. I still think O'Rourke will rush in at the appropriate late time to steal the show for dems.
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                      • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 7 months ago
                        I think if you check Article II of the Constitution Ms Harris is not eligible to run for President and that would probably rule out VP. Her parents were not citizens and she therefore is not 'Natural' born. Her parents had not been here in this country the required five years waiting period to be citizens! She is native born and therefore eligible to be a Senator!
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      • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 7 months ago
        If they think Trump isn't qualified to be President, wait until they get a belly-full of Beto! Conjugate the verb (?) Dumb, dumber and dumbest! lol
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        • Posted by term2 5 years, 7 months ago
          I saw a few out takes of W. Talk about a bumbling idiot. But he got elected ! The dens are likely to rally behind o’rourke’s boyish charm. After all the USA president is primarily a front man for the party
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  • Posted by hattrup 5 years, 7 months ago
    They could get all this done much, much faster if they change it from a 10-year plan to just 6 months. And it would be no less realistic either...
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    • Posted by Lucky 5 years, 7 months ago
      I like that. The progressives/regressives admire Venezuela, no need to stop at admiration, they can imitate. How long did Maduro take? The economy was bad when he took over from Chavez, now people are starving.
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  • Posted by 5 years, 7 months ago
    The socialists are itching to take over the country by force.

    "Today is the day that we truly embark on a comprehensive agenda of economic, social and racial justice in the United States of America," AOC said alongside Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., and other lawmakers outside the Capitol. "That's what this agenda is all about."
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  • Posted by 5 years, 7 months ago
    AOC Should write a science fiction book promoting her ideas. It should be a story about the people who try to live in her world. It should examine the positive and the negatives of her plans. Then we will see if people will really buy it.

    She has less than 12 years to write it.
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  • Posted by term2 5 years, 7 months ago
    I think the dems are letting AOC float the worst of socialism so that they can parade O'Rourke out next year as a "moderate" with only some of this socialist nonsense.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 5 years, 7 months ago
    AOC is a dangerously vapid dunce completely lacking in self-awareness. Of course this is not her plan; it was a script handed to her ... "just read this kid." These progressive / socialist nit-wits are a gaggle of insolent toddlers with guns. I truly believe that their front line consists of people that literally lack the wet-ware capable of thinking. They are a sad collection of sock puppets puffed up on the hot air provided by their handlers. That such people exist is not surprising. It is sad, however, to see how so many lemmings just follow along in tow in support of the party line, no matter its level of absurdity.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 5 years, 7 months ago
    I hope they have a call in for Mary Poppins, Peter Pan, The Good Witch of the North, Santa Clause, and the tooth fairy to help them pull this off.

    Oh, I left out the Easter Bunny, Bambi, and a few others. My bad.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 7 months ago
    Oh, lets not stop here, she had to remove the document she released only hours earlier, because of the huge backlash to her stupidity, but this one survived: "cow farts":
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    • Posted by mccannon01 5 years, 7 months ago
      LOL! I could never get a good grip on this since "mother earth" had dealt with this problem in the past without so much as a blink. That is, there used to be millions of buffalo (American bison to the purists), elk, and other animals pooping and farting all over North America. Oh wait... along came the white man, slaughtered the great herds, and SAVED THE PLANET!
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 5 years, 7 months ago
    Is the Democrat Party imploding? I don't think so. I think that they think that there will be no consequences for their use of force, and are going right for our jugular.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 5 years, 7 months ago
    AOC isn't a very intelligent person. I'm surprised she even got elected. I would love to debate her even though I'm just a private citizen. She would probably decline in fear the someone would wish to destroy her GND. Why hasn't anyone has called her out on GND. There is a lot of media attention but no one has challenged her. This is very disappointing, way back in college I debated other students and found it very rewarding. I guess the AOC would stick her fingers in her ears saying; La,La,La!
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    • Posted by 5 years, 7 months ago
      People like her refuse to debate. They demand a safe space where they can talk about their morally superior plans for domination, and how bad everything is.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 5 years, 7 months ago
      "I'm surprised she even got elected." Why? Isn't it obvious that the electorate of her district has been brainwashed for decades to vote "D" or PC identity politic? Compared to "cute Hispanic female" any rational thought shrinks to complete insignificance. She doesn't even need to know how to spell "socialism" no less know what it is.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 5 years, 7 months ago
    One burp from the sun and all those worthless infurstructure changes goes down the drain and we will have to retreat back to the caves.

    Progressive, marxist platform:

    At first I thought this was funny...then I realized the awful truth of it.

    Tax his land,
    Tax his bed,
    Tax the table
    At which he's fed.

    Tax his tractor,
    Tax his mule,
    Teach him taxes
    Are the rule

    Tax his work,
    Tax his pay,
    He works for peanuts

    Tax his cow,
    Tax his goat,
    Tax his pants,
    Tax his coat.

    Tax his ties,
    Tax his shirt,
    Tax his work,
    Tax his dirt.

    Tax his tobacco,
    Tax his drink,
    Tax him if he
    Tries to think.

    Tax his cigars,
    Tax his beers,
    If he cries
    Tax his tears.

    Tax his car,
    Tax his gas,
    Find other ways
    To tax his ass.

    Tax all he has
    Then let him know
    That you won't be done
    Till he has no dough.

    When he screams and hollers,
    Then tax him some more,
    Tax him till
    He's good and sore.

    Then tax his coffin,
    Tax his grave,
    Tax the sod in
    Which he's laid.

    Put these words
    Upon his tomb,
    "Taxes drove me to my doom..."

    When he's gone,
    Do not relax,
    Its time to apply
    The inheritance tax.

    Accounts Receivable Tax
    Building Permit Tax
    CDL license Tax
    Cigarette Tax
    Corporate Income Tax
    Dog License Tax
    Excise Taxes
    Federal Income Tax
    Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
    Fishing License Tax
    Food License Tax
    Fuel Permit Tax
    Gasoline Tax (44.75 cents per gallon)
    Gross Receipts Tax
    Hunting License Tax
    Inheritance Tax
    Inventory Tax
    IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
    Liquor Tax
    Luxury Taxes
    Marriage License Tax
    Medicare Tax
    Personal Property Tax
    Property Tax
    Real Estate Tax
    Service Charge Tax
    Social Security Tax
    Road Usage Tax
    Sales Tax
    Recreational Vehicle Tax
    School Tax
    State Income Tax
    State Unemployment Tax (SUTA) Telephone Federal Excise Tax
    Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
    Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
    Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
    Telephone Recurring & Non-recurring Charges Tax
    Telephone State and Local Tax
    Telephone Usage Charge Tax
    Utility Taxes
    Vehicle License Registration Tax
    Vehicle Sales Tax
    Watercraft Registration Tax
    Well Permit Tax
    Workers Compensation Tax


    Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.

    We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

    What in the hell happened? Can you spell "politicians?"

    And I still have to "press 1" for English!?
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 5 years, 7 months ago
    I've heard some of it on the radio. It is absolutely outrageous. There was a time when it would not have even been uttered (in public); when even people who might have been planning it would have denied it, and accused people of making it up. But why now? Because people's ideas of right and justice have been distorted until they no longer believe in right or justice.It seems to me that this is another result of the philosophy that people have been taught in college, the notion that "there are no absolutes" (including rights of man which should be inviolable), and the desire to destroy what is left of free enterprise. Can we fight it? At this point? We have to do the best we can.
    I think that if this country is to be saved, the home-school movement will be instrumental.
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