Deep State Unmasked: State Dept on Hidden Cam "Resist Everything" "I Have Nothing to Lose"

Posted by $ nickursis 6 years, 4 months ago to Government
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Very Interesting, kinda makes you believe Ayn Rand had run into these creeps...
SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXLuqQe8DqQ

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  • Posted by mshupe 6 years, 4 months ago
    She knew these creeps a lot better than they know themselves. Maybe Ellsworth Toohey is the antagonist character that knew himself best.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 6 years, 4 months ago
    I keep seeing the advertisements for The Purge series and I thought yes wipe out the entire left. and those resistors in the government bureaucracy. But of course, they would the ones cringing in fear barricaded in their offices or homes. These are valueless people, They are the moochers. They produce nothing except live off our tax dollars. And what's with that they can't be fired from their jobs? Or, is that newspeak?
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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 4 months ago
    Disguised to look like cream, the rot rises to the top and makes the entire organization turn sour. Clean them all out and start over. A new bureauocracy is need. All new hires with what is not allowed drummed into their heads. The union will scream bloody murder but it's time for the boss to grow a pair and tell them to cooperate or get out.
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  • Posted by term2 6 years, 4 months ago
    Thats sick. I hope that dude is fired immediately. Send this to Trump and see if he will do it. If not, give me the power and I will do it.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 4 months ago
      In one of their videos, they do detail the need for a specific law giving the manager of the group authority to do so, without recourse. The deep state "insurance plan" was the establishment of unions throughout federal government, and the passage of laws restricting the ability of government managers to remove incompetent or useless people like this, which has led to the attitude of "I am a communist and working to overthrow you, so what are you going to do about it?".
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  • Posted by ajsenti 6 years, 4 months ago
    Ep. 3, an GAO staff interview, all the more horrifying. A century of our indifference to a continued statist entrenchment and we're now in an end stage of transition where open resistance is publicly embraced. On the verge of our dysfunctional constitutional process being deemed obsolete. How the hell do we fix this?
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    • Posted by EgoPriest 6 years, 4 months ago
      By recognizing first that it is not any "dysfunctional" constitutional process that is the problem, but the irrational premises that move those moving within and against the clearly stated purpose of that process: to safeguard the rights of individuals against any violation while protecting the legitimate interests of a rational state to advance the general prosperity. You make it sound so sophisticated when in reality it is just plain, brute force that people are being taught to tolerate, condone, enact. You cannot reason with force. There is no "fix."
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 4 months ago
        It is force, being threatened and implied in all forms against the people, and the deep state is the perpetrator. That was the clear mark of all the deep state presidents which means this has been a dual party operation, The Bush's will be revealed as members. I am even thinking 9/11, if not a sham, was certainly "allowed" to give the pretense needed to pass the Patriot act, which is essentially what they used to go after Trump. It was a set of tools they wanted to be able to use to eliminate any opposition. It also explains his reation when it happened.
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        • Posted by EgoPriest 6 years, 4 months ago
          Not to be pedantic, but for the sake of clarity, please define or specify what you mean by "force," "all forms," "deep state," "member of the 'deep state'," "the sham of 9/11," "the allowance of 9/11," "the specific set of (eliminating) tools," "any opposition," "and "his reaction." Also, "when what happened?"

          The reason for my request is that I haven't a solid concrete clue what you are talking about. Not to be rude, but on the basis of such seemingly floating terms or assertions as these, one could "argue" in favor of virtually ANY conspiracy hypothesis (and Alex Jones is not an Objectivist).
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          • Posted by $ 6 years, 4 months ago
            Force, is any pressure placed on a person, by law, physical force, restraint, imprisonment, removal of property or person. All tactics of the Deep State. The deep state is the group that is associated with the one world government philosophy, that is associated with skull and bones, Clinton, Soros, Democrats Republicans and other statists who believe they have the only right to rule the masses, and have been pursuing a long term agenda to accomplish it through coercion, blackmail, murder and specific laws to encourage a splintering of society by labels and special interest groups. Members include anyone who serves the deep states interests and policies and enables their progress. 9/11 is a possible hypothesis that Bush (who is a member of the deep state family) allowed the conditions, started by his father, to produce the attack, which resulted in the Patriot Act, which resulted in FISA Courts, which then were used to attempt to stop Donal Trump from getting elected (also known as "the Insurance Plan" by Strozk). It is all becoming clearly interrelated. Bushes reaction to being told about the attack was "ho hum" and a lot of emotional aggression leading up to the Patriot Act, which stripped away a lot of constitutional protection. If you have any doubts I suggest you go catch up on Qanon, and some of the various interpretations, including Serial Brain2. A lot of things people have individually seen as "bad" (like Hillary Clintons email issue that was covered up and attempted to be disposed of) are actualy now seen to be connected through specific people (Comey, Strozk, Page) so it is not a conspiracy theory, but a conspiracy fact. That is also why there are 50,000 sealed indictments to be opened soon.
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  • Posted by EgoPriest 6 years, 4 months ago
    Why people believe conspiracy theories: https://youtu.be/pDRo8TbcpT0
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    • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 4 months ago
      Why people don't.
      ‘Conspiracy theory’ is a term that strikes fear and anxiety in the hearts of most every public figure, particularly journalists and academics. Since the 1960s the label has become a disciplinary device that has been overwhelmingly effective in defining certain events as off limits to inquiry or debate. Especially in the United States, raising legitimate questions about dubious official narratives destined to inform public opinion (and thereby public policy) is a major thought crime that must be cauterized from the public psyche at all costs… CIA Document 1035-960 played a definitive role in making the ‘conspiracy theory’ term a weapon to be wielded against almost any individual or group calling the government’s increasingly clandestine programs and activities into question. – From CIA Document 1035-960

      We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false. — William Casey, Ronald Reagan’s first CIA Director (from Casey’s first staff meeting, 1981)
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      • Posted by EgoPriest 6 years, 4 months ago
        I don't use the term. A valid theory requires contextual evidence and nothing that contradicts it. You can hypothesize that this or that individual or agency is lying on a given issue in a particular context (e.g., the Iran-Hostage Crisis).

        An invalid theory requires context-dropping, arbitrarily associating hand-picked facts and evading or discarding anything that might tend to disprove it. As Charles Tew argues in the above video, until relatively recently almost everyone simply went along with the consensus.

        Now we have a growing number of "red-pill people" who don't really know to think challenging the unthinking conformists and objective alike with a grab bag of actual lies or cover-ups mis-integrated by arbitrary speculation.

        In short, it is philosophy that moves the world. If people want to be lied to before they'll obey, then so be it. If people choose to think for themselves then they'll neither be taken in by a statist regime's lies, rationalizations or the rationalizations or "likely stories" spread by those who want to be the state.

        I mean, what is Atlas Shrugged but a war between two groups conspiring against one another?

        However, in today's world, such secrecy is neither practical nor possible (people inside of government and out are far too suspicious of one-another for it to work long-range). What IS true is that states like Turkey or Russia are openly duplicitous across the board. In a mixed-economy, the conspiracies are a necessary product of statism, which is a necessary product of the majority of people thoughtlessly accepting bad ideas.

        When people stop thinking (rationally), they embrace (or are embraced by) force.

        Remember: "Theirs is a conspiracy against the mind, which means: against life and man. It is a conspiracy without leader or direction, and the random little thugs of the moment who cash in on the agony of one land or another are chance scum riding the torrent from the broken dam of the sewer of centuries, from the reservoir of hatred for reason, for logic, for ability, for achievement, for joy, stored by every whining anti-human who ever preached the superiority of the heart over the mind." -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, pp. 1046-47 [GS-204-5]
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        • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 4 months ago

          "Now we have a growing number of "red-pilled people" who don't really know to think challenging the unthinking conformists and objective alike with a grab bag of actual lies or cover ups mis- integrated by arbitrary speculation"
          Please explain .
          People that are "Red piled" do not want to be lied too and are waking up to the big lie of socialism.
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          • Posted by EgoPriest 6 years, 4 months ago
            I inadvertently left out the word "how." And the thought is a paraphrase of what Charles Tew says in his Functional Philosophy podcast.

            Socialism, while certainly evil, is not a "big lie." In fact, given that altruism has been around since God, it's not implausible to most people at all.

            More on that here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_lie

            You'll have to watch the short video by Charles Tew I posted at the start of this sub-thread or be more specific about what exactly it is you wish me to explain.
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            • Posted by $ 6 years, 4 months ago
              Your Charles Yew is not very persuasive in defining why people believe in conspiracy theories. He completely skews the discussion in a philosophical issue and also arrogantly assumes anyone who believes in such "conspiracy theories" has these defined issues like not satisfied with explanations, or natural explanations. That is a rather arrogant, presumptive view, in that not all people believe in any one "conspiracy theory" blindly, and the term is used to cover up any factual beliefs under a mislabeled effort to negate their value. It is identical to the use of emotive terms like "homophobe" or "racist" or "misogynist" that is ONLY seen from liberal minded people (and a common tool of any manipulator, because it speaks to the emotional side, not the intellectual side).

              Socialism, is indeed a "big lie" as defined by your reference:

              A big lie (German: große Lüge) is a propaganda technique. The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously". Hitler believed the technique was used by Jews to blame Germany's loss in World War I on German general Erich Ludendorff, who was a prominent nationalist and antisemitic political leader in the Weimar Republic.

              Here is an excellent article showing the use of the big lie, how a mouthy bit of proaganda can make it sound so sweet, and I dare you to compare the promise of this article to the stark reality of Venezuela today (i.e. a socialist heavan):


              Socialism is as much a big lie as communism is. Propaganda designed for the average person who is willing to believe there is always an easy way to get what someone else has.

              The Democrats are practicing the big lie method in many ways, in that they will take any fact, twist and manipulate it, and then present it as truth. Their supporters will scream and retch their belief that someone did something, took something, is going to take something, or is just plain bad, based on whatever story is fed to them. The Trump Election is proof of that, the Kavanaugh debacle, the scam called ObamaCare, the Hillary email debacle, all of it was created, manufactured and sold by the deep state.

              You say: "it is philosophy that moves the world", I say BS on that, it is one thing, one thing only: "power". Political power, financial power, and personal power. Any one, or all three drive every decision, policy, law, rule or regulation. The thing Ayn Rand fought most was that use of power over the individual and the fact that no power can touch the power of the individual mind. People that see the facts, the data, the clear abuse of the system in our country, do not need a conspiracy theory to know there is a conspiracy fact.
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            • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 4 months ago
              So you claim red piled people don't know how to think? That statement is nonsense and not worthy of discussion.
              I don't have to watch Charles Tew I could care less what he says.
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