Oregon prepares to tackle a 'cap and trade' bill
The deep state just does not stop. One wonders where all the looted money goes to from all these "save the whales" taxes, fees and fines. Maybe that is how they finance all their caravans, and buy off elections, and their other programs, because they sure are not saving any whales, global warming, or any other facetious claims...
Sheesh. These people are about as stupid as one can get.
"The Federal Reserve: Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money Ep 4" is one of his better shows. In a scant 30 minutes, the viewer can obtain a comprehensive view of where money comes from, how it works and why it is so very important that the Fed keep its operations secret.
But they are perfectly happy raising the tax on the product so that consumers would pay and be discouraged from using it. Because government isn't trying to make a profit.
In essence they paid the estimated cost of the cleanup as a premium with some extra for risk and profit to the insurance company. In return they got to remove the item from their balance sheet as a potential risk.
I have long believed that the strongest reason for renewable energy and energy independent (e.g. nuclear) is for national security, NOT the environment. This may be a less expensive method than military spending. Taking away the financial lifeblood of these backwards countries with no value to add besides oil is the fastest way to make them irrelevant.
What trees are left will starve from a carbon deficit and the people to a lack of oxygen, not to mention, green backs in their wallet and likely to illegal wet backs as well.
To a whole lot more of facetious claims with nice sounding names.
But that is after the next several elections and the lying statist meddlers will have made their undeserved, unearned fortunes and be enjoying their warm mansions heated with hydrocarbon fuels.
Naturally the Republicans compromise and give away individual liberty and assets of those who are productive. No integrity, no ethics, no conscience, no guilt of their role in destroying American liberty and free market culture that created the prosperity that politicians loot.
I do think that wwe are headed for a civil war, either peaceful or not so peaceful. I, for one, am very tired of the leftists forcing me to do this and that. Its time to revolt , which we did with Trump, but the leftists are hell bent on stopping that train dead in its tracks. I am getting pretty much DONE with collectivism. I think I understand too well Ragnar's position in AS.
Years ago, I was researching a piece of property in the country, about two miles from where I currently live -- both as an investment, and a place to build a home. At any rate, about 50 percent of the property was located at an elevation (part of a hill) that was labeled Public Preserve. I inquired as to the meaning of this zoning designation -- I could not get a clear definition ... something about the land being preserved for the Public Good (yeah, as though lifted from the pages of Atlas Shrugged). Fast forward to just 12 months ago ... the City Planning committee is meeting and I happen to be in attendance. I notice that the green color on the map is gone -- as is the reference to Public Preserve. I then find out that one of the main City Planners had worked to eliminate that designation since it was an unfair burden on the property owners ... essentially being a form of theft (my word, not his). Now my acreage no longer has that horrible green color on the map at the elevation / hill. I can essentially do what I want with it under the current zoning for residential development. Long story short, there are still some people working in government that are really working on behalf of the people ... meaning ... the individual property owners.