Elizabeth Warren’s Far-Reaching New Bill Aims To Actually Drain The Swamp
Ah, the deep state fights back, now in a propaganda war. Q is claiming to be out to fix a corrupt system, so, of course, Pocahontas must do it better. Yet, as far as a "revolving door" goes, well, JOhn Brennnan left CIA, kept his clearance and access, then signs on to CNN to be a gas bag using that information, but I don't recall her condemning him. Nor Comey, same deal plus book. Regulating lobbyists? Like Clinton did? Pay me for favors...Ethics? Really? The previous administration broke a thousand laws to have an "insurance plan" against Trump, and got caught, yet no word but cries of foul from them. But this looks like they have decided the rioting and protesting angle didin't pay off, so now the way to beat them is to join them, and add some more useless unenforceable laws to cover up their ongoing criminal acts. What a joke.
Impeach Trump and my interest in supporting the government goes to zero.
That's the main reason Iraq was invaded and Saddam deposed. (And 9-11 was an inside job to accomplish that plus all the invasive liberty-crushing parts of the Patriot Act.)
One of Trump's priorities should be the destruction of the banksters power base.
Remember that you arent paranoid if indeed they ARE chasing you....
when.."Asked why she chose not to address such issues as donations by corporate political action committees, Warren said she decided to make lobbying the focus of her bill."
Bull poo...She doesn't want to risk union contributions!!! Although, corporate contributions are speech so they shouldn't be banned anyway.....just the unions shaking down the members for dues!
These creatures are just not aware enough to fear consequences.
"The Swamp" is not lobbyists. It is the myriad of disgusting, self-important, self-interested public parasites (SES and GS) running the government without being elected.