The Racist, Homophobic Attack on Jussie Smollett Is America's Endgame

Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 11 months ago to Culture
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This is a beautiful tribute to the art of propaganda, aka "Fake News". Not many facts, what facts there are are skewed, and the political diatribe is throughout the pieces with lots, and lots of unfounded, not factual assertions such as "Whiteness in 21st century America has an endgame, and it is this: to divest itself from the shame of its power, while working to revive the fear it needs in which to thrive." Is that not racist? Does it not accuse all white people. Does it not perpetuate the stereotypes they so claim to hate? This is the "Left" or "Democrats" or "Deep State". This is what they want. They want us divided, they want us separated, because divided we are weak, and they can continue their moves to take over. They have penetrated far, able to try to stop protecting our borders, so they can continue to reap their profits from drugs and human trafficking, as well as fill the country with illegal people who then get drivers licenses and get automatically registered (notice that is only in predominantly demoncratic states?) This is their weapon, manipulate laws, manipulate stories. The real truth is this guy is an incompetent con artist who faked a racists incident, tried to blame Trump and Trump supporters, is still trying it, and is a criminal. He needs to go to jail. He is a felon. Period. No racism, no MAGA hats, no runs, plenty of errors.

These are the tools the looters use to manipulate and build the dysfunctional mess of Atlas Shrugged. This is one of their tools, and the more it is purveyed (this article was 6 hours old at the time of posting, and is completely, utterly fake), the more they try to sway public opinion. Why? Why go to the extent? What is the agenda?

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  • Posted by Solver 5 years, 11 months ago
    It is amazing the amount of these bigoted expendable political activists that are programmed by today’s liberal colleges and universities. But they start pushing their ideology on the very young and vulnerable, in the elementary schools.

    These political activists of leftist ideology, who create all these false accusations, are immediately praised as virtuous heroes, true victims of the oppressors, unless they get caught. At which point they become like a wounded animal being torn apart by their own tribe.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
      Go back to my post on Norman Todd and watch it (or read the minutes I posted the link to) and you wil see how this is all related. The deep state has been going since 1900 or so and it is all part of that plan.
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  • Posted by exceller 5 years, 11 months ago
    "The real truth is this guy is an incompetent con artist who faked a racists incident, tried to blame Trump and Trump supporters, is still trying it, and is a criminal. "


    GQ is still not admitting it. How is it "America's endgame" what this con man did?
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