The Age of Love

Posted by mshupe 6 years, 2 months ago to Culture
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The 1960s was the Age of Absurdity, and it still permeates western civilization.

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 1 month ago
    I have a sad experience to relate. My daughter needs elective surgery, but can't afford health insurance. I offered to pay for the operation, and she refused. When I asked her why, she said she would feel guilty because of our political differences. She's pretty liberal, and I'm pretty much conservative.

    I then asked her if she was in favor of "Medicare for all," and she said yes. I said, "So you're in favor of the government stealing more from me, raking of some of it for themselves, and paying for your operation, instead of me simply paying for it?" She said that takes away the personal element that makes her uncomfortable.

    That's what is missing from society. The personal element that makes us recognize the sacrifices people are willing to make, and the fact that government theft is an unwilling action. Taking largesse from a bureaucracy removes any sense of guilt or obligation, making it an impersonal transaction.

    Freedom to the "Age of Aquarius" generation means freedom from responsibility for yourself or anyone else, because the bureaucracy will give everyone whatever they need. They made a deliberate effort to teach younger people that message. It's no surprise of the growth of the "baby daddy," with no sense of responsibility to family, or the multiple generations of welfare families who can't remember when anyone in the family worked. The utter disregard for any form of personal morality is also characteristic of a sad, growing part of American society. It is the dark side of selfishness and greed, with the word "inequality" used to promote wealth jealousy.

    My daughter is a good person, which is why it hurts to see she's bought into this farce.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 1 month ago
      "She said that takes away the personal element that makes her uncomfortable."
      That is so unfortunate. If it were me, I would be emotional and unable to have a philosophical discussion. If I could be stoic, though, I would want to ask her what's bad about the personal element? Does she think you're just doing it because you feel sorry for her, because good people put others' needs ahead of their own, or because someone is pressing you to do it? I suspect she would never want that and maybe that's what she actually means by the personal element. You could assure you totally want to do it and wouldn't think of doing it out of pity, self-righteous sacrifice, or any of that.

      The key is to let her come to the realization on her own that her real problem was not that it's personal, but that's it's hitting you up for money you don't really want to give. From there it's a very short road to not wanting to hit taxpayers up for money.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 1 month ago
        We had the discussion about my motivation, and my answer was simple: because I love her and want the best for her; also, I've done modestly well, and can easily afford it, so it isn't depriving me of anything I have or want; strictly my own motives, with no one else even suggesting it, so the pressure is my own. She was not open to further discussion, because she was afraid it would end up in a division between us. I took that as a signal that the divide would be her decision, not mine, so I let it drop, leaving the door open for her to take me up on the offer later, if she chose. I suspect that after the Democrats fail to capture the House this Fall, and Trump wins reelection in 2020, she will see that Medicare for all will not happen in her lifetime, and call me about the operation then.
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 1 month ago
          Maybe it's wishful thinking on my part, but I imagine a decade from now her independently coming to the conclusion that the same things that made her not want you to help her is the same reason she should reject socialism. Her not wanting someone else's money is the first step.

          Another idea: I would tell her I respect her concern that it's alms. To avoid any notion of that, I would expect it to be paid back in the form of her helping someone else in the future when she can. That's probably not very Objectivist of me, but I'm more a Rand fan than a hardcore Objectivist. Anyway, in addition to this getting her the operation, it plants the seed of an alternative to socialism.

          "that Medicare for all will not happen in her lifetime"
          If she's really basing her planning of major decisions on yahoos in Washington, it's the most absurd part of this whole story. What people do in life makes way more difference than all this. Take whatever extremes you want from recent history. Suppose marginal income tax rates double, as in the 50s and 60s. Or say they go to 10% or some sort of income tax.. That's a huge deal. But what you do in life is a far bigger deal. It goes for making money but also for all the little and big decisions we make: where to live, what vices to indulge or abstain from and to what extent, how much risk to take in business, what to spend time on out of the millions of things out there. I completely agree with lobbying for less socialism in healthcare. I don't claim to know if "Medicare for all", whatever that exactly means, will happen. I'll give it 50/50. I'll be shocked in President Trump runs in 2020, but either way as horrible as he is about expanding gov't, massively expanding borrowing, and laughing off Constitutional limits, even minor decisions I make will have more effect. The same is true if the gov't moved toward libertarian policies, policies that could increase compound growth and cause a staggering amount of wealth to be created. Great, but it's foolish to wait for that rising tide. What you do on things you personally control matters a thousand times more.
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          • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 1 month ago
            I've been pointing people to Direct Primary Care as an alternative to government run health care. With DPC the relationship is between the doctor and the patient, with no insurance companies involved. The patient pays a subscriber's fee monthly to a doctors group for basic care. Physicals, non life threatening outpatient surgery, health assessment covered. Another part is prescription medications at the doctor's cost, which is often less than the copay under insurance. The subscription price is as low as $50/month for adults, $10/month for minors. To locate the DPC nearest them, I point people to this site:

            The DPC doctors don't turn away people with preexisting conditions, nor charge them more. They do recommend people get catastrophic care insurance to cover emergencies and long term care.

            There are also surgery centers that post their charges online, catering to individuals and self-insured small businesses. Their charges are almost always much lower than the fees other hospitals charge insurance companies.

            There is still an opportunity to inject market forces into medical care, and cut the government out of the picture.
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            • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 1 month ago
              "There is still an opportunity to inject market forces into medical care, and cut the government out of the picture."
              I hadn't heard of DPC.
              I am certain if the gov't got out of the way, the herds of suppliers and consumers would come up with things we can't even think of.
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              • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 1 month ago
                There's a surgery center in Oklahoma City that posts its charges for all kinds of surgeries on its website. They only deal with individuals and self insured firms and associations, no insurance companies allowed. Website here: .
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                • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 1 month ago
                  "no insurance companies allowed."
                  I'm fortunate no one in my family has needed it. If we do, though, we will consider places like this. I like the concept of insurance to protect against perils, but with health insurance they try to manage your healthcare decisions-- a service I do not want.
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      • Posted by 6 years, 1 month ago
        Is she not behaving like an Ellsworth Toohey, preventing the virtuous from being virtuous? Or is she demanding strangers act according to Kant's categorical imperative? Are they the same side of the same coin? Thank you to DrZarkov for sharing this very personal predicament. The emotional concern for his daughter's health is exacerbated by his objective concern for her spiritual health.
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 1 month ago
          "Is she not behaving like an Ellsworth Toohey, preventing the virtuous from being virtuous? "
          In my hopeful scenario, she's on the cusp of realizing she doesn't want other people to put her desires ahead of their own. It would be like if someone in Hank Rearden's family had said it didn't quite sit right for Hank to be doing all the work and giving him money for nothing. That would have been a good sign.
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  • Posted by 6 years, 2 months ago
    Ayn Rand understood this better than anyone. The nationalization of benevolence and the sacrifice of personal responsibility.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 1 month ago
    What? Is me dino being told that some singers in the Hair musical movie is wrong about "This is the dawning of the Age Of Aquarius?" and everything by now being all about "peace and understanding?"
    Gee whiz! No wonder we're having so many damn stupid wars. The World Trade Center even came crashing down! It was enough to turn me into an Islamophobe!
    And I've even watched the Jackass Party transform into a brainless mob of screeching apes!
    Oh, the humanity! Has half this country completely lost that?
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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 1 month ago
    It happens every time. You'd think people would catch on by now. Scandinavia could be used as the model example of how the benificense of the socialist state eventually, inevitably leads to its destruction.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 1 month ago
    It simply is not possible to measure climate change of earth in any humanly comprehensible way. The time scale is too long and the space is too large, so that in a formulaic use of the Einstienian concept of space/time is so beyond imagination as to make it understandable but useless in any practical sense.Until space/time becomes useable to mankind we are stuck at the thresh hold and are likely to remain therefor a very long time..
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  • Posted by exceller 6 years, 2 months ago
    The Swedes are well under way of losing their country and their good life with it.

    As of now the population is about 30% foreigner, most of them colored migrants from Muslim countries.

    They are well under way of increasing their numbers through marriage and their own high rate of multiplying. A generation from today Sweden will be unrecognizable and more like a country in Africa.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 6 years, 1 month ago
    I remember that time. I was a teenager. But a strange person. I had never been a particular fan of rock, especially after I discovered Gilbert&Sullivan (when I was 11).(And I am still a strong Gilbert&Sullivan fan). I remember that song"Aquarius'". I remember the exaltation of "Love", promiscuous "love", and the glorification of promiscuous sex (which many equated with "love"), which I found simply disgusting. I remember thinking it was all B.S., but I didn't participate directly in it; I almost never went to the movies. But I discovered Ayn Rand in the library of Waynesboro when I was 15. But in some ways, it seemed so cold, and I was frightened. It was like a blast of cold air, fresh air, true, but Arctic in its frigidity. I drew back. But about two years later, I came across another book "Who is Ayn Rand?" and I decided that I would learn about it. And gradually, I grew less frightened. (At first, it was like taking a very scary ride on a train). But this only increased my disgust with the "Aquarius", Woodstock-celebrating, desecration of love by the hippie-celebrating people.--But I was about 17 at the time of Woodstock, and I think the "Aquarius" song came out the following year.
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  • Posted by BCRinFremont 6 years, 1 month ago
    It is my conjecture that many of the free love devotees soon found out that they were tricked during “The Age of Aquarius” by lust and drugs into a type of debauchery that left them with no self respect...and often, no self at all. Many of these folks became teachers and took their bile out on several generations of students...who are now functionally illiterate.
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  • Posted by dukem 6 years, 1 month ago
    I came into that world via the Bay Area after a two tours of duty as a Vietnam Era vet, soaked up all the bullshit, relished the life, did all the usual and unusual stuff, and I'm stunned, shaken, and angry at what that all has led to. I am ashamed that at one point I believed all the crap, and most of my old friends are still thinking that if only the really smart people were in charge, nirvana would resume. What an amazing journey, and what a wasted opportunity.
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  • Posted by BCRinFremont 6 years, 1 month ago
    George Harrison visited SF Haight way back when. In his words, he described, “a wild bunch of jeering hippies” and “hideous, spotty little teenagers.” He was lucky to get out unharmed.
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  • Posted by 6 years, 2 months ago
    Yes, I didn't include that, but it certainly a manifestation of the insanity of the progressive left.
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