Naked Emperors Don't Get Much Respect, by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic
The emperor was the last to realize he was naked. This is not unusual, emperors are the last to find out anything. Who has the fortitude to tell them the truth, especially an upsetting truth? And so it is with the US’s empire, the existence of which most of its citizens, media organs, and officials are unaware or won’t acknowledge. The truth is, the American empire, acknowledged or not, is over. It will be years before that’s accepted by the governing class. They’ll never officially inform their subjects, who are stuck with the tab for its immensely wasteful spending.
This is an excerpt. For the complete article please click the above link.
This is an excerpt. For the complete article please click the above link.
All of this gives me the idea that US really is the police officer of the world. Russia would like to be, but they're not up to it yet. So US maintains the post-WWII norms, building up more and more debt, becoming every year more like the Roman Empire.
I just found this very short clip that I will attach the link here
Viewing it was certainly eye opening to me.
It appeared to basically launch from well underground.
The result , my guess is that the signature of intense heat from lift off is shielded. I suppose that would make it much more difficult for early detection by anti-missile satellites. This is my take from the video.
I also will purely speculate that the traitors from previous state dept and executive branch administrations. . Through pay to play with open source servers transferred high tech- possibly chips for guidance or maybe stealth tech and propulsion info.
I can't help but wonder how much the
reset button and the "Russian silicone valley"
had to do with this Technological advancement.