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The same goes with the carbon footprint laid by his majesty the esteemed inventor of the internet Al Gore, whose name may have been considered before the name Ygor was assigned to Hollywood's hunchback helper for Dr Frankenstein.
I wouldn't be surprised if Princess Pelosi aka the Nutty Nancy who proclaimed, "Let us pass this bill to see what is in it" will also say "Let them eat cake" should she as Speaker of the Swamp manage to take back Trump's stolen "crumbs," you know, those next to nothings that gave employees pay raises, bonuses and money better spent by the Dem-wit elite on the welfare of moochers in exchange for votes.
A radical lefty woman was interviewed the other day and asked the same question: how the elite left explain their excessive use of private planes, high energy intensive mansions, several cars, etc..
She loftily and arrogantly educated the reporter and us unwashed: it is not the private citizens that will save the world. Oh no Siree! It is corporations whose cap and trade money is orders of magnitude larger (addition by me) than a meager Al Gore or George Soros would even be able to do.
You see? The affluent left like Hussein or the Clintons are allowed all the careless luxury whereby they add to their "carbon footprint" (another idiotic term) without the slightest concern to man-made global warming. They are exempt. It is the little guy who should pay at the gas station such as Macron envisioned. That is where the money is.
Got it?
More CO2 in the air causes global warming - false.
No experiment proves this linkage. There is strong negative evidence such as the failure of millions of radiosonde weather balloons to identify the 'hot-spot' ( an essential outcome of the Greenhouse/CAGW models).
Global warming exists - maybe.
It is likely that temperatures have been increasing (recovering) from after the Little Ice Age (1500 to 1700) and before the industrial revolution started.
Records as well as temperature reconstructions exist. Such records have a N. hemisphere bias, are sparse, and are not or are not correctly adjusted for the urban heat island effect. Worse, well publicized reports used data specifically faked to produce the desired result.
More CO2 is bad -false.
More CO2 is good for plant growth and therefore for all animal life that live from plants - eg humans.
Human exhaled breath has 40,000ppm, experiments have found no proven detriment at 20,000ppm.
The design target for submarines is (?) 20,000ppm, for buildings 1,000ppm.
Too little CO2 is deadly - fact.
At 150ppm and below, all land plants and animals die.
(If you wondered what is behind carbon sequestration).
We are now at about 400 ppm. ppm- parts per million by volume for the above data.
CO2 - Good for Gaia, plants, animals, and even humans.
Vote for more CO2!
Are you suggesting that anyone is arguing that 400ppm could actually be toxic to life? or that too little CO2 would not be harmful? or that higher CO2 could increase plant growth? Those points are obvious to any intelligent person, but also have no connection to climate.
I use Startpage which does not give the number of instances found, hundreds maybe.
Ditto - 'carbon sequestration'.
When you have contacted those responsible for dishonesty, post up again.
You will deserve a point for consistency if not accuracy.
Job: One of mine if non-paid is laughing at the CAGW scam.
Job: Policing the world's dishonesty, who would volunteer for extreme social isolation?
Suggestion to slow the "underlying political agenda": Encourage politicians to fly out to climate change conferences, lengthy and in distant locales. For such impotant work, a resulting slowdown in legislation could be tolerated.
If only their work really was "impotent"
Notice they never mention the rold of the sun in climate, likely know nothing about science or the sun. They never mention the experiments with HAARP, now divided between Alask and Pureto Rico, as well as other versions in russia and Europe. Tehy don't want to talk about anything they cannot pretend to control. They know their CO2 story is a scam.
If it really is getting warmer, the data is suspect, then it will be a net positive for at least a few degrees. Cold is a killer, during times of cold we have famine and pestilence, during times of warm we generally have more prosperity.
Of course, too much of a good thing is bad, but when has the media ever told you that ANY of it is good?
The statistics on cold deaths vs hot deaths (90%+ more people die of cold.)
Look at the age of Viking exploration, the farming on Greenland.
There is a summary on "Why Climate Change is good for the world"
Seriously CircuitGuy, you are the big advocate of Climate change on this site although you admit you don't really know much about it. At the very least personal experience should tell you that cold is more dangerous than heat.