Strangely enough. That's exactly what Post Modernist intend on doing...go figure!
What is it about demoncraps that makes them vulnerable to every perverted trend? A. No brain B. Not Conscious C. Just plain stupid D. High on dope or prescription drugs E. All of the above.
I sure don't understand it and I've got a daughter-in-law that always votes "D". I honestly think she is actually just plain ignorant as to the issues and the facts. It's impossible for me to find out as my wife (a definite "R") tells me to leave it alone for family sake, and most of you know how that works. Of course she's right, my wife that is, proven by me as having very few "D" friends anymore. I even asked/told a distant one of them to "get out of my house, your not welcome here anymore". That was right after she yelled at me in my home something about Hilary. I could tolerate them before, but since Obama came on the scene it's just getting unbearable anymore. Anything they say about me is starting to come true, I'm even becoming deplorable....
It IS a war out there, and we need to take sides (From Francisco in AS).
I have no more liberal friends any more. Why waste time or help them anymore. Makes no sense.
Your daughter is probably not ignorant of the facts. She just disregards them in favor of the emotional basis of collectivism. You will never get her to give up the emotion and start thinking. She is an independent being and she has chosen her path- unfortunately. She will have to learn the lessons of collectivism on her own, and accept that your relationship with her has changed. "for family sake" shouldnt mean you have to associate with ALL family. Some of them just arent worth associating with. Life is kind of short and wasting time is not a good idea
I fully agree, mostly. At least she doesn't want to throw in it your face, in fact she refuses to talk about it. She's voting for the wrong Sheriff for our county because she "knows his wife". This guy is a hard/hot head and wants to change everything in the department. His opponent is balanced, and only has a few changes in mind that go along mostly with the retiring sheriff. Her guy actually quit the department at a time when they needed everyone, so he could campaign. With democrats it's all about personal feelings and relationships, it has nothing to do with anything else. I've herd claim that democracy can not last over about 200 years, it will destroy itself from within. I guess the same goes for man, eventually man il probably destroy himself too.
I heard that most civilizations last 250 years before they rot from the inside. I think we are at about that point. We are in terrible debt, are wasting our resources on unsuccessfully being policeman to the world, and bankrupting ourselves with welfare
The end game of letting ones actions be determined by emotions is that reality intervened and makes the only emotions that are left lead to violence. When reason is abandoned, only violence is left
Yep. Even told one of my friends to "get out of my house...". That was back when 0zero was running the first time and I had already perused the book he "wrote". Suspected what was coming if he was elected. And, whadda ya know, 0zero almost fulfilled my expectations. Trump is turning the ship around, almost singlehandedly. And the left is screaming at the sky even more than when he was elected. Luvin' it.
One thing that makes them strong is that they stick together and are singleminded in their attack on their enemies. Far more than people on the right are doing. It IS a war out there, and we better accept it.
Its a lesson for us deplorables. We need to stand up more for what we think is right, and discount the political correctness pressures that are put on us. That is hard to do in an interconnected and sometimes violent society where even Megyn Kelley, Papa John, Bill OReilly and others get slammed for the mere utterance of the word "nigger", "fat chick", or even talk about "black face" (whatever that means...). Its spread to violence for just working for or donating time to Trump
They have a mind and they have emotions. BUT, they choose to act on the emotions only without bothering to think. They use the brain to figure ways to further act on their emotions, which makes them dangerous.
That is exactly what bicamerals did before achieving unicameralism and connected to their mind. Julian Jaynes, The Breakdown of the bicameral brain...(he used mind to mean the same, we know better and seek to be more specific).
Discussing thought with liberals is a useless endeavor. They operate only on emotion and just change the subject if the discussion turns to facts and thinking
That is exactly what I ask or pose in the first few of my first it genetic?...maybe?
The past 6 months my research has taken a different path: Can an otherwise Conscious being with a healthy conscience devolve back into a nonconscious bicameral...short of a physical injury. I feel I have to answer that question so that we all can know what exactly we are dealing with the cultural marxist, postmodernist or the global delete for that it just a matter of psychopathy? or could a conscious being be fooled, programed or coerced that uneasy feelings, no questions, no suspicions or not able to make simple observations?
One thing I could tell you, and you'd know it too...even the threat of death could not separate me from my mind.
Perhaps the separation isn’t experienced that way. Reliance on emotion might be experienced just as an overwhelming pressure to do what feels right at the time. Maybe similar to a serial killer who just feels he needs to kill people
Or, the return of an illusionary voice, a voice one does not recognize, one that is not their own; like Jaynes describes in the lives of Old Testament bicameral man, which would mean the two sides of the brain no longer or never did, cooperate. Jaynes calls that: Schizophrenia.
My canvasing of young folk reveals better than 50% in a 1000 person sample, do not have the voice of self. That is scary...
I will have a feeling about how some idiot is going to cut in front of me far faster than I can think about all the visual clues I have almost unconsciously picked up, and much faster than I could verbalize what the other driver was going to do
That is what the "Sub" conscious always pays attention, recognizes patterns and let's you know...if you chose to act on it. Sometimes one is way too distracted or not trusting of ones self enough to do so.
Nice to know I'm not alone in being able, at times, to predict what the idiot ahead of me is going to do before it happens. The wife and I are constantly amazed how we can predict that action. Its a fun game we play anytime we are in the car.
I dont think its some sort of ESP thing. More likely the identification of behavior patterns we are noticing in the driver ahead, and emotions were designed to take advantage of the identification of these patterns based on previous experience. I think emotions are a survival tactic enabling us to react faster to dangerour things.
Emotions are an immediate and physical response to an external event based on your previous thinking and evaluations. Rational thinking will result in emotions that are very valuable and give immediate warning indications about how you should respond based upon previous experiences and thoughts
God only knows how the leftists have corrupted this very useful and survival based part of our nature
the PC police are going to get you for that.... I think she is just EVIL to the core, but at least she is honest and forthright about what she believes. I have to respect ther because at least she doesnt hide behind some sort of liberal stuff about compassion and such things
She is a nut case, but at least she tells you she is a nut case and not to take her seriously. What bothers me is the people who voted for her. Very scary that those people are alive, let alone voters
I posted before that I saw a video showing her in a trans as she was screaming in front of her "supporters" how to harass and attack republicans, as they were cheering her on. In another one she was telling the audience she was told not to incite for impeachment but that she will double down and will do it again and again, to wild applause.
Yes, the most troubling in this that these people get elected and re-elected over and over. The sheep follow them b/c they sound like speaking their language. There always will be a contingent to whom the Bolsheviks are heros.
I think she hides lots of her hate from the public. If she was completely honest and forthright about what she believes, she would likely be in jail now.
Who knows. Politicians are opportunists. She appeals to her base in whatever hell hole elects her. Politicians are pigs really, and I think she has hatred, but really goes off the deep end to look good to that base of idiots.
Getting rid of any resistance to the liberal agenda is NO 1. That means re-establishing control of political correctness, dividing the resistance, getting rid of Trump as its figurehead, undoing everything and anything that Trump has or will do if they cant get rid of him. And all this by ANY MEANS available. ANYTHING.
It IS a war out there, and we deplorables need to take sides.
It appears the left is preaching what one of the Greek philosophers (I forget which one) taught, that we can't see objective reality. The example was as though we were in a cave, seeing only the shadows of reality, appearing in a different perspective depending on where we stood.
That was Plato’s Cave. But even in Plato’s cave there was objective reality. A stick sticking up from the water, which looks bent, but is not actually bent, does not prove that there is no objective reality. You just need to use reason to discover why the stick “looks” bent. It’s not black magic.
What is the rationale pointing out GOP flaws? We know what they are. Do you think the left's derangement is justified if we juxtapose it with GOP flaws?
I wanted you to clarify the reason you brought it up in response to the article. It was out of place.
People have been misled by both major parties for decades. Every day I meet people who haven't realized that neither major party defends our rights under the constitution because they only read or view biased reports like this one.
I do not support the deranged acts of either major party.
Not everyone has lost their grip on reality. Just need to seperate those that know that there is objective reality, and those that believe that life should be a poetically emotional story full of interesting characters, not limited by logic, reason or facts.
So the question that should be asked: Can we fix stupid? It's not about a "different point of view"'s about embracing how existence exists or looking for a place in the multiverse that suits one's particular mental perversions.
It's really cracks me up Solver...never in my life time nor in history that I have studied, would I have guessed that so called humans could possibly devolve to a level lower that this.
And I thought I was dumb...these creatures really take the cake.
Remember the Roman slogan: "Panem et circenses" (Bread and circus) which the crowd chanted as they congregated in the Coliseum to watch the gladiator games. That was the means by which the Roman rulers kept their control over them (it did not help in the end but it was useful for a long time and the elite was fully aware of what they were doing). Having their contempt for the mob all the time.
In modern times only the means changed: now there is welfare in place of "Panem" and Hollywood in place of "Circenses".
I think we have at least three parties now. The Democrat party, which is basically collectivist now, the Republican party, which is somewhat less collectivist, but with a misguided reliance on one (or more) GODS, the libertarian party with its intellectually challenged platform of individualism, and then there is Trump, who is more anti establishment than anything and wants to break up all the parties really and their crooked deals (while giving lip service to the constitution and to gods but with really no intellectual backup)
Its a mess thats not likely to get fixed during my lifetime. I pick the lesser of the evils out there currently, given that there are no good alternatives available in a country where at "least" 50% are a dyed in the wool collectivist mob
I wonder what will happen on election day? Maybe roving mobs of Blackshirt Antifa roaming the streets. They better not do it in Az. This is the State of Gun (also known by law enforcement personnel as the Wild, Wild West)
It is the Alinsky playbook, so loved by Hillary and Obama. Don't forget bribe, collude, and throw in the occasional "convenient suicide." Don't forget double standards, throw out a lying skyank and tell people she must be believed because she is woman, while all thy time fostering a Congressional pedophile ring which sexually abuses children.
Lincoln destroyed the American republic. Freeing the slaves was done after he was dead, dead, dead. The Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in areas where Lincoln had no control, so it didn't free anyone. However, let's not get distracted by politics from 150 years ago. The history of that era is fraught with propaganda and no one living today is unbiased.
I agree that Democrats do appear to be irrational today.
It did what it did, “The Emancipation Proclamation, or Proclamation 95, was a presidential proclamation and executive order issued by United States President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863. It changed the federal legal status of more than 3.5 million enslaved African Americans in the designated areas of the South from slave to free.”
So wikipedia is a bad source of information again. Just another federal propaganda arm that has been lying about Lincoln's Tariff War against States Rights for 150 years.
Suggest reading The Real Lincoln by Thomas DiLorenzo which extensively researches Lincoln's actions and uses contemporary writings of the time to support the points being made. My objection is not to the fact that slaves eventually were freed, but that Lincoln gets praised for an essentially ineffective executive order that still left all slaves in the north enslaved while it could not effectively free anyone in areas that were not under northern control. It was a typical move by the murderer of 400,000 Americans in an unnecessary war.
Much of what you say is true but the Emancipation Proclamation did help win the war and led the way to the abolition of slavery in the United States by declaring millions of slaves were free. It also kept some other countries out of the American Civil War.
Maybe In my original post, I should’ve use the phrase “their slaves” rather than “the slaves.”
What is it about demoncraps that makes them vulnerable to every perverted trend?
A. No brain
B. Not Conscious
C. Just plain stupid
D. High on dope or prescription drugs
E. All of the above.
I have no more liberal friends any more. Why waste time or help them anymore. Makes no sense.
Your daughter is probably not ignorant of the facts. She just disregards them in favor of the emotional basis of collectivism. You will never get her to give up the emotion and start thinking. She is an independent being and she has chosen her path- unfortunately. She will have to learn the lessons of collectivism on her own, and accept that your relationship with her has changed. "for family sake" shouldnt mean you have to associate with ALL family. Some of them just arent worth associating with. Life is kind of short and wasting time is not a good idea
At least thats my thought on the subject.
I heard that most civilizations last 250 years before they rot from the inside. I think we are at about that point. We are in terrible debt, are wasting our resources on unsuccessfully being policeman to the world, and bankrupting ourselves with welfare
The end game of letting ones actions be determined by emotions is that reality intervened and makes the only emotions that are left lead to violence. When reason is abandoned, only violence is left
Trump is turning the ship around, almost singlehandedly. And the left is screaming at the sky even more than when he was elected.
Luvin' it.
If they had a mind, they could not do what the do and think...if you want to call it thinking.
Their ancestors never got in line when consciousness was being doled out!...laughing my butt off.
The past 6 months my research has taken a different path: Can an otherwise Conscious being with a healthy conscience devolve back into a nonconscious bicameral...short of a physical injury.
I feel I have to answer that question so that we all can know what exactly we are dealing with the cultural marxist, postmodernist or the global delete for that it just a matter of psychopathy? or could a conscious being be fooled, programed or coerced that uneasy feelings, no questions, no suspicions or not able to make simple observations?
One thing I could tell you, and you'd know it too...even the threat of death could not separate me from my mind.
My canvasing of young folk reveals better than 50% in a 1000 person sample, do not have the voice of self.
That is scary...
God only knows how the leftists have corrupted this very useful and survival based part of our nature
I think she is just EVIL to the core, but at least she is honest and forthright about what she believes. I have to respect ther because at least she doesnt hide behind some sort of liberal stuff about compassion and such things
She was inciting them to be vicious and terroristic towards GOP and anybody in Trump's cabinet, Congress.
It was a perfect example of a mentally damaged person's rant who was just picked up by ambulance.
Unfortunately this kind of derangement is not considered mental illness so she was not picked up and removed from public life.
I posted before that I saw a video showing her in a trans as she was screaming in front of her "supporters" how to harass and attack republicans, as they were cheering her on. In another one she was telling the audience she was told not to incite for impeachment but that she will double down and will do it again and again, to wild applause.
Yes, the most troubling in this that these people get elected and re-elected over and over. The sheep follow them b/c they sound like speaking their language. There always will be a contingent to whom the Bolsheviks are heros.
It IS a war out there, and we deplorables need to take sides.
No more lesser of two evil deals with the devil.
What is the rationale pointing out GOP flaws? We know what they are. Do you think the left's derangement is justified if we juxtapose it with GOP flaws?
I wanted you to clarify the reason you brought it up in response to the article. It was out of place.
I do not support the deranged acts of either major party.
At this point the left is more damaging to the country than the right.
It is your choice to equate the two parties but IMO it is careless omission of the fact where the left intends to drive the country.
It is a monumental mistake to forget that., unless of course not to care if the country becomes a communist regime.
It's not about a "different point of view"'s about embracing how existence exists or looking for a place in the multiverse that suits one's particular mental perversions.
It's really cracks me up Solver...never in my life time nor in history that I have studied, would I have guessed that so called humans could possibly devolve to a level lower that this.
And I thought I was dumb...these creatures really take the cake.
Remember the Roman slogan: "Panem et circenses" (Bread and circus) which the crowd chanted as they congregated in the Coliseum to watch the gladiator games. That was the means by which the Roman rulers kept their control over them (it did not help in the end but it was useful for a long time and the elite was fully aware of what they were doing). Having their contempt for the mob all the time.
In modern times only the means changed: now there is welfare in place of "Panem" and Hollywood in place of "Circenses".
The ignorant mob stays the same.
You are probably referring to their employment status.
There is a huge contingent outside of government as well.
Its a mess thats not likely to get fixed during my lifetime. I pick the lesser of the evils out there currently, given that there are no good alternatives available in a country where at "least" 50% are a dyed in the wool collectivist mob
However, let's not get distracted by politics from 150 years ago. The history of that era is fraught with propaganda and no one living today is unbiased.
I agree that Democrats do appear to be irrational today.
“The Emancipation Proclamation, or Proclamation 95, was a presidential proclamation and executive order issued by United States President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863. It changed the federal legal status of more than 3.5 million enslaved African Americans in the designated areas of the South from slave to free.”
Wars are historically signaled as ended when the declaration of surrender is signed, not when everyone stops fighting.
My objection is not to the fact that slaves eventually were freed, but that Lincoln gets praised for an essentially ineffective executive order that still left all slaves in the north enslaved while it could not effectively free anyone in areas that were not under northern control. It was a typical move by the murderer of 400,000 Americans in an unnecessary war.
Maybe In my original post, I should’ve use the phrase “their slaves” rather than “the slaves.”