"Hunger Stones" Emerge in Drought-Parched Europe With Etched Warnings of Impending Famine
We all know of the evil of "global warming", after all, hasn't the MSM been trying to program us to give all our money away (or have it stolen) to save the whales, uh, earth, well, someone. Maybe Al "end of the world and my 300 million boondoggle" Gore should have gone diving in the Elbe and looked at the "Hunger Stones" from the Maunder Minimum, a repeat of which is already in progress So, tell the next Millennial who cry's to you to go read the "Hunger Stones" and watch them head for the video store...those were some bad times then, and will be again...
What a curious concept!
Makes me dino think of climates dinosaurs and woolly mammoths had to adpt to.
Not to mention the original Americans, who were once able to brrrr! cross the Bering Strait while ancestors of the horse traveled in the opposite direction to evade a North American Pleistocene extinction.
Already knowing horse ancestors migrated from North America into Asia and beyond, me dino got the Pleistocene horse details above because I just looked it up.
Do you want to know the stated cause of that North American extinction? Climate change!
Wheeee! How about that? .
Hey, put out those campfires, stupid cavemen! Freeze to save the planet!
Interesting link by the way.