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  • Posted by chad 6 years ago
    Although Tucker complains about the companies he considers to be making too much money and desires them to be forced to pay their employees more he fails to indicate that these large corporations pay their employees more than most other similar companies who are smaller. They get more than minimum wage. They are often provided more opportunities to advance than in other companies.
    The problem with their wage not covering their expenses might be the employees living beyond their means. It is also a taxation problem. When all the taxes that individuals pay amount to more than 75% of earned income that impoverishes them more than the wage they earn. If taxation was reduced people would be able to afford food and housing. Tucker makes it sound as though the owners of these large corporations should barely earn more than those low skilled employees that work for them. Although the owner of the company might be worth 50 billion most of that net worth is tied up in the business they own. If they went out and spent all of that money the business would fail and they would be broke.
    Millions of people who don't work directly for these businesses have jobs suppling needs of the business and products. As long as the focus is on how can force be used to make rich people have less everyone will have less. He is right about one thing, America is not a free market economy and hasn't been for more than 100 years. His suggestions if enforced will continue to ensure that the people are enslaved by their government.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years ago
    The thriving Trump economy is forcing all of these big employers to rethink their employee treatment, as the labor market tightens. If even a little deregulation and loosening the tax grip on the economy produces these results, think of how much more advantage the workers gain in a truly free market, with the heavy hand of government interference lifted.
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    • Posted by term2 6 years ago
      And its also forcing companies to look more seriously at AI to ELIMINATE the need for so many employees. I mean, who wants an employee when a machine or computer can do the same job.

      Order takers at restaurants should have been automated a LONG TIME AGO for example. Mid level managers have already been trimmed down, and jobs exported to India, Pakistan, and China by the hundreds of thousands.

      As a business owner, the LAST thing I want is another employee that I dont absolutely have to have.
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      • Posted by LibertyBelle 6 years ago
        I once got a cat rather than a mouse trap. And I think that a human employee, with a working brain, can work the job faster than a robot.---But that would be under a free-enterprise system, which we have not had for a very long time (and never completely had).
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        • Posted by term2 6 years ago
          I do think that for non creative jobs, robots do a better job. Robots are prevalent ev erywhete. Also the possession of a brain does not guarantee use of the brain. And the robot doesn’t go on strike or plot against you as AI IMPROVES, more and more jibs will be taken over by robotd
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          • Posted by LibertyBelle 6 years ago
            That's why I stipulated "under a free-enterprise sys-
            tem". If people are going to pass all these minimum-wage laws, and other government interference, and vote for the politicians who do, and price themselves out of the market, don't they have themselves to blame?
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            • Posted by term2 6 years ago
              But american workers are a bit entitled and lazy, and they vote in the politicians who pass those laws. We have priced ourselves out of the world market, and in the end have to accept the consequences.

              At the risk of being called racist, which I am not, I do preferentially pick employees from certain cultures- for lower level jobs I prefer first generation (probably illegal aliens) hispanic people, and would really want none of the entitled black and entitled female white cultures. For upper level people, I would prefer people of the asian cultures (if I can afford them). I am a culturist and have no interest in retraining cultural traits
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              • Posted by LibertyBelle 6 years ago
                In other words, you just make assumptions about these people--that is, prejudging them.
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                • Posted by term2 6 years ago
                  I dont have time to individually vett potential employees. I did forget to exclude women who are likely to have babies while under my employment. They will cause disruption in the workflow.

                  I need to generalize to a degree in order to efficiently make decisions in a huge country like ours.. Everyone does this to one degree or another. The first think I detect is an "entitled" attidude. "Entitled" people are just trouble. Its not their race, color, religion- its whether they feel they can get away with things and deserve more than other people. I dont take away their rights, but I pick the people I think will do the best job for ME.

                  If you want to hire them, feel free, I wont stop you.
                  My desire is to run my business to make money, which is the end goal of any business that wants to stay in business.
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                  • Posted by LibertyBelle 6 years ago
                    I understand your lack of time. But perhaps you could delegate authority to do that? Or would it be too expensive to have people checking like that?
                    Of course, your statement, if read by many, could be a lesson to some people about their "entitled" attitude; I have known people who have that attitude (as who does not? There are many), and I don't approve of that, either.
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                    • Posted by term2 6 years ago
                      I grew up not seeing skin color as meaning anything. But after years of affirmative action and the 8 obama years, it’s the first thing I notice and I look and often find an entitled person
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years ago
    I have always thought that we should return to community involvement: meaning we spend our efforts, time and what ever abundance each has that may want to contribute to those in a pickle so long as they want a hand up and not hand outs.
    Thereby returning the state and federal governments to their original of rights under the constitution and protection from threats and radical influences from outside the country.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years ago
      PS...if the government would mind it's own business and restrain it's regulations then maybe things would be different. Maybe the people could then vote with their feet in a true free market fashion.
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      • Posted by DeangalvinFL 6 years ago
        Allowing people to vote with their feet is a much better solution. That is true Freedom.

        The nonsense Tucker is talking about is "the government knows better than you do what is good for you". Yikes.

        The article with the video is worth reading.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years ago
    Most pundits on either side only deal with the surface. They can't delve deeper into any subject because they have never learned what they are talking about. In order to know what to make of the squirming of politicians so they can determine right from wrong they need a solid background in economics and history. If they are ignorant on these subjects, they are at a loss as to how the judge the good or bad of a given action or pronouncement.
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  • Posted by term2 6 years ago
    Such is the price of intellectual inconsistency. The cost of freebie government giveaway programs should be borne by the "givers", not unrelated parties like companies.

    Making companies pay for the social programs is effectively giving all employees raises which will increase prices the companies charge.

    FOX is "conservative" compared with MSM, but certainly NOT consistent.
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  • Posted by 6 years ago
    The reason I watch is in case Steyn is on and it's the first place I ever heard Peterson speak, han't heard of him until then.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years ago
    Carlson is wrong. The author of the article is correct. End the welfare programs, close the borders, and deport all the illegals, now.
    [sarcasm follows]
    I know the con-gress will rush out to do my bidding since they work for me.
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    • Posted by term2 6 years ago
      FOX is ok to listen to occasionally, but its not intellectually consistent by any means. I dont watch or listen to ANY other MSM outlets at all, though. They ARE intellectually consistent, but without intellect.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years ago
    I have been predicting since early 2016 that if Bernie Sanders and people like this commentator figure out they're on the same side we're in big trouble. It just takes a charismatic leader who can overcome the fact that they're split into two groups that hate one another without realizing how similar they are.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 6 years ago
    It seems that "conservatives" will do anything rather than just stand up for individual rights. But to do that, and make it stick, they would have to reject altruism--and ,eventually, "revealed" religion. And that is why we need to have this Galt's Gult site.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 6 years ago
    Interesting scenario: The taxpayers subsidize the businesses of the well-connected. That is what he's talking about here. Who can blame the fat cats?

    Your definition of "reasonable" self-interest may differ from mine. When I once offered mild praise for the founder of Tesla here, some lambasted the point that he had bilked the government of a lot of money. I didn't react the same to that. I almost admire the ability to do that. Remember when the AIG employees went to resort spas right after getting the big bailout? My brother said, "Hell, they just bilked the government out of all that money for their company. They should be rewarded!" Made me laugh. He was right. Sure...eventually the nation will fold up and most of the people will be eating out of garbage cans. To the victor go the spoils...No investment matches the ROI of money spent greasing law makers...
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 6 years ago
    I watched Tucker's interview, last night, and sat in absolute SHOCK when I heard him agree with his interviewee. Really...government should "force" employers to pay higher wages, when the real solution is to address the issue of government subsidies.

    Wow...I don't know if he'll ever recover from that one.
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  • Posted by 6 years ago
    I like Tucker a lot most if the time. My jaw dropped when I saw this. It causes me to listen to everything he says from a different angle.
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    • Posted by exceller 6 years ago
      I stopped watching Carlson when I realized that what he is doing is putting all the left wing loonies on in order to debate them. Most of the time they don't let him talk and the interview becomes a shouting match. Carlson is not O'Reilly.

      Thanks but no thanks. I don't need FOX to know where the left stands.
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  • Posted by 6 years ago
    Yes, saw that. Really bad, he refused to listen. Does that a lot. Couldn't make a case. Amy was classy about it.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 6 years ago
    Tucker brought Amy Peikoff to debate him on this topic . Tucker said to her that the wealthy have an obligation to take care of the less fortunate.
    He seemed stunned when Amy asked him why they had an obligation ? He mumbled the Christian Judeo tradition and decency requires it.
    He then talked over his guest like a liberal.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 6 years ago
    At age 24, I was Exec. Secy to the Exec V.P. of what became one if not the largest insurance group in the US. Mr EVP asked me what I thought of the newly formed Salary Committee. My response, 'there are no women on it'. I was appointed. When the members of the committee asked me what I thought of their proposal on salaries, my response 'Your best suggestion for ladies is $50. you wouldn't offend a man with less than $100! What nice salary adjustments the ladies got!
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