A good 10 minute video of just how the lamestream media is a tool of the looters. How they try to manipulate and lie, and make the narrative their way. They got caught, really bad this time. Also, ask yourself how did CNN happen to have a news team at Roger Stones house at 6am when he was arrested. Is this advertised and tickets sold now when the FBI does this?
SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgTI7yiBW6M
Passé. An old fashioned concept. You have to ask yourself why?
The end justifies the means.
Its also obvious that the 20+ assault force was designed not to apprehend a criminal, but to make a criminal out of a non criminal .
Apparently they do...
It exposes mindless fools. It also allows for truth to be told. Moloch in NY.
But there are times when the hypocrisy of the left is so blatant and completely over the top that I can't stay shut up.
Out of deference to my wife, and not wanting to put her in a position of having to defend me to her friends, family, and co-workers, I have not submitted a Letter to the Editor to our local paper.
This never-to-be-submitted letter is a result of the hypocrisy of the left; here is a condensed version of the letter, taking into account recent developments in New York.
Lefties are adamant that we can't build a wall or protect our borders; remember the pictures and their war cry of how awful it is to "rip a child from a mother's arms"? Well, in New York, it's now legal for a woman to get an abortion right up to the time of the actual birth.
So if I'm reading the left correctly, you can't rip a child from its mother's arms, but it's perfectly okay to rip a child from its mother's womb.
Am I missing something? Just how does a human mind get so twisted and f***ed up that this makes sense?
They scream a cause and then do the opposite!!!
I am sure Podesta will be chowing down afterward.
This should thrill the wild sow who waited so late term to decide her little inconvenience couldn't be put up for adoption.
Gabby Gifford Gun Contro Bill which they believe will pass the house. If the Republican Senators don't get their act together to stop this bill there well could be an uprising by law-abiding citizen firearms owners.
Do not be so quick to condemn people for their religion, it may or may not be a Christian propaganda piece, but t least you would have an idea vs the thousands of lies and propaganda articles and videos delivered daily by the lamestream media under the guise of "news".
The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Good poetry but bad sense.
The enemy of my enemy may be my friend, but may be a worse enemy than the 1st one. Trust, but verify.