'Suppression,' Debunked: Study Concludes Voter ID Laws Do Not Depress Voter Turnout

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 11 months ago to Politics
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Asking somebody for an ID is so common in todays America that most don't think anything about it. To cash a ched you must show ID, to get a drivers license most states require multiple IDs. Here in New Jersey I've never been asked to show ID when I vote and I vote every election. Also, in all my rears of voting I've never seen anyone asked for an ID and I've voted in Georgia, Fla and Virginia as well as midwestern states. This stody makes it clear what most people know instinctively. Suppression c, if it exists, has other sources such as (IMHO) news reports of suppression causing some voters to stay home or like in the Bush 43 first election, saying Fla had gone to Gore when the panhandle was still voting.
SOURCE URL: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2019/02/13/suppression-debunked-study-concludes-voter-id-laws-dont-decrease-voter-turnout-n2541344

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 11 months ago
    I looked up 'voter suppression'. I really didn't know what it was. I was an Election Judge in my Precinct for 9 years. I knew most of my voters and the ones I didn't know, if they didn't have proper ID, I allowed them to vote by signing an Affidavit. Their crime, not mine!
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