OK, so some may say this is not reliable, but it has surfaced now and then, and this is the first time you see all the names involved. If true, CIA seems to own this family, so that raises even more suspicion of motives and means.
'"I uh, didn't take school that seriously. I, uh, got into fights. I, uh, drank 'n did uh, 'n 'n consumed, uh, substances that uh [laugh], weren't always legal. Um, and, uh, you know I think generally was, um, acting um, uh in ways that uh thitwhen I look back on it I understand, uh. I think that what got through me those years, was, um, sur a natural aptitude for schooling, which meant that I didn't haveta pay attention too much ta be able to keep my grades up 'n at least uh, umm, graduate. Uh some of my behavior was self-destructive, you know, uh atuh I might uh, drink a six-pack, uh, in an hour before uh, uh before goin back ta class. Uh things like that."
You can hear the audio and where it came from on Mark Levin's radio show where he acknowledged that he fears this will sink Kavanaugh's nomination. Start at 01:17:50
Oddly, the Democrats on the committee don't care, believing that this is evidence of presidential material.
That Q is providing timely info to shed a light on the agenda of the global statist cabal. Why do you think the people who call it a kooky theory or a cult have such an emotional opposition when it is clear they have no idea what they are arguing against and obviously have not read any of his thousands of drops?
That the planet is not going to roast, more likely cooling, and victims are not victims, does not matter to them. Hoards of the badly dressed and the guilt-ridden wealthy loudly join in self-flagellation and scream for climate action and justice. Ok some are paid by Soros and that ilk. Do not look to Soros for the source of evil, it is in ourselves when we let emotions overcome thinking.
I have just seen this:
Climate Change, an eruption of mass delusion
the legions of righteousness have gathered . . . politicians and self-appointed activists to whom CC provides a prominent platform for no-risk, low-cost virtue signalling. Following these are the ranks of empire building bureaucrats and a vast array of camp followers drawn by the scent of power and profits. It’s a heady mix and hard to resist.
The "simple context" is the anti-conceptual mentality that gravitates to arbitrary conspiracy theories -- claimed to be so secret that no proof is possible or required -- substituting for objectivity and rational understanding based on fact, principles and the role of basic ideas in human action.
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
— David Rockefeller, Baden-Baden, Germany 1991
Her own problems are a separate issue from the logical dismissal of her accusations, and no explanation of her problems is required for that. But logic is not a strong point in the political realm today, and many people seem to emotionally require an explanation for her actions before dismissing her and her supporters' demands -- which is well beyond a simple desire to understand Ford's behavior in this circus.
Understanding her emotional problems is helpful, but not the essence: had she not thrust herself into the limelight with her willing collaboration with Democrat politicians and lawyers elevating her to such immediate political prominence, few would care about her because she is not otherwise important, as few care about the personalities making the more obvious arbitrary and bizarre accusations from the others the Democrats are pushing as a "pattern" in their sophistry of circular reasoning.
And BTW, I am tired of calling her "Dr". She is teaching in an obscure "university", that even those who live nearby never heard of.
What we know that she and her husband are tied in lucrative contracts with pharmaceutical companies manufacturing birth control medications. So she has a conflict of interest right there should Kavanaugh be confirmed and Roe vs Wade may be tried again.
I have many questions to ask her which the Judiciary Committee omitted to ask. One question is: she said the two boys locked the door of the bedroom when they confronted her. If that was the case and she managed to "escape" how did she open the door? Did it unlock itself?
Another question: she was 15 at the time of the "incident". Did she attend parties with boys regularly at that age? Were her parents aware of her "habit"? She stated at the hearing that she was not drinking, but previous information stated she was drunk. She was not of driving age: how did she get to the place of the party and how did she get home? The map shows her parents lived 8 miles away. Did she walk?
BTW that's not just a formality. A person cannot represent them as a doctor a lawyer or an accountant without a license in the state where they are practicing.
The purpose of that is to "protect the public," and (the real reason) to throw up some barriers to entry. Nevertheless, I think almost every - if not every - state has this sort of restriction in place.
BTW I don't believe a word she said either.
Curiously, no mention of a door. My take is that the door was open. It was an innocent teenage girl kissing a teenage boy. Then the third guy came in . . .
She couldn't be more exposed if it was during the half time during the Super Bowl. Talk about flood lights .She was burnt from the glare.
No conspiracy here folks . Soros who funds Anti-Fa and poured millions into Arizona to oppose sheriff Joe. Move on .org #Resist nothing to see hear. Just a coincidence Soros certainly isn't part of a globalist Cabal. Just a Rothschild created
Self admitted NAZI snitch multi billionaire who loves America's values and is helping where he sees fit. His agitator employees pleading to Flake of the need to believe the victim because she herself was a ( paid actress) assault victim. Great timing I would say. The mockingbird media fake news sings the same chorus just no creativity I suppose.
Refused to hand over therapy notes to FBI.
Think WHY.
Justice K NEVER named.
[Mr X logged in book along w/ physical description during 'eyes closed' session = / = Justice K].
FBI no subpoena power [no GJ] to demand.
Justice K NEVER named / asked during Polygraph.
Something did happen to Dr. Ford in her past.
Use of that 'something' to 'frame' Justice K.
Dr. Ford's family has strong ties to SWAMP.
FBI has expanded investigation into other suspicious acts w/ support of ABC agency as AUTH BY POTUS.
[RR] involved?
"The questions reported did not include Kavanaugh's name. The only two "relevant questions" reported from the polygraph test by the examiner, who was selected by her lawyers, were:
"Is any part of you statement false?"
"Did you make up any part of your statement?".
But she was asked several questions as part of the polygraph test. The questions from which those two were selected were characterized as "includes relevant questions addressing the issues to be resolved by the examination, comparison questions to be used in analysis, symptomatic questions, and neutral or irrelevant questions. All questions were reviewed with Blasey prior to the test." (Different types of questions are included for calibration of the physical polygraph responses.)
Posted by ewv 14 hours, 19 minutes ago
Kavanaugh was named in the polygraph session.
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From your link ""The questions reported did not include Kavanaugh's name"
both are contradicting statements. Which is it ?
"Is any part of you statement false?"
"Did you make up any part of your statement?"
Those questions did not explicitly name Kavanaugh; her statement to which they referred did. That is not a contradiction.
I described this in detail at
You can read the original report at
"Dr. Ford has struggled to identify Judge Kavanaugh as the assailant by name"
no name given in her 2012 marriage therapy notes
no name given in her 2013 individual therapy notes.
Here is the link
The Mitchell analysis has also been available at
Yet salacious they are:
Apparently college was a balst, but then nothing seems amiss:
I have yet to ascertain if they were "scrubbed" I have not found a link that references them, but the college ones, as indicated in the article are available.
I have seen claims that Fienstiens husband is on the board of directors where Ford "teaches". Whoops I just now saw mia767ca's post about this
Much of it seemed to be showing, worry or “I’m a little sweet cute pretty girl” or defiance.
dress, hair style (total disaster),tone level - was a
complete horror show.
28 Sep 2018 - 11:37:24 AM
D's Playbook (Midterm E):
We will impeach Justice K (ZERO corroborating evidence and ALL factual witnesses provided by accuser ALL DENIED ALLEGATIONS) should we take control in NOV.
These people are EVIL, SICK, & STUPID.
You are watching/witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.
President Donald J Trump. Q has been doing his part . With the dirty dossier exposed as a mirror (think mirror) to what POTUS had a FISA on him essentially . These Traitors that signed those phony FISA warrants working with foreign agents have legit FISA 's to surveil them.We are are in a war with the global statist cabal. Does everyone think that they aren't fighting back.
"He is going to start nuclear war with N Korea" "Russia collusion Trump tower" "Tear babies from mother's breast at border" "Stomy Daniels" "Golden showers" " disasterous trade war" " destroy NATO" " Puerto Rico hurricane "
He is abused and misrepresented by the fake news and it would be the same for anyone else in his shoes doing what he is GOING to do. New Playbook.
Throw an emotional wrench ,Sexual abuse (projection like always ) to distract any reason regarding Kavanaughs character. This is one fine man who
Has by far achieved more than 99% of the people in this country. I would be proud to know him.
The Q links keep disappearing . It is archived for sure. Lindsey has certainly been interesting to watch.
I did because some don't like me certainly not from saying " which Q links disappear , here?".
You are guilty by association with me and tapped down by emotion not reason.
Exchange about military tribunals , during the hearings to YouTube
Resulting in No video message. Diane Feinstein cringed as did all the traitors I am sure when the case of Americans helping the Nazi's lost their constitutional rights when caught working as agents for our enemy. They were tried in military court and found guilty.The penalty was death.
I found it as it has been archived.
Future proves past.
Refused to hand over therapy notes to FBI.
Think WHY.
Justice K NEVER named.
[Mr X logged in book along w/ physical description during 'eyes closed' session = / = Justice K].
FBI no subpoena power [no GJ] to demand.
Justice K NEVER named / asked during Polygraph.
Something did happen to Dr. Ford in her past.
Use of that 'something' to 'frame' Justice K.
Dr. Ford's family has strong ties to SWAMP.
FBI has expanded investigation into other suspicious acts w/ support of ABC agency as AUTH BY POTUS.
[RR] involved?
She didn't.
Instead, more plausibly, she was an embarrassed teenager that tried to kiss a boy and it didn't go so well.
Some interesting data regarding the whole setup:
Of course, the whole issue is a distinct lack of facts, many fake news agencies and twists and turns that take one true fact and make 3 sort of trues. But it still does not make any sense, and she definitely lied about the airplane trips and the total lack of facts (which get wrapped up in the whole "trauma" thing as the justification, but boy, she sure knows it was Kavanaugh, but not anything else). So, how much faith do people have in the goodness and grace of the CIA, and it's professed love for the President and the country?
Lots of rumors, little fact, perfect material for the Democrats and their deep state allies to play with. There sure seems to be enough video of screaming screeching women, all crawling out to profess how they were raped 10, 20 30 years ago and "why don't you care" screeches. Yet Lindsey hit the nail on the head: "Go tell the cops". None of the screechers ever seemed to think that they own their own lives and souls.
If I believed in this partisan shit, I should be saying "Great! This is just the type of accusation that makes Republicans make total asses of themselves. Please, let's keep talking about the alleged victim's mental health and conspiracy connection. Millions of people affected by violence are associating Republicans with laughing off violent crime. Score one for the good guys (i.e. my party = Democrats)!" But I don't believe in partisan politics. I'm really concerned that citizens don't realize how fragile a democratic republic is. Some serious problem will occur that will make people "come together" and forget about goat rodeos like this. But will they come together under a banner of liberty or or trading away liberty for security?
The time to get serious is before the crisis. Liberty is in grave peril. It's not from dark plots. It's forgetting the very idea of justice being blind and gov't being limited by a Constitutional framework.
— Hank Rearden
No one is "laughing off violent crime". Taking crime seriously does not mean indefinitely hounding the innocent just because someone has made an accusation that can't substantiated but he wants it endlessly pursued without regard to logic and justice. An accuser's mental health is not relevant to arbitrary accusations, and neither are dark conspiracy theories from the anti-conceptual mentality. That three ring circus of hounding in an anti-intellectual free for all against the innocent is serious crime itself and should not be imposed by government. Even some Republicans on the committee can see that, perhaps because they finally caught on to the Democrats' tactic of turning every hearing into a circus.
"Liberty is in grave peril" because reason, logic, justice and individualism are being abandoned. It is much broader than this latest circus.
For some discussion on this forum of the Ford circus that rejects the conspiracy theories see
I think you are wrong about that, but their motivations are immaterial. Different leaders may have different motivations.
"requires government unconstrained by the Constitution -- which is why they are after Kavanaugh to begin with."
I don't think Kavanaugh has an unusually strong record on Constitutional limits for gov't, and even if he did, I don't think that's the motivation behind the politics.
"No one is "laughing off violent crime"."
It only takes one example to falsify a "no one" claim. IMHO Democrats are shamelessly trying to goad Republicans into laughing off crime, with varying degrees of success.
"That three ring circus of hounding in an anti-intellectual free for all against the innocent is serious crime itself"
""Liberty is in grave peril" because reason, logic, justice and individualism are being abandoned. It is much broader than this latest circus."
Yeah. It's much broader. This circus will be forgotten and replaced with next circus. I do not know why it's happening. I sometimes think the Internet gives content providers the ability to give people more of what they look at rather than what they would request. So craning your neck at a wreck turns into a request for more morbidly fascinating wrecks. Maybe that begets train-wreck attention-seeking behavior on the part of politicians. People might have the same level of reason, logic, justice, and individualism, but then their attention is diverted to lurid spectacles instead of reasoned discourse. I don't know. I'm speculating. I''m deeply concerned about how serious decisions are being turned into one three-ring circus after another.
Kavanaugh may be much weaker on limited government than is widely believed -- he could turn out to be another Kennedy 'swing vote' on crucial issues. But he is "conservative" enough in adherence to the Constitution in comparison with the leftists on the Court that the Democrats wanted him stopped "by any means necessary" because of it.
No one in this controversy has laughed off violent crime. Ford has been mocked for her testimony, not for the kind of assault she thinks someone did to her. She was taken seriously as sincere and believable until the campaign of farcical accusations went on for too long, by any foot-dragging method possible, despite being refuted in her accusations against Kavanaugh. By the time the circus continued for weeks she deserved to be mocked, but no one laughed at "violent crime". That is the rewrite by Democrats attempting to smear their opponents as the Democrats pursued their turning of due process and burden of proof upside down in accordance with the ideology of their misogynist 'social justice' campaign claiming a "woman's accusations must be believed". They were properly morally repudiated.
The three ring circus is not inexplicable. The hysterical irrationalism is a result of the way the perpetrators think combined with deliberate New Left gorilla theater political activism in accordance with Saul Alinsky nihilism. They were not passive observers like those seeing a train wreck; they planned and caused it. It's the way they think. This was followed by a band-wagon effect among Republicans suddenly proclaiming all kinds of agreements, including the willingness to make a hero out of the likes of Susan Collins, whom many of them despise. The spreading, hysterical irrationalism in mob thinking, which is deeper than politics, is the more fundamental threat.
Sounds like a CIA project to me...
Read the article last night land almost posted it. Can't find the link right now.
"Meditation with yoga, group therapy with hypnosis, and psychoeducation for long-term depressed mood: a randomized pilot trial", Journal of Clinical Psychology 2008 Jul;64(7):806-20
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305-571, USA.
"This randomized pilot study investigated the effects of meditation with yoga (and psychoeducation) versus group therapy with hypnosis (and psychoeducation) versus psychoeducation alone on diagnostic status and symptom levels among 46 individuals with long-term depressive disorders. Results indicate that significantly more meditation group participants experienced a remission than did controls at 9-month follow-up. Eight hypnosis group participants also experienced a remission, but the difference from controls was not statistically significant. Three control participants, but no meditation or hypnosis participants, developed a new depressive episode during the study, though this difference did not reach statistical significance in any case. Although all groups reported some reduction in symptom levels, they did not differ significantly in that outcome. Overall, these results suggest that these two interventions show promise for treating low- to moderate-level depression."
The Federalist tried to turn it into a 'smoking gun' here: Apparently the conspiracy crowd took it from there. Please do not embarrass this forum with more of that.