Either-Or, Capitalism or Social Justice
If we maintain a system in which everyone is free to choose their occupation, there can be no control over whether or not the results will correspond to the wishes of the social justice warriors. Social justice can only be realized in a centrally controlled system that limits free choices and free action of individuals. Justice can only refer to the way free competition is carried on, not to its results.
Just got the email for the 3 part on SJ...won't have time tonight to read it.
Unless you are Caucasian, then there are no shades of gray because you are a racist by being white.
Such irony, never acknowledged by the accusing SJW.
Social Justice
Frederick A. Hayek, Law, Legislation, and Liberty (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976, p.97)
“Social justice” is not, as most people probably feel, an innocent expression of good will towards the less fortunate, but . . . it has become s dishonest insinuation that one ought to agree to a demand of some special interest which can give no real reason for it. If political discussion is to become honest it is necessary that people should recognize that the term is intellectually disreputable, the mark of demagogy or cheap journalism which responsible thinkers ought to be ashamed to use because, once its vacuity is recognized, its use is dishonest.
On the one hand, all cultures are equally deserving of respect; on the other, Western culture is uniquely destructive and bad.
Values are subjective--but sexism and racism are really evil.
Technology is bad and destructive--and it is unfair that some people have more technology than others.
Tolerance is good and dominance is bad--but when postmodernists come to power, political correctness follows.”
-Stephen Hicks
But, not in the way SJW’s have, as another comment already pointed out, “rebranded” it to mean its opposite. As they earlier did with the term “liberal”.
"Social Justice" is all about receiving something because you think you are entitled to it regardless of your actions.