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This would have other ramifications. Much of urban California, New York, Oregon and all of Vermont would be emptied out, leaving the capitalists in those states to rebuild. And I wouldn't have to look at Pelosi, Schumer and pencil-neck Schiff on TV.
And our FASCIST Media would carry that story, and hide all other facts. Further convincing people of the "truth" they report.
Unfortunately, the CIA controls way too much!
What we'd see is that in only a few years, those originating from a capitalistic system would be begging to return - just like those caravans which are leaving those South American h___holes.
Seriously, though. I do hope we learned something from the Iraq debacle: mainly that people have to want to fight for their own freedom before we should lift a finger. While we should absolutely support the establishment of freedom, we shouldn't perform more than an advisory role and certainly not a nation-building one.
I understand it is easier said than done but, it would be better if we could get these caravans of immigrants to fight in their own country to make it better and NOT come here and destroy ours.
I don't entirely feel sorry for the people of Venezuela. Most of them voted for what they wanted and they got it. It was volitional.
There is the mass media claim that the US wants to control oil, eg Iraq and Venzuela.
To make that claim is to be ignorant of production statistics. Since large scale fracking became economic there is no global oil shortage and the US is close to (net) self-sufficiency, there are imports as well as exports.
We have a 2,000 year supply available!
Instead of invading, I suspect they're doing something like making contact with top generals, gauging their loyalty to Maduro, and possibly offering ensure army salary and benefits are maintained if Maduro leaves office.
I can understand the impulse to invade, but I think it's wrong.
We followed one private cop, who asked street people, "Do you need any type of homeless outreach services?"
Most say no. "They love the freedom of not having to follow the rules," said the cop.
And San Francisco is generous. It offers street people food stamps, free shelter, train tickets and $70 a month in cash.
"They're always offering resources," one man dressed as Santa told us. "San Francisco's just a good place to hang out."
So every week, new people arrive.
After reading this I wonder....is this a microcosm of the overall immigrant invasion here in this country? Lets be generous and say only half of the immigrants feel this way. That is still enough to cause the MASSIVE problems we are having.
The more we give, the more is DEMANDED. Seems like a classic common liberal affliction.