Kamala Harris wants your firearms

Posted by Dobrien 6 years ago to Legislation
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Kamala Harris Wants To Use Extreme Measures To Force Gun Control

Posted at 10:00 am on January 30, 2019 by Tom Knighton

This from a Beeatchwho would not meet an Angel Mom.
Kamala Harris is not someone any of us will mistake for a gun rights proponent. The extremely progressive California politician has made her liberal bonafides apparent for anyone who cares to look. More than that, though, now that she’s announced her intention to run for president, she’s going to make them even more apparent.

Part of that is a discussion of gun control, but she seems to think that emotion should sway the debate. When it doesn’t, though, she has other ideas [empahsis mine]:

Harris shamed Congress for not introducing a bill following a 2011 assassination attempt on Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords was shot in the head and 6 innocent bystanders were fatally shot.Harris slammed Giffords colleagues, saying, “The people who work with her every day, who know her — you know, we have colleagues. We know them. We know their children. We break bread. We share holiday moments with them. The people who knew her didn’t act.”

Senator Harris became even more impassioned while discussing the inaction by congress following the 2012 Sandy Hook elementary school shooting that took the lives of 20 children between the ages 6 and 7. She said, “I think somebody should have required all those members of Congress to go in a room, in a locked room, no press, nobody else, and look at the autopsy photographs of those babies.” She added, “And then you vote your conscience.”Senator Harris’s response resonated with many viewers, with one person tweeting “Truly blown away by the answer that Kamala Harris just gave on gun violence.”

Yeah, it blows me away too, but for a completely different reason.

Harris is here explicitly saying that if you disagree with her, you should be forced to sit and look at autopsy photos of small children until you do. Really? Does she really want to try that? Because I know what the counter will be. “Sure. Let’s do that with abortion.”

I don’t think she’d enjoy that very much, now would she?

Here’s the problem, though. Harris is arguing that her opponents should be punished for not capitulating with the desires of her party. If the Democrats think something is the answer and Republicans disagree, she’s already shown she’s willing to somehow make them do something until they capitulate.

In other words, her answer to disagreement is to use force.

I’m curious where else she would try and use force to make people change their minds. I seem to remember a concept where people would be herded into and shown things until their thinking changed. It wasn’t education, per se, but a kind of…well…reeducation, I suppose. Reeducation camps. Yeah, that’s it.

Is Harris trying to justify herding her opponents into reeducation camps until the grasp the supposed Utopian glory of gun control?

I’d like to believe that Harris’s stomach would turn at the suggestion of such a thing on American soil, but just how far of a leap is it from making lawmakers look at a stimulus to try and change their minds to doing something very similar to ordinary Americans?

To Kamala Harris, please understand that’s a terrifying concept. You need to back the hell off from that line of argument and retract that kind of thing immediately. You need to be very clear about how you wish to do no such thing to Americans, be they members of Congress or anyone else.

No one should be forced to do anything simply because they disagree with Democrats on something.

As it stands, people like you are why people like me have guns and won’t be giving them up any time soon. After all, I’m pretty sure that if people were to get herded into camps, I’d be among the first to be rounded up, but I’ll tell you one thing.

I ain’t going

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years ago
    She wants to abolish private property too....pure marxist.

    Told ya she was a vial prosecutor...now she's looking to Prosecute Humanity.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years ago
      A pure Marxist? Now me dino knows why Kommie Kamala wants to disarm the USA.
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      • Posted by KevinSchwinkendorf 6 years ago
        Too bad for her, we're not giving up our guns. Let's do some math: 100-120 million gun owners among 330 million citizens, who collectively own around 300 million firearms, and (no doubt) billions of rounds of ammo. They are not going to win. Hell, the commercial ammo manufacturers in the USA turn out almost 10 billion rounds of ammo every year (about half of which is .22 rimfire, but that still leaves several billion rounds of centerfire, every year).
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years ago
          That has me dino thinking about all the revenue lost sales would cost the government.
          Oh, and the six guns me dino owns (not to mentions how many guns my two grown sons own) contributes to that collective 300 million firearms.
          Ammo? Got gobs. Getting more soon.
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    • Posted by 6 years ago
      An outgrowth from an ill fated love affair at Berkeley in 68 This is Kamala’s Mommy. Who was Born in India to an Indian Diplomat Rajam Gopalan Hmmmm can you say caste system. Dr. Shyamala Gopalan Harris Scientist, Teacher, Civil Rights Activist and Mother A world-renowned scientist, a mentor, an activist, a mother. Despite her 5-ft stature, hers was a commanding presence. School led her to travel to the U.S. as a teen; forge a career as a brilliant breast cancer researcher; join the Civil Rights Movement; introduce a generation of students of color to careers in science. Why didn’t she leave and go back to the Country of her birth that her diplomatic father championed for? Her Father Donald J Harris is Jamaican he has been a professor in the US since 1967 according to this Jamaican publication. https://www.pressreader.com/
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 6 years ago
    Why doesn't she concern herself with what the people closest to her are doing. During the Democrat forced government shutdown, people didn't receive their food stamps! How about that crazy lady? She is more interested in guns than people having food on their tables? Whose side is she on? Priorities madam!
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years ago
      A perfect example of what Plato wrote about, demonocracies go bad when they become too demoncrapic (paraphrasing)...meaning anything goes... which reminds me of: 0 entropy, when everything just flies apart...nothing to hold it together.
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      • Posted by fosterj717 6 years ago
        Who was it that once said "Republics give way to democracies and democracies to decadence and decline - paraphrased?"

        It certainly seems to be coming true here in the good old US of A. The Democrat party and its "Shock Troops" are well on their way to destroying the Republic and have nicely mapped out how Democracy will only survive a few more short years if they get their way. Their end-game seems to be subjugation and the destruction of the Constitution (especially the first 10 amendments or the Bill of Rights).

        Through their efforts we are being slowing drugged into submission and soon perhaps incarcerated for violating "Political Correctness"!

        When do you think the Politically Correct fascists of the left and right (Neocons) will see the error of their ways? Perhaps they will see the light when they are held to the same standards and expectations that they have designed for the rest of us!

        One really must be careful for what one wishes for because, as you know, sometimes wishes do come true and they turn out to be something we really didn't want after all!
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 6 years ago
    I think this nut is getting too much attention. Who is she to be telling us how to live our lives? Was this what got her elected? How did she get so smart that we must listen to her tripe? Some of us were around during WWII (though very young). That guy named Hitler had the same ideas she is espousing. She can shut it up!
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years ago
    Not surprising, considering she is very much in favor of a police state in all of her policy ideas. When asked about her Medicare for all approach, she was adamant that it would be a criminal act for anyone to purchase private health insurance, or for insurance companies to offer health insurance.

    Our liberties are very much at risk from the dangerous people now in the open about their desire for an authoritarian police state. Harris feels the time is ripe for a candidate who is not "pale, male, and stale" (take that, Joe and Bernie), and is going full socialist (forget the "democratic" crap).
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    • Posted by 6 years ago
      Shining a light on the evil intentions of these nihilistic Kakistocrats is imperative. The brainstream media won’t do it. People need to be unindoctrinated with the Truth.
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  • Posted by fosterj717 6 years ago
    Why should we expect differently, after all, she and Venezuela's Maduro are basically of the same mind aren't they? Like Maduro (and other Socialist/Marxists) she is of two minds, one totally lost and the other out hopelessly looking!

    Only a fool such as Harris (as judged by her illogical actions) would use Venezuela or Cuba as models for what we need in the United States. Starvation and repression are not positives now are they Harris is ready to enforce the same gun confiscation laws that the fascists in Venezuela did hence allowing a corrupt and violent government, run by a dictator to kill and wound his own helpless citizens. America, this is what you can expect if folks like Harris, Ocasio Cortez, Pelosi, Schumer and Elizabeth Warren have their misguided and illogical ways!

    Is that really what Americans want to come to pass in our own country? If that is what the majority is willing to give up by caving to the likes of Kamala Harris and her party along with the rest of the stooges, then we are truly lost as a free and viable people and all should prepare for the coming American Gulag!

    For what its worth.......
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 6 years ago
    After watching Kamala Harris questioning John Kelly, Jess Sessions, and Judge Kavanaugh, I have decided she is anti-male. She is devoted to showing she is superior to these hard-working men and it is her duty to destroy them. I don't understand her attitude other than to say she feels inferior and thinks she is now in a position to show that she can make them look other than they really are. She plays on words. She infers their meanings. I feel somewhat sorry for her that something in her past has made her behave the way she is. She is destructive and not a productive person.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 6 years ago
      After having that affair with the miscreant ex-San Francisco Mayor, Willie Brown, it definitely shows that she had little if any scruples for getting ahead, even if it meant being the love interest of the married Brown. If anything, it shows that her judgement is severely wanting and her judgement (as witnessed by her political beliefs) is also (to be generous), clouded!

      The Democrats it seems are pulling out all stops to find the wackiest and irresponsible candidates for president (at least at this early juncture), perhaps to make the party look as crazy as it can.

      Afterwards and closer to the primaries, they will launch the more moderate candidates that can take Trump on (my guess it will be either Blumberg or the CEO of Starbucks). Both by comparison would look good to the wide swath of under-educated voters who are just smart enough to understand that the party of Pelosi, Clinton and Schumer has painted itself into the corner of idiocy with its veering to the hard-left, even for the American electorate!

      If I was planning the Democrat party strategy, that is exactly the plan I would embrace! For what its worth......
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  • Posted by chad 6 years ago
    I can put my gun down on the table and if no one ever picks it up it will turn into dust before it kills anyone. People do with killing with many kinds of different implements. I think we need to eliminate people! Let's start with the collectivists, socialists, democrats and see how we feel about it when there are only Objectivists left.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 6 years ago
    Yeah, but has Harris seen the examples of "Utopian glory of gun control" around the world? For example, how about the photographs of the piles of skulls and bodies in Cambodia of unarmed people dealing with the Pol Pot leftists?
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  • Posted by 6 years ago
    Angel Mom Maureen Maloney, the vice president of Advocates for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime (AVIAC), says Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA)’s staff threatened to call Capitol Police when Angel Families visited her Senate office in Washington, DC, this month.

    Maloney — whose 23 years-old son, Matthew Denice, was killed in August 2011 by an illegal alien who ran over him while drunk driving without a license — told SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Tonight that the staff of Democrat 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris threatened to call Capitol Police when Angel Families visited the offices of prominent House and Senate Democrats to discuss illegal alien crime.
    “So we went past her office about two weeks ago, we were in D.C. to see … Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer, and Kamala Harris, in front of her office, has a big welcome sign in Spanish that says ‘Dreamers Are Welcome,'” Maloney said.

    MANSOUR: Were you welcome?

    MALONEY: No, in fact, two of the people I was with, they threatened to call Capitol Police on them if they didn’t leave.

    MANSOUR: Kamala Harris’ staff threatened to call the police on you?

    MALONEY: Yes.

    She seems to be a perfect Dem Candidate for 2020 Presidential run.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 6 years ago
      She will run only to make the eventual anointed Dem candidate to appear less loony.
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      • Posted by fosterj717 6 years ago
        Good point.....This is all Democrat Kabuki theater designed to create a candidate that would appeal to the majority in this country. Run these nitwits and get their lunacy out there for the general public to consume. Fill the masses with fear then, when the time is right, put forth the real candidate that will galvanize enough support with which to defeat Trump.

        Perhaps it is time to unmask this cynical party and its machinations. My guess is that they are angling to get Bloomberg as their standard bearer (Oligarch, anti-freedom, anti-gun as in confiscation and with ample money to steal an election).

        However, better than Bloomberg would be Schultz and his billions, liberal but not as virulent (at least in the public persona) as Bloomberg. Watch the game playing by Schumer and Pelosi in setting such a gambit up! The Dems are setting us up for such subterfuge I believe......
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 6 years ago
    It's amazing how crazy the Dimm's have become since they now have a majority in the House of Representatives. I have sent my congressman (a Dimm) an email regarding HR8 bill. I haven't gotten a reply back. I can't believe that the district I'm in voted to reelect a Dimm who hardly campaigned ( who has been in Congress for a number of terms) Unfortunately, the female candidate didn't up her game against her male Dimm rival. The email I sent was very pro-gun and antagonistic against any type of gun control legislation. So, I don't expect to receive a reply back.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 6 years ago
    Kamala has her own set of problems. Although a deep state pawn, she is so flawed as to be worthless. Starting political life as a Willie Brown whore, she will explode the first time the detailed information comes out of her various trysts for positions she did. She has 0 chance of ever getting anything through. They are already scrubbing the internet and trying to clean up all the evidence, but it won't work, anyone with a ounce of common sense has to ask why Willie is brought out of the old folks home with his respirator and artifical heart going to keep him relevant, to announce that "Yea we dated (had an affair), and yea, I got her jobs for sex (so what?)". It wopn't work, she is toast.



    They thought they could take Trump down on nasty comments and alleged affairs, the deep state is running all kinds of variations to see what will work with their base, can a whore who was doing a married man make it? No? Dump, rinse and refill....

    If they ever pass their insane laws at the state level (and you must notice the odd push for abortion up until birth laws being passed, it's no accident. Gun laws are being passed too, but mainstream knows if they let people know they will get all riled up, so they don't) , just use the Hillary defense " I don't know what guns or illegal big magazines you are talking about Mr. StormTrooper, they all fell out of the canoe that sank on the lake when it rolled over. What lake? I can't recall. When? Oh sometime a year, maybe 2 or 3 ago.... Nope, no guns here....hee hee...snigger...

    They have no hope of ever enslaving us, they can fantasize, but they never will.
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    • Posted by exceller 6 years ago
      Interesting fact: Harris has been married to Douglas Emhoff, her previous boyfriend (one of them) since 2014.

      When you do a search on him, it is all BS, listing only his BD and what a great attorney he is suing banks!

      He has not released the name of his parents and nothing is public about his personal life other than he is divorced with two children

      What is there to hide?
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    • Posted by 6 years ago
      Thanks Nickursis. It is funny how little digging it takes to uncover these fraudulent looters true character.
      “I’m sitting here, I’m trying to figure out what’s the difference between Stormy Daniels and Kamala Harris? Well, I mean, stop and think about it. What is the real difference?” conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh said. He added that it was unlikely to matter to Democrat primary voters.

      “Just as the media began telling us that ‘everyone lies’ and ‘lying is healthy and human’ during Bill Clinton's sexual scandal, we can expect the media to begin informing us ‘Actually, sleeping with your married boss for what basically amounts to a monetary payoff is very empowering’ and suchlike,”
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  • Posted by dnr 6 years ago
    I think the point should be that no matter how repugnant her idea are they are unlikely to go anywhere. She is so far into the left that most people will resists and discount her ideas.
    I am wanting to remember that this forum is neither Democratic nor Republican, but Objectivism.. Neither of the major parties comes even close to our principles. We should be condemning Trumps actions as much as Nancy's socialistic actions. Neither adheres to the Objectivism philosophy and they are both equally incorrect. This forum should be neutral re the two parties in power. They are both very, very far away from the basis principles to which Ayn would agree.
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    • Posted by 6 years ago
      This is about life and death it is an “Uncivil War”. Your approach to only support an objectivist President, will result in you sitting back and watching the implosion. I hope you aren’t hit with any shrapnel.
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    • Posted by exceller 6 years ago
      Your idea of sitting back and relish your Objectivist inclinations has no merit in life.

      If you are unable to see the life and death struggle between the sides and keep clinging to your esoteric dream of an objectivist president, then you are ignoring reality in favor of an unrealistic idea while the country perish.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years ago
      "[Both political parts are] very, very far away from the basis principles to which Ayn would agree"
      I see them as similar in their dividing people into groups and accepting using gov't force to help favored groups. I am concerned one day someone will unit Democrat and Republican impulses and become very dangerous.
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      • Posted by 6 years ago
        That is what had happened for the last three decades. Ever heard of a RINO. An example would be the fraud from Wisconsin Ryan. Another recently elected Sen Romney As another example.
        Good by Sen Noname and Flake see you later Corker. BTW nobody divided a country more than your Hussein.
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  • Posted by exceller 6 years ago
    Dobrien, you hit the nail on the head.

    As I was reading these lines, I came to the same conclusion: would this witch be willing to look at the autopsy of the babies killed just after birth, thanks to the latest glory of the left's efforts to turn abortion into a mass murder tool?

    As for forcing people to do what Harris wants to change their minds, remember the Albright threat "There is a special place in hell for women"....who don't vote for H Clinton? It is the same tactic, brutal and inhuman.

    And these people have the nerve to talk about "democracy". They never knew what the term stands for.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 6 years ago
      What I find most interesting is the fact that the Progressive Left embraces so many of Nazis Germany's core beliefs, especially about human life and genetics.

      Hitler (as all should be aware) embraced the works of Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood founder and Eugenicist) and the American Eugenics movement. Hitler even credited her and her ilk with his emerging views on genetics, racial purity and weeding out the inferior human conditions and races. This set the stage for his "Final Solution" and the elimination of the "defective" and racially impure.

      Sanger and her "fellow travelers" developed t5he same belief structure soon to be embraced by Hitler the Nazis! This becomes a bit problematic in reconciling the Democrat mantra of caring for people and doing things "for the children", especially when they can kill the children without conscience. Also, creating corrosive dependencies on government by enabling a mindset that hardens people to the fact that they are taking human life with little regard, especially now when we are talking about aborting children after live birth.

      Doesn't this represent just how far we have fallen as a society once predicated on a set of higher values, even with the warts and growing pains?

      Kamala Harris is rapidly becoming a cartoon character or a sad punchline representative of what California has become. She is emblematic of all that is wrong with society even in her own personal life. Her mindset seems to be emblematic of the growing permissiveness of a society in steep decline! It now forever links Americans (at least those of a more radical and "progressive" bent) with that which we have fought and shed blood to eliminate from the human condition. Both Nazis Germany and its brother, Communism had the same disdain for human life and dignity.

      What can she and the "leaders" of her party possibly be thinking? Especially the Governor of Virginia and the morons who submitted and co-sponsored such dehumanizing legislation designed to recreate the same Nazis mindset here!

      Perhaps those who push this stuff are really part of a very active and virulent 4th Reich or resurgent Communist movement and, it is hidden right in plain site in the Blue states........
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      • Posted by exceller 6 years ago
        The problem I see is that the right and the GOP is not confronting them on this.

        The left has always been more "efficient" in smear, innuendo and racial attacks than the right could ever get even close to.

        Do we see the right marching on the streets terrorizing representatives of the left as they are common on the left against the right? No.

        The left is well aware of this and uses it without any moral hindrance, soliciting the approval of the sheeple in the process.

        That is the problem.
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      • Posted by 6 years ago
        Thanks for the history of Sanger and Hitlers final solution. The Bush Family were NAZI enablers. Up until Trump the Executive branch has been dominated by them. To add more historical content “Operation Paperclip” brought 2500 top Nazi’s aprx 700 went to form NASA. Many more to the CIA. The 4th Reich indeed.
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        • Posted by fosterj717 6 years ago
          You are correct in naming others that were Nazis supporters however your numbers were way off regarding the Nazis/German scientists, engineers and doctors that came over as part of Operation Paperclip. The total number exceeded 12,000. Of which, about 1400 were involved in NASA/Army related rocketry and missile development and ultimately became the core of NASA's scientists and engineers that led us to the moon and beyond. Of course Warner Von Braun being the most well known of that group.
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  • Posted by exceller 6 years ago
    Harris is extreme left.

    And so are the other Dem "candidates".

    They will try to outdo each other in promising extreme measures, which is good b/c they'll alienate the majority of voters.

    Just saw that Clinton still did not have enough and considers a run. Will she bring up the mantra again that she is the only "qualified" candidate? I am sure Hussein will endorse her again.
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