Professor speaks out about 'sexual assault' by Trump Supreme Court pick
lets see, they were not able to stop him with the BS show in the hearings, and the Diane Fienstein letter bomb fizzeled, so now, trot out the human body (who just happens to be a "professor" and we all know how unbiased and truthful THEY are) to claim something that happened (probably not) 35 years ago, was so evil and offensive that she held it as a closely guarded secret not worth ever mentioning at any other selection process or complaint to a court or legal society that supervises attorneys, BUT IS NOW? Really? Anita Hill 101....again.... next up: he put a pubic hair on my coke can in social studies.......
said Kennedy
As for that other motive of advancing the socialist cause, the Jackass Party repeatedly making last minute sex offense accusations against conservation candidates and nominated appointees has become irritatingly tiresome.
Can it be more hilarious? She did not feel her "civic responsibility" urging her for 35 years!
Why not? I've read that he pays Antifa for making trouble when he's not withholding promised payments..
Could it be that's all Ford was hoping and waiting for?
Already know that those who think we are STUPID are EVIL anyway.
WE are considered STUPID by THEY who are EVIL. At least that's the way I wrote what I wrote.
Me dino will own up to MY goofs.
Of course, then there wouldn't be any Democrats... And far fewer politicians! =D
Probably if something did happen, the woman was drunk also and participated willingly. No wonder she "cant remember where or when or how she got there"
Prof. Ford doesn't care about an incident that happened 35 years ago, but, urged on by Feinstein and the like, all she cares about is Delay. And if they get away with it, look for it to continue into the foreseeable future.
This Ford thing is too vague to get a decent handle on. She can't seem to remember exactly where or when the "incident" occurred so I figure, if anything happened at all, she must have been drinking and possibly drugging at that party and got all paranoid and frightened over nothing and ran out and remembers it all as something terrible. That scenario could have been she went alone to a room in a stupor to chill out and then Brett and one of his buddies came stumbling in drunk and scared the crap out of her. Thinking "OMG I'm going to get raped and killed" she ran out and that's what she remembers. Meanwhile Brett, along with his buddy, at the time hasn't a clue what this girl is screaming about and doesn't bother remembering any of it because it only took a few seconds and he was under age drinking, too. Then again... maybe the "incident" actually happened with someone else and Ford put Kavanaugh's face on it to get even for his mom's ruling against her parents, her support for the failed Evil Hag, and Trump Derangement Syndrome taking effect.
Maybe Kavanaugh should temporarily change his name to Bill Clinton and then the left would just shove Ford under the bus.
Sorry animals!
Hmm... not too bad, I think. It's right out of the Left's Political Playbook.
Is responsible for ANY bad behavior I have ever done. It is all those abusers fault. Thanks wmiranda I am now guilt free because you awakened my memory. Well, I am off to find a safe space. LOL
The Repubs should just vote Kavanaugh in in spite of what the liberals have brought up- just to show them that this overtly political stuff wont work.
If you did stay strictly away from women they would call you a potential child molester or something like that. Or they would discover that they don't like homosexuals after all. The Democrats will absolutely throw one of their voting groups under the bus to achieve their aims. They do it to African-Americans all the time.
Dershowitz speaks out against the ongoing charade regarding the Kavanaugh hearing.
Un American? Yes. Does the left care? No.
I don't think that's the political ploy, if there is one. They would be thrilled, but I don't think that's the primary plan. I think the plan, assuming it's a ploy, is to goad people who want the confirmation to go forward into slandering the alleged victim. That would motivate people who don't like crassness or meanspirtedness to vote in the midterms against Republicans. That could be why I hear some critics of Kavanaugh saying we have to decide whom to believe. They want someone to say she's a lying piece of crap, and then Democrats can wrongly say that's the Republican line.
I hate this stuff. I read about it out of morbid fascination like watching a car wreck.
From 2016:
Any excuse will work, when rabid crazy behavior, breaking Senate rules and paid protestors the allegations with no merit or facts, what next?
I resist the urge to give much thought to political games.
Yes. I completely agree the Executive Branch and the president have way too much power, esp the de facto power to declare war.
"why do you think Trump is rolling back so many EOs?"
[Sarcasm]Maybe he shares my views on executive power. He's doing his utmost to role back the precedents set after WWII. The trouble is dark forces are trying to maintain the office's power because they hope to get someone who owes them personal favors. So President Trump acts like an attention-seeking clown whose authoritarian impulses are checked by his ineptitude. It's like Seldon putting into motion a plan to achieve the opposite of everything he says. We just have to keep telling ourselves that: the opposite of everything he says and does is the end goal. And if there's some tax and regulatory reform, we can take that. We're cherry picking. We're looking for evidence that confirms our desires. We surely can find it and keep telling ourselves everything else is a complex plan. [/sarcasm]
Sorry, the real answer is it's all attention seeking from someone with a background in the publicity business.
(1) DiFi doubts the accusation is "completely truthful" -- because (2) the same accuser sent her a similar letter of accusation against Neil Gorsuch when he was nominated.
(3) Ford (the accuser) is angry at DiFi for making her identity public. (4) She has gone into hiding, and (5) does not intend to appear at the Senate hearing. In which case, (6) Sen. Chuck Grassley says the hearing will be cancelled and a vote taken.
(7) Ford is a CIA agent.
For now I think I believe the first six of these.
Willing to bet that there will be witnesses showing up (miraculously) who were nonexistent for 35+ years?
Here's one more tidbit about this whole thing: the timing. She did this in 2012 when Romney was running against Obama. And guess who was on Romney's list for Supreme Court? Yup! Brett Kavanaugh.
Not needed, a waste of time on someone who has an axe to grind, a vague discombobulated story and not one shred of evidence. But a delay to stop this before they take over the house and senate of people do not get out to vote.