Judge Kavanaugh

Posted by lwwahlert 6 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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September 29, 2018

Senator Lindsey Graham

290 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

Senator Graham:

Let me start by stating I have not always been a fan/supporter of you. I’ve felt that the true Lindsey Graham was an adjunct to your mentor Senator John McCain for a number of years. It is obvious to me that you are now free to be the Lindsey Graham I had hoped secretly existed over the same time.

I honestly can’t remember a time in my roughly 70 years on this earth that I’ve been prouder of a United States Senator, than I was on Thursday of this past week. In that dramatic moment in the questioning of Judge Kavanaugh you raised the level of TRUTH to the level that I hoped would happen during the day. In fact, up to the point that you unloaded on the total miscarriage of justice and the Constitution – literally no one had the spine to stand up and state the obvious and true facts. Our system of justice and law is based upon the “innocent until proven guilty” beyond a shadow of doubt. Thank YOU Senator Graham.

Your efforts to recognize and then challenge the GOP Senators to stand behind Judge Kavanaugh was justified and supported by Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony. Your respect of Senator Jeff Flake in recognizing his seemingly continuous wavering – gave him thought. You not only did this in the committee meeting/testimony – you later did the same thing , with total respect of his rights, to do so – evaluating the FACTS to come to a conclusion.

I was disappointed that the committee decided to take the extra week to complete the FBI investigation, total delay tactics by the Democrats. President Trump basically had no choice.

Let me be clear Senator Graham. If the GOP Senators do not deliver the vote to put Judge Kavanaugh on to the Supreme Court, I will permanently terminate my support of the GOP Party and I will never donate ONE DOLLAR more of support to any GOP candidate at any level of Federal, State or City Government. This is how serious I am – and I’m confident that many, many Conservative American’s feel exactly as I do about this momentous situation.

The United States of America is clearly at a turning point !

Does the rule of law TRUMP anarchy that appears to be gaining significant momentum?

Does the downfall of this grand experiment created by our Founding Fathers continue to move forward OR do we begin/continue the free-fall that we are currently living?

These are the issues that stand squarely in front of us. Thanks again for really stepping forward to lead. You & Judge Kavanaugh have captured the nation in my opinion. Judge Kavanaugh clearly stands ready to fight to the end of this process. Whether he is confirmed or denied of the opportunity to serve in the Supreme Court – he is all in! I stand with Judge Kavahaugh and his family/supporters. I stand with YOU – Senator Graham.


Lenard W. Wahlert

8 Rubis Way

Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-4227

Cell 949-292-7751

Cc: Senator Mitch McConnell

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan

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  • Posted by term2 6 years, 5 months ago
    Written better than I could have. I totally agree. I was in tears when kavanaugh expressed what he was going through and when senator graham spoke. I have to say I did not have an emotional reaction to ford. It just sounded made up to me
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    • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 5 months ago
      I just can't see Ford's "testimony" being described as credible. Her tears were as fake as her story. She's a bitter, confused woman with an axe to grind and was taken advantage of by her lawyers and the Democrats to try to stall the proceedings. It's a complete sham.

      I would note that the Democrats did succeed in stalling long enough to prevent Kavanaugh from participating in the annual discussion about which cases the Supreme Court would hear this judicial cycle. That took place on Monday.
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      • Posted by term2 6 years, 5 months ago
        I think she was “unsure” about location, time, how she got there and back because she didn’t want to be shot down. How could anyone dispute her emotional story if there were no facts to dispute. She wanted to destroy havanaugh with an anonymous allegation while sparing herself from the potential embarrassments and downsides of the process. She is an evil person , period.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 5 months ago
          What is interesting to me is that she never solidified on a date, time, or place until after Kavanaugh released his schedule (which I believe was a tactical error on his part). Her story wandered all over as to time, date, place, and how old she was because it would have made her inquiries subject to real investigation - and subsequent criminal investigation.

          What was also interesting was the level of obfuscation employed by her lawyers (as coached by the Democrats) in trying to force an FBI investigation (which they only conduct on federal crimes) and in trying to first demand a hearing and then try to back away from it. You could smell the stench of political shenanigans from the start.
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          • Posted by term2 6 years, 5 months ago
            It was disgusting and I think the repubs should just confirm Kavanaugh in spite of all the crap. Its time for action on the part of the repubs against all this political correctness nonsense. Anyone can make allegations, and if they are elusive as to specifics, its hard to refute them. This is why she wanted Kavanaugh to go first in the hearings. So Obvious.......
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      • Posted by Solver 6 years, 5 months ago
        “I just can't see Ford's "testimony" being described as credible.”

        Yet, the vast majority of news media was on the side of her tears and against lack of evidence, facts and reason.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 5 months ago
          Which should have made it all that much more suspicious to the objective observer. The partiality of the press has been a known commodity for 50 years, has only gotten worse since Bill Clinton, and now rises to a fever pitch. The fact that they printed stories they themselves couldn't initially corroborate despite extensive efforts only condemns them the more as partisan hacks.
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  • Posted by exceller 6 years, 5 months ago
    That is the way to go.

    Don't know what McConnell will be able to do to have the three nitwits - Flake, Collins and Murkowski - back Kavanaugh but there must be means by which they can be reminded the reason they are there, which is not their self serving ego.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 6 years, 5 months ago
    Well now, that is what I call putting your money where your mouth is. I am so delighted to see so many good men taking a stand on this issue. I watched the TV until I was almost ill. Then I turned it off and back on and watched until it ended. I believe in my heart something happened to Ms Ford. I don't understand her confusion. We must wait this out I suppose. But I have prayed about this because it is very important to us all, Thanks for your comments.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 5 months ago
      Thanks so much for your support. I watched every second of Thursday’s proceedings. I was sick of the Democrats display of evil.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 5 months ago
        "I was sick of the Democrats display of evil."

        That is the mark of an honorable person - to be disgusted and outraged at such a despicable course of actions. Judge Kavanaugh's response vindicated him in my mind for that reason: no honorable person would stand for the smears and lies hurled at him or her with such blatant disregard for truth or honor.
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  • Posted by NealS 6 years, 5 months ago
    Wahlert comes through again. I know this is not the first letter of its kind to our politicians from him. If they even listen perhaps a few to Schumer and the other elites that think they are representing (?) the people.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 6 years, 5 months ago
    July 6 text to WAPO she said "It" happened in the 'mid 1980s'. July 30 letter to Feinstein she said "it" happened in the early 80s.' August 7 statement to Polygrapher said "it" happened one 'high school summer in early 80s' but she crossed out the word 'early' for reasons she didn't explain,
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  • Posted by Stormi 6 years, 5 months ago
    Well done, I agree! However, I think, as a woman, that this "all women must be believed" is a sock in the face to the woman's movement. I say, men also should be believed.I even believe my dog, until I find he is lying about having to go pott,y, just to go out. Ford, as a witness,Ford should have been vetted by the entire committee, not dragged in, doped up or hypnotized, to tell her, likely memory planted, story.
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    • Posted by NealS 6 years, 5 months ago
      If "they" keep "it" up and "it" starts to take a tighter grip in this country, perhaps the US will get what they are pushing for, and "it" will not be anything even close to what "they" intended. So far everything that comes from the left has turned into some kind of a fiasco or exactly the opposite of what they think they intended. It's the same in their accusations, whatever they accuse you of they have done themselves. Remember the gun salesman, thinking he would eliminate or at least reduce guns when in fact he created a frenzy that just put more guns out there. And he also ended up creating a much more dangerous place for those we actually pay to protect us, most likely not his real intent. But then again most politicians can't/won't admit a mistake, not even a slight error. I'd really like to see an FBI investigation of everyone that represents us in the government, at least back to their high school days. I doubt there would be more than a few left standing. But then again if that happened, they would label it as ridiculous. Adolescence is where we learn, most actually do, some don't. "The Market is going to Crash if he's elected". I'm really happy I didn't believe that one, the wife just got her new Enclave and I'm having built a new truck for myself. This is a fact that can't be denied. One of my sons (r or d?) and his wife (d) don't know it yet, but I'm planning on spending almost everything I worked hard for. I don't know for sure but them not wanting to talk about it is a pretty good clue, I think I was one that learned. They'll get out of their life what they vote for and what they put into it. At this stage of the game it does not matter to me personally, only to the well being and freedom of my children and grandchildren. Somehow the left just doesn't think that way.
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      • Posted by Stormi 6 years, 5 months ago
        Good for you, kids have too much today, and must learn via struggle the realities of economics and life. My dad gave me responsibility and encouragement, and set an example on how to earn money and pay for education, It would have been nice to have it handed over, but the feeling of doing it on my own, was a reward I did not anticipate. He understood. Enjoy those vehicles, we enjoy our Challenger, Corvette and Camaro! Our daughter became and adult and bought herself a Charger. She quoese Rand in her CEO job quite often.
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        • Posted by NealS 6 years, 5 months ago
          I glad to hear that it's okay, I loaned them money once to buy a house, and they did pay me back. I am driving a Corvette now but the snow is coming. I intend to put it away for the winter again. I didn't think about that snow stuff when we moved a couple years ago.
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          • Posted by Stormi 6 years, 5 months ago
            I got tired of looking at mine in the garage all winter, and a couple years ago, put all weather tires on the Vette and Camaro. I won't do ice in either, but the Camaro does well with snow. I did get caught in an unexpected white out a year ago while in town. I scurried for home in the Vette, but it was visibility only to the nose of the car, It is a C5, and amazingly held the road without a slip. When I put it in the garage, I found the tail lights were packed with snowin the recessed area !The dealership told me you could not put all weather on my 5th Gen Camaro LT2RS. So I went home, checked online, then took my final list to a tire dealership, which got what I wanted. It has made it so much more versatile, with plenty of speed. There are plenty of winter days that are sports car suitable.I used to lock them both up, put a charger on the batteries, but then I go nuts not having them ready to go.
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            • Posted by NealS 6 years, 5 months ago
              Mine is an '09, and only about 3-1/2 inches off the ground in the front. It might make a good snow plow, even without a blade. Don't forget to tell your insurance company when it goes to storage, it drops significantly.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 6 years, 5 months ago
    Before this was referred to the FBI, along with a doctor friend (who serves on the Board with me) and two other pals, I took a 600 mile one way Texas road trip. At a six course 3-1/2 hour meal, I asked for his thoughts. His response was, 'Have another glass of wine, dear.' We destroyed 3 bottles of wine between three of us. They weren't real big bottles! But they cost $40 apiece. The meal was interesting!
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