Prices rise as the minimum wage increases in several states
Now this is about as simple as it gets, in describing capitalism, and the effect the looters have on producers. Raise your costs, raise your prices. So, the minimum wage is actually used to continue to loot everyone, as we all have t pitch in to pay artificial increases in goods and services. Value and competition are...uh...not needed...
When they get there they can't find a job because the businesses was the headlines and moved to one of the 21 states with low minimum wages.
Sales of tents for the homeless do increase temporarily, while revenues decline and welfare costs go up in the states with higher minimum wage laws - enslaving the unskilled as was planned by the socialists in power. Just another way socialist looters betray the people they claim to serve, since they also push for more illegal immigrant unskilled labor to take the few remaining jobs (and to provide more illegal votes for socialists.)
If we stopped deficit spending and government borrowing, this wouldnt the problem that it is. Prices are not going up; the value of the dollar is going down
Repeal the 16th amendment and shut down the federal reserve banking cartel that creates money for their own advantage.
My impression is politicians always fight about minimum wage, but they always keep it near the market price for unskilled labor, so it never has too much effect. The small effect it does have creates surplus supply of labor, which means more people wanting min wage jobs than can find them. But if they really raised min wage well above the market price, employers and employees would find sneaky ways to cheat the rule, just as people find ways around laws against sex and drug trade.
Labor unions and racism. The Democrats had a political based they pandered to which didn't want competition from cheap labor sources like blacks and immigrants. The minimum wage was a way to appease their base and persecute a group of people whom the Democrats thought were morally inferior anyway. It's been their history since Andrew Jackson.
Here is proof sheeple have no clue about how deep state efforts to destabilize the economy impact them. Offer them wonderful increases, and see jobs disappear, or get cut back, and they are "dismayed". Do you think this is being done by people with a realinterest in seeing the economy grow?
Gee jumpin' Jupiters!
Whut coulda made dat happen?
Oh, ah know! Ah know!
It has ter be Trump's fault!
Dat's it! Wuz Trump dat do dat.
Yeah, cuz he's a racist.
Dump Trump! Dump Trump!
A-huck! A-huck!