The White House Hopes You Were Too Busy Shopping to Hear About Its Horrifying Climate Change Report
Classic deep state.A whole bunch of bureaucrats get together and throw around all these unverifiable figures, and say the world is ending, while they are rescuing seat turtles from freezing waters, and the country from midwest to east is under unusually early snow, all courtesy of the Grand Solar Minimum, which history says is going to kill a boatload more people than their fantasy. History doesn't lie, deep state does....
Even the IPCC said with respect to the UK in 2007: " Annual heat-related deaths increase from 798 in 1990s to 2,793 in 2050s and 3,519 in the 2080s under the medium-high scenario. Annual cold-related deaths decrease from 80,313 in 1990s to 60,021 in 2050s and 51,243 in 2080s under the medium-high scenario." Have you ever seen a headline that says "IPCC reports that Global Warming will save 17,000 people annually in the U.K."? Have you ever seen a report that mentioned ANYTHING positive about warming, even though the great periods of expansion and exploration were times of warming.
And, interestingly I found a really interesting study in the Lancet which studied temperature related mortality in a number of countries in different climates. Unsurprisingly, extreme heat and cold are dangerous, as is persistent heat, but the vast majority of the deaths come from persistent cold.
(You will need to cut and paste above, it wont hyper link)
Even the deep state news media can't hide it:
Easy...they are not looking at that site...
SUNSPOTS VANISHING FASTER THAN EXPECTED: Sunspots are becoming scarce. Very scarce. So far in 2018 the sun has been blank almost 60% of the time, with whole weeks going by without sunspots. Today's sun, shown here in an image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, is typical of the featureless solar disk:
The fact that sunspots are vanishing comes as no surprise. Forecasters have been saying for years that this would happen as the current solar cycle ("solar cycle 24") comes to an end. The surprise is how fast.
"Solar cycle 24 is declining more quickly than forecast," stated NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center on April 26th.
Yet I did find a rather weird web site that is such a mish mash of stuff that seems to border on the insane, but is so sneaky as to put the "earth is burning up" theory front and center while bemoaning the lack of sunspots. Then on the edge of "aliens are doing it. Almost an amateur attempt to cloud the real issue:
Their name seems to give it away...:)
Also, the dastardly date of doom keeps moving into the future. In my lifetime I've seen doom predictions of 1990 (nope), 2000 (missed it again), 2012 (made a movie about that one), 2020 (not looking good), and the most recent from the failing NYT: 2040 and maybe I'll live long enough to see that one go by as well.
Fat Al is back togrub more money, as he personally cotributes as much as a small city to the problem with his "perks"....
Here is the horses mouth:
Now, their charter seems self serving:
The Global Change Research Act of 1990 mandates that the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) deliver a report to Congress and the President no less than every four years that “1) integrates, evaluates, and interprets the findings of the Program…; 2) analyzes the effects of global change on the natural environment, agriculture, energy production and use, land and water resources, transportation, human health and welfare, human social systems, and biological diversity; and 3) analyzes current trends in global change, both human-induced and natural, and projects major trends for the subsequent 25 to 100 years.”1
So, I am not exactly sure all this is based on cold, hard factual science. Besides, they still didn't explain why the turtles were not told....:)
It makes it look like the WH was to blame for some horrendous crime, as the left always implies.
These days there is no difference between the NYT or the WSJ. The latter has graduated to a new low level.
But posting a title which is what the opposition says/thinks make generate the false impression that the title is true.
Many people don't read the article only the title and they are left with the impression of what the title claims.
The WSJ does that all the time. Their titles are in clash with the contents and despite of getting drubbed every day for it by readers, they keep doing it.
If president Trump would allow clear cutting of federal forest land here in California, it would greatly reduce incidence of these massive forest fires, produce more timber for home construction while making more land available for new homes. What's not to like. To hell with all those libtard tree hugging scientists.
Typical liberals- they cause a problem themselves and then insist that government steal our money to protect the liberals property.
If you want to live in the forest, then accept the danger yourself (not you specifically, preimert1;^) and pay for it yourself when the forest burns down your house. Its like a hurricane hitting coastal homes, or floods on flood plains. When you choose to build your house in a dangerous area, then it's your problem. Don't insist that others pay for your bad decisions.
(Yes, I agree, government agencies are not managing the forests on federal property as well as private owners could. This issue has been exposed for many years by people like Randall O'Toole at Liberty magazine. See Fraud in the Forest -
Search for Fraud in the Forest
folks' beach houses. I really feel sorry for the folks in Paradise who have lived there since 1850 gold rush days.
I'm glad you aren't as dependent on the river as Imperial Valley- where a large portion of the US winter vegetable crop grows, preimert1.
Per these articles SC get 60-65% of its water from the Colorado,
I think CA cut some use from the Colorado in 2003 and will have to cut more if the system drops lower per this article:
"Imperial Irrigation District and other farm districts in southeastern California control roughly 75% of California’s 4.4 million-acre-foot share."
I hope that global cooling starts to build up the snow and the Colorado system recovers and can continue to provide a supply for farmers.