Thread by @findtruthQ: "1) ****THREAD**** What is Operation Mockingbird? It's time for everyone that doesn't know what is to understand it. I […]" #OperationMockingbird #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening #Qanon

Posted by $ nickursis 6 years, 4 months ago to Government
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This is a submission to provide some proof of the "great conspiracy theory" that some seem to want to berate as "nonsense", or lacking factual support. If you still think this is not enough to prove the CIA is NOT a friend of the Republic, and is at work for other masters, I am also providing some other sources, that I hope pass the credibility test and will provide factual data we can agree on.
SOURCE URL: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1050172415597137920.html

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  • Posted by Stormi 6 years, 4 months ago
    We have know fore years how the Bilderberger bunch have controlled the print media. Now it is the broadcast media. Of course the CIA would be involved, were they not part of MK Ultra, possibly involved in school shooting to get gun control. Were they not involved with the JFK killing, the recorods of which even Trump would not release. Were not the one world bunch, like Rockefller involved in changing education for one world order? Bush Sr was CIA, was one world, was involved even in the Congressional pedophile ring. The deep state has been at it a long while, and will use anyone and anthing to accomplish their goals.Operation Mockingbird is the one for the press, but they have many.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 4 months ago
      Well, they did release some of the JFK materials, others were not, but from the one picture, a photo expert managed to get an ID on one shooter as Tippets, who was mysteriously killed by Oswald, who then was killed ny Ruby, and they were all connected. Strange coincidences, none of which were ever explored, just like the three "hobos" they held right after the shooting, who, mysteriously were released as soon as they got to jail, never to be seen again. Nope, no conspiracies here...
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      • Posted by Stormi 6 years, 4 months ago
        Also, the woman who was coming up the Depository stairs as Oswald supposedly was coming down, but her story contradicted theirs? She disappeared for fear of being killed and said so. How about the strange temporary disappearance of JFK Jr. pilot, who showed up with a memory gap, or Bush Jr."s sending rescue searchers in the opposite direction from the crash? The swamp is so deep and corrupt,. I would never vote fro a Bush or Clinton - EVER!
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        • Posted by Beatlemicah 6 years, 4 months ago
          Ok it's a given that there were several gunmen, but I think the shot that killed JFK shot was made by a man named James Files (inmate 14006, Joliet, IL) Grassy knoll gunman. James
          was imprisoned for something else, but may be released now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihnqS...
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          • Posted by $ 6 years, 4 months ago
            Interesting thing, I am watching a 2009 "Worlds Greatest Mysteries" (on News Max) and it calls out a boatload of inconsistencies, and the clear fraud of the Warren Commission, and also that they were going to dump Johnson, and now they are saying that he may have been killed as part of a Democratic Party effort to hide his various infidelities, as the media was going to expose it. They even talk about the Marilyn Monroe issues and how she got dumped. They even tie in Hoovers records of all his dalliances.The mention he had Addison disease, which was treated with testosterone and some other steroids, and it led to a large appetite, supposedly.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 6 years, 4 months ago
    Very interesting, this type of propaganda shows up in many television/Cable series. I don't trust the media as a whole even Fox at times. Recently Fox Sean Hannity had on Newt Gingrich who compared the far left Anifa to the Brown Shirts of Weimar Germany. But Hannity didn't follow through on what Newts statement. What is the media so afraid of calling the far Left for what it is?
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 4 months ago
    And...don't forget it was the babushkies that started the CIA thing...maybe it didn't start out the way it is now, but they did nothing to stop it either!
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  • Posted by PeterSmith 6 years, 4 months ago
    So this is the new "9-11 was an inside job" nonsense eh?
    Should this really be on Galt's Gulch?
    This kind of irrational stuff is pretty anti-objectivism.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 4 months ago
      The testimony in congress, the results of the Freedom of Information act...was Not Fake.

      Obobo changing the law against the dissemination of propaganda in America and effectively making said dissemination now legal...was Not Fake news.

      Both of these assertions are backed up with documentary evidence.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 4 months ago
      Peter Smith: UH, did you read it? I did n't see any "9-11 was an inside job" wording. It was about the media, and a long time CIA project (not a conspiracy theory, but openly admitted to, once the papers were pried out of them by FOIA request), where CIA would drive the narrative through the media. Or do you believe the media is unbiased, and really reporting facts?
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    • Posted by DeangalvinFL 6 years, 4 months ago
      What is the difference between people saying, "Who is John Galt?" or "We are Q"?

      I agree that the idea that ALL journalists are controlled by a deep state God like creature is absurd. However, group think logic is quite dangerous, and when the ends justifies the means mentality becomes pervasive, then a few choice false "facts" can do the job of creating chaos quite nicely.

      It is objective to notice that the US military and or police never kill, arrest or harm an innocent citizen, rather that it was a terrorist, insurgent, criminal conspiracy associate, gang member, money launderer, etc. It is true that most of the time they are quite bad people, but not always. The "authorities" are as human as the rest of us and do make mistakes.

      AND, there are politicians who do not have the general public in mind when they are supporting and promoting "secret" programs.

      I am not a follower of Q, whatever that is, but the sentiment that it is time to strike and/or not believe all of the "reporting of facts" as presented in MSM is pretty John Galt sounding to me. Aka, look for yourself, gather your own information and do your own analysis - use your own mind.

      There is even FAKE weather. Lol.
      Any one will find this humorous and enjoyable.
      Short 1 minute video, notice 15 seconds in:
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 4 months ago
        And yes, the Fake Weather thing is absolutely telling, and shows just how far the manipulation has spread. And it was pretty damn funny. Yet what fallout happened? Hurricane Michael had the same number of goofy reporters out in the wind. There was one woman from CBS (shocking) who actually did look like she was really in a room when it went through, and did record houses floating away, so maybe the idea they went too far has sunk in.
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        • Posted by DeangalvinFL 6 years, 4 months ago
          Yes it is telling. Hilarious also.
          CNN is the worst, they have a story they want to tell and then go out and find the news, sometimes even create it. Sad, because when CNN started they were the matter of fact reporters that tried to just reported events. Boring but informative.
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 4 months ago
        Dean, it was never stated "ALL" journalists were controlled by a deep state God. It did state there was a verified, real program, where the CIA wanted, and did, control media through various tools, includeing their own people, allies with agendas and the "deep state" bureaucracy. The "deep state" refers to the unelected herd of bought souls that have infiltrated and practice the policies needed to support specific element who have tried to sell the idea of "democracy" as a virtue, and if we are all "democratic" then the 51% rule the 49% and their way or the highway results. It has 83 thousand layers of lies and deceit to cover it up. People need to stop discounting the efforts these people will go to, did you not just witness an entire meltdown of part of the country over a mere accusation? Then it was seriously proposed as the reason to NOT pass a person otherwise qualified for a position, based on "we have to investigate.....and investigate....and" until the midterm elections? Is that "normal" or even rational behavior? How do you influence people to behave the way you want? Present all the base behaviors you want in school, remove the ones you don't want (like pledging allegiance to a Republic), then create a fake "need" to go to college or never get a job, so you can finish the indoctrination in college. You reinforce the conditioning in a daily blitz of media skewed to report the ideas and morals you want them to have, and so came Mockingbird.

        I put more references to back this up, fromas many varied sources as I could locate, but here is one that is pretty easy to understand:

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        • Posted by DeangalvinFL 6 years, 4 months ago
          I agree with much of what you are saying.
          I was trying to strike a balance.
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          • Posted by $ 6 years, 4 months ago
            Balance is only required if negotiating, and allparties are in good faith. This shows a total lack of good faith, and intense manipulation and social engineering. So, who would have the reason and incentives to do that? Conspiracy theories be damned, I almost believe the "conspiracy theory" thing is apart of the framework, discredit logical argument with some planted evidence (facts, news stories early on when people actually trusted the media), then carefully release the fact it isn't true. The disappointment then scars society from ever credibly pursuing a logical argument without overwhelming evidence. The Kavanaugh thing is an excellent example of how they use that system, they make our these accusations are all absolutely true, despite denial and no facts, yet THEIR conspiracy theory MUST be obeyed and believed, and we become conditioned to say that about any other attempts using the best logic and facts we can find, to where you now need the damn traitors to stand up, dance naked screaming "I'm a traitor!!" before anyone will blink an eye. I also invite you to examine the whole nasty Hillary history, how can someone who has so much clear, uncontroverted evidence of criminal activity, never even be challenged? Easy: You have numbed the sheeple to the point they cannot logically accept anything until it is rammed in their face, and it is too late. Thus is born Q, to provide the few people who refuse to be programmed, with the data and facts and stimulation to be part of the "Great Awakening" to the treason and danger. Wow, I just figured out why Q is doing what it is doing.......
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