While in office Clinton and Obama both spoke of the need to secure the border. They did not want the chaos of illegal invaders on their watch. They would love to see that chaos on Trump. Proof the Dems do not put the taxpayers first nor the USA. They put their own power and ability to manipulate first, so they can continue to use their jobs to draw in big bucks from deal making and teaming with oligarchs.
That fact needs to be pushed hard by everyone, anyone who cannot fathom how the deep state dems can pass a bill with 57 billion for other countries, and yet cannot come up with 5 billion (or more) to secure the border, needs to ask "why"?
But it won't, she lives in a bubble in a world she just made up plaster of paris...your experience, your facts, your, in real time, observations nor your learned opinions mean anything to her. She has Not the neurons to relate to what you offer.
There is an alternative possibility, Q mentions they have tthe offshore accounts for a bunch of them (where the foriegn aid money goes) and when Trump had his little session may have laid out the evidence and told them to dance his tune "No, No, No", to try to get to the masses they have been lied to by these criminals for 20 years. While everyone is focused on the theater (remember Q says "enjoy the show" and there have been no trials or arrests publicly) this may be the feature. Otherwise it makes no sense at all, as they always have their alternative "give us this" bargaining chip (look back at previous shutdowns, there was always a "we want, they want" and now it is "I want, "NO"") Whats so different?
Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) implied that President Donald Trump’s Tuesday-night Oval Office address resembled Ku Klux Klan “tactics,” further deriding the president’s “audience” as similar to Ku Klux Klan membership...so now deplorables and klan members
https://www.sfgate.com/politics/artic... FISA Declass brings down the house. Trump wanted her in that speaker position for a reason. National popcorn day 1/19 . I recommend buying it in bulk in the organic section. Very large puffs and low percentage of “old maids”
Funny, "No" didin't work so now we "agree" that border controls are needed, but we still don't offer any solutions, only resistance. We need to keep in mind this issue has been "fixed" several times before, only to never get fixed. Trump isn't stopping until it is really done.
I admire Morgan for putting the truth (at least as he sees it) ahead of partisan resentment. I wasn't sure about the wall at first, but I have come to believe it is the best idea. (I wouldn't mind, however if some deal to give the DACA people a chance at citizenship resulted).
Best example of how a wall works? Check out the one separating Israel from the Gaza strip. Prior to that wall they were seeing nearly daily suicide bombings and attacks. Now the terrorists have resorted to rocket attacks.
One could also point to the efficacy of the Berlin Wall during its time, but that wall was mostly built to keep its own people in - not foreigners out.
Trump should just switch his rhetoric from a physical wall to a set of border monitoring towers. Few could have an issue with this, and it could be more effective.
Something I don't get here...just before the demoncrapic barbarians breached the gates of congress, the house voted to fund the wall. Seems to me, no matter what the barbarians do in the house, the old bill can still go through the senate and get passed?...Right?...or was all that just smoke and mirrors.
FISA Declass brings down the house. Trump wanted her in that speaker position for a reason.
National popcorn day 1/19 . I recommend buying it in bulk in the organic section. Very large puffs and low percentage of “old maids”
He sounded very serious and convincing to the letter.
I was wondering how was it possible for someone to tell the truth and not being destroyed?
Pelosi thinks that by saying "I don't believe your facts". takes care of the issue. It doesn't.
Can hardly wait the left to fold on the "wall" issue. There is no other way.
I wasn't sure about the wall at first, but I have come to believe it is the best idea. (I wouldn't mind, however if some deal to give the DACA people a chance at citizenship resulted).
One could also point to the efficacy of the Berlin Wall during its time, but that wall was mostly built to keep its own people in - not foreigners out.
Trump should just switch his rhetoric from a physical wall to a set of border monitoring towers. Few could have an issue with this, and it could be more effective.