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  • Posted by Stormi 6 years, 1 month ago
    Let's take it over and make it a new home to all our socialists, but they have to do it on their dime, not ours. Put Pelosi and Cortez in charge, and they will scratch each other's eyes otu, while they inadvertently prove socialism will never work.Meanwhile the US will be greatly improved by their absence. Put Joy of the View in charge of media, and Madonna in charge of entertainment. Gaia will be the state religion. Let's prove it once and for all that these folks have no idea what socialism in reality is like. Let's see what the citizens think, mayb they will kick them all out and take over their own country, instead of coming ot ours.
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    • Posted by bsmith51 6 years, 1 month ago
      We capitalists could take a lesson from the re-education camps that have characterized socialism/communism for nearly a century. So why not designate a place in the world as a re-education camp for America's socialists, a place where they were free to create their own Animal Farm and personally see the fruits of their world view? But would even starvation teach them?

      This would have other ramifications. Much of urban California, New York, Oregon and all of Vermont would be emptied out, leaving the capitalists in those states to rebuild. And I wouldn't have to look at Pelosi, Schumer and pencil-neck Schiff on TV.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 6 years, 1 month ago
        These criminals would setup ONE farm, killing millions in the process, and then paint a wonderful picture of that ONE FARM and say how well it is working.

        And our FASCIST Media would carry that story, and hide all other facts. Further convincing people of the "truth" they report.

        Unfortunately, the CIA controls way too much!
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    • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 1 month ago
      I would honestly love to see this. Let individual nations set up their own systems and the people that want to take part in those systems can go there and participate. I'm all for it!

      What we'd see is that in only a few years, those originating from a capitalistic system would be begging to return - just like those caravans which are leaving those South American h___holes.
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 6 years, 1 month ago
    Yes....lets invade and shoulder the cost of rehabilitating that socialist hellhole. The harder we try to help them the more they will hate us. Let them stew in the socialist hellhole their proletariat created. Yes....American blood and treasure....only to be spent on unicorn hunts to make the libs happy....temporarily until it doesn't go perfectly and they will blame anyone who isn't a Democrat.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 1 month ago
    Because it is just like when we invaded Iraq - its all about the oil! /sarcasm.

    Seriously, though. I do hope we learned something from the Iraq debacle: mainly that people have to want to fight for their own freedom before we should lift a finger. While we should absolutely support the establishment of freedom, we shouldn't perform more than an advisory role and certainly not a nation-building one.
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    • Posted by bobsprinkle 6 years, 1 month ago
      I call attention to your statement...." mainly that people have to want to fight for their own freedom before we should lift a finger"....
      I understand it is easier said than done but, it would be better if we could get these caravans of immigrants to fight in their own country to make it better and NOT come here and destroy ours.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 6 years, 1 month ago
        "...people have to want to fight for their own freedom before we should lift a finger." I believe that is the same stance the French took during the American revolution. Of course there was no Great Welfare State for the disgruntled colonists to run to in 1775. They pretty much had to fight it out or live with what was dished out to them by the British crown. Without a Great Welfare State, running in 1775 would likely land a person or family in worse conditions than most of the colonies.

        I don't entirely feel sorry for the people of Venezuela. Most of them voted for what they wanted and they got it. It was volitional.
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        • Posted by bobsprinkle 6 years, 1 month ago
          I recently read Oreilly's "Killing England." I understand that France did help us. B Franklin spent a lot of time in France "lobbying" for our cause. Even tho the French have a reputation for being kind of snobbish and ornery, we are a lot like the French. Glad they decided to help us back then.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 1 month ago
        I completely agree with that. America is already a great place. What the world needs is more nations like America - not America to feed all the other dysfunctional nations!
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  • Posted by Lucky 6 years, 1 month ago
    There is the mass media claim that the US wants to control oil, eg Iraq and Venzuela.
    To make that claim is to be ignorant of production statistics. Since large scale fracking became economic there is no global oil shortage and the US is close to (net) self-sufficiency, there are imports as well as exports.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 1 month ago
      Hey, I have property in a very active area of Texas and I leased the exploration and drilling rights over a year ago. They don't need to drill there. They just want to keep the other guys from doing it!
      We have a 2,000 year supply available!
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  • Posted by Ben_C 6 years, 1 month ago
    Remember the warning from Eisenhower - beware of the industrial military complex. We have been down this path too many times.
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  • Posted by jimslag 6 years, 1 month ago
    It would be stupid to invade. Over 3 million have left Venezuela but probably only those who live near the border or the wealthy could do that. The poor do not have the resources to make the trek. Do what we have been doing, provide resources and healthcare to the people who left. Help the neighboring countries who are accepting the immigrants. Keep the economic sanctions in place and try to keep Maduro from plundering the country. It used to be a Gem of South America, now it is a Socialistic hell-hole. I feel sorry for the people, not the political elite. That seems to way we are heading, political elite think we need a nanny government, but we need individual liberty. We need to get government out of our lives. The shutdown hurt 80,000 or so, well, the rest us are 300 million or so who are suffering under regulations and laws that affect us but not those who make the laws (healthcare and pensions for example). Term limits and I believe in 1 and done principle, 1 term and never hold office again, go get a real life. Wonks would do no more than 5 years in government service, except for law enforcement. There are many other points, but are we going to stand by and let the Big Government Party ruin our country and our lives?
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 1 month ago
    The simplistic reason to want to invade Venezuela is to stop the bad guys. It's just like if someone were keeping hostages in a building down the street. I would want to police to arrest the criminals and free the hostages. But it's not that simple with a country. US has a checkered past interfering with Latin American politics and mixed results from even well-intentioned efforts to free other countries.

    Instead of invading, I suspect they're doing something like making contact with top generals, gauging their loyalty to Maduro, and possibly offering ensure army salary and benefits are maintained if Maduro leaves office.

    I can understand the impulse to invade, but I think it's wrong.
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  • Posted by bobsprinkle 6 years, 1 month ago
    Just read an article by John Stossel called Slum By the Bay. He talked about the street people. He was told by a "private cop".....
    We followed one private cop, who asked street people, "Do you need any type of homeless outreach services?"
    Most say no. "They love the freedom of not having to follow the rules," said the cop.
    And San Francisco is generous. It offers street people food stamps, free shelter, train tickets and $70 a month in cash.
    "They're always offering resources," one man dressed as Santa told us. "San Francisco's just a good place to hang out."
    So every week, new people arrive.
    After reading this I this a microcosm of the overall immigrant invasion here in this country? Lets be generous and say only half of the immigrants feel this way. That is still enough to cause the MASSIVE problems we are having.
    The more we give, the more is DEMANDED. Seems like a classic common liberal affliction.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 1 month ago
    More likely, given the usual CIA strategy, is a plan to supply weapons and supplies to "rebel" forces that need support to overthrow the Maduro regime. Influencing some key Venezuelan generals to switch sides is ongoing, I'm sure, as one air force general has turned his back on Maduro. The only rationale for US military force would be if the Maduro regime begins a mass slaughter of opposition.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 6 years, 1 month ago
    I think I've said it here before, but the lesson of history is that people are largely not interested in the lessons of history. Each generation must reinvent its own wheel. So don't expect any new restraint on human emotions and actions here - or anywhere else. But what do I know; I'm just an optimist who talks too much.
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