Obama was Successful, not a Failure
Please bear with me as I explain myself.
Obama's stated goal was to "Fundamentally chang America" Now consider what he accomplished.
1. Millions more on Food Stamps,
2. Millions more in poverty
3. Accumulation of more debt than all previous Presidents
4. Drastic reductions in our military
5. Dramatic reduction in world respect for the USA
6 Mandatory purchase of health insurance or payment of increased taxes (Individual Mandate)
Taken together all of these things and many more, large and small changed the USA and to my mind not in a good way. These are all fundamental changes to the American Way. so given his goal of making a fundamental change to America, he had a great deal of success.
If Hillary had won, the downward spiral would have continued.
So don't say he did not achieve his goals, he most certainly did. It is just the fundamental change he wanted and stated he would work for was not what most Americans thought it was or would be.
Obama's stated goal was to "Fundamentally chang America" Now consider what he accomplished.
1. Millions more on Food Stamps,
2. Millions more in poverty
3. Accumulation of more debt than all previous Presidents
4. Drastic reductions in our military
5. Dramatic reduction in world respect for the USA
6 Mandatory purchase of health insurance or payment of increased taxes (Individual Mandate)
Taken together all of these things and many more, large and small changed the USA and to my mind not in a good way. These are all fundamental changes to the American Way. so given his goal of making a fundamental change to America, he had a great deal of success.
If Hillary had won, the downward spiral would have continued.
So don't say he did not achieve his goals, he most certainly did. It is just the fundamental change he wanted and stated he would work for was not what most Americans thought it was or would be.
Then that Liar-In-Chief denied that he did it.
Yikes! Just got back for thinking to fetch proof.
Obunmer bowed more times than I saw~
Here is the best of the bunch~
The mythology behind this effort was a fantasy that had a goal of a peaceful world where all were equal and free from conflict. Resources would be redistributed globally so none would experience desolation. The problem with this world view is its incredible naivete, believing that the world's predator nations and forces would lie down with the sheep in peace. China, Russia, and violent Muslims would never have followed that path, simply waiting until the globalists had sufficiently pacified the rest into a vulnerable food supply.
Fortunately, there is still amount of self preservation drive in humanity to not let this happen. In America, Trump sensed this rising tide of resistance and rode it to the White House, while the Yellow Jackets in France demonstrated European resolve. Nationalism is spreading, with the rise of conservatism across continents, and it may be the common element that preserves freedom.
The other thing Obama accomplished was creating a huge ever-widening divide in America's race relations!
The short version was simple:
Obama: "Will you tell your forces to take arms against Americans who will not listen?"
General: "No Way!"
Obama: "You're Fired!"
Your title should have been "Obama accomplished his goals", but that by definition is not success. Success only by his terms.
In general, to be successful you have to do something with redeeming value to the country or citizenry.
There was no redeeming value in anything Hussein has done. The goals were his own, to glorify his presidency and built his legacy. The country did not ask for them and their implementation has done tremendous damage.
You should change your title.
"1. Millions more on Food Stamps,
2. Millions more in poverty"
I suspect these are false because the economy was doing great while he was president (it continued to this day after he left). To the extent the poor didn't participate in the growth, it's not the president's fault. I also don't give him credit for the economy being good and the stock market tripling.
"3. Accumulation of more debt than all previous Presidents"
When he took office borrowing was nearly $1 trillion b/c of the recession. It gradually decreased the whole time he was in office to $400M. Amazingly, while the economy was still expanding, President Trump and Congress managed to get it back near $1 trillion in just a year. Amazing. They do deserve blame for that. Their tax cut was great, but they raised spending instead of cutting it.
"4. Drastic reductions in our military"
It didn't happen, but I wish it had. I want to be as close as we can get to having a well-organized minuteman militia made of citizens with their own weapons. I know we'd still need missile defense and some standing army. I also know I'm in the minority. President Obama could not have cut the military enough or my liking.
"5. Dramatic reduction in world respect for the USA"
This is a subjective opinion that I don't see as remotely true in any of my travels.
"6 Mandatory purchase of health insurance or payment of increased taxes (Individual Mandate)"
It turned out to be not as good as I thought, but I still generally agree with the idea of not having people be free-riders. People need to have money for their medicine, insurance, or we have to be willing not to use gov't money to help people who didn't buy insurance--free riders. Mandatory insurance of some sort makes a lot of sense to me.
None of this does anything to reduce the cost and intrusiveness of gov't. That is ever increasing, apparently without any regard for who's president. Separate from my desire to limit the power of the executive branch and the strength of the central gov't, I want to see more people like President Obama in office. Even if the deficit only went back to $400M, that's more than in half. We need people like him now more than ever.