Starting medications to help curb dementia.. I have decided to participate less in the gulch due to the onset of dementia.. Can't keep word spacing correction, grammar correct, no longer can do crosswords no longer can keep the checking account, as a result I am limiting my contributions to the Gulch. with the possible exception oa rare contribution to an egregious commentt or incident. We'll seehow long the BW can keep me out of a home of soome sort.. Ad Astra Per Aspera. I will, however continue to read the Gulcch and will attempt to respond to any posts directly to me.
The protein ubiquitin attaches to proteins scheduled for degradation to their respective amino acids. A leucine supplement appears to attenuate muscle and nerve wasting, but not restore protein synthesis rates.
Please check ref.
As long as you are able, please, keep posting. The Gulch will not be the same without you.
Me dino can tell I'm getting old too.
To reduce, do not write in the site first but use a word processor to get easy grammar and spelling checks.
Maybe add a standard note: Excuse typos- age and dementia - thanks.
from a million little pieces
you're a pretty human being
yeah you're a pretty human being,
when it all comes crashing down
try to understand your meaning
no one said it would be easy
this living it ain't easy
and you were sewn together
with a tapestry of molecules
a billion baby galaxies
and wide open spaces
and every thing you need is here
everything you fear is here
and it's holding you up
it just keeps holding you up
you came up from the ground
from a million little pieces
you're a pretty human being
yeah you're pretty human being
when it all comes crashing down
try to understand your meaning
no one said it would be easy
this living it ain't easy
The more you speak, write and read, the more you will remember. Try just playing your instrument, and create a new melody each day.
Will pass on any reasonable helpful remedies I run into. Dan. has given you some valuable information. Besides the foods for detoxifying a product called Rene Case...essence tea, with a mix ($11.00) you can brew a batch yourself. My own research finds that the omega 3 fatty acids are critical to your can get that from Whole hemp plant CBD oil with Hemp seed oil as the has many if not all the things you need. Together with the essence should be up and running quantum algorithms in no time...
We, your quantum brothers, are not ready to let you go and will pass on things that will help.
With our love of your friendship, Carl
An excerpt from
Treating Individuals, Not Diseases
George and his wife came to see me because he could no longer manage his business affairs, had become increasingly unable to function at home, and had to withdraw from family and social relationships. He was desperate as he felt himself slipping away.
There is no effective known treatment for dementia. But we do know a lot about what affects brain function and brain aging: our nutrition, inflammation, environmental toxins, stress, exercise, and deficiencies of hormones, vitamins, and omega-3 fats.
It is not just one gene, but the interaction between many genes and the environment that puts someone at risk for a chronic disease such as dementia. And we know that many things affect how our genes function — our diet, vitamins and minerals, toxins, allergens, stress, lack of sleep and exercise, and more.
Even though no long-term studies have been done to look at treating dementia based on genes, there are so many scientific threads that weave together a picture of how and why our brains age and what genes are involved. This leads me back to George …
For this man, whose mind and life were evaporating, I looked deeply into his genes and the biochemistry his genes controlled and found places where we could improve things.
He had a gene called apo E4, which is a high-risk gene for Alzheimer’s disease(ii) and also made it hard for him to lower his cholesterol and detoxify mercury from his brain.(iii) He also had a version of a gene for detoxification of metals and other toxins (glutathione-S-transferase, or GST)(iv) that was very inefficient, making him accumulate more toxins over his lifetime. Having the combination of a problem with GST and apo E4 puts people at even more risk for dementia.(v),(vi) In another study, people with an absent GST gene were likely to have much higher levels of mercury.(vii)
George had another gene called MTHFR(viii) that made him require very high doses of folate to lower his blood levels of homocysteine, which is a substance very toxic to the brain. Lastly, he had a gene called CETP that caused his cholesterol to be high, which contributes to dementia. Combine this gene with the apo E4 gene and your risk of dementia goes way up.(ix)
We found that George had high levels of mercury(x) and helped him detoxify with foods such as kale, watercress, and cilantro, herbs such as milk thistle, nutrients such as selenium and zinc, and medications that helped him overcome his genetic difficulties by getting rid of toxins.
We lowered his cholesterol with diet and herbs. We lowered his homocysteine with high doses of folate and vitamins B6 and B12.
What happened then was impressive …
Or from the WFA
“Based on the state of inertia developing a centrifugal force which is used as a catalyst rather than a catalytic agent, which hastens a chain reaction and remains the same as the condition prior to its inception,”
Hang in there Herb. You are in my thoughts...
making me cry? Me, we, all love you, so straighten
up and fly right!!
Good luck with the meds and keep us all posted as well as you can!
Keep you in my prayers.
Hang in there; you're not alone. I also have known for 15 years that I have the APOE4 genotype.
Hang in there. You're not alone.