Airport worker who stopped alleged plane theft: 'This isn't going to happen again'
It seems like there should be more to this story, especially if he was planning on being an Alaska Airlines copycat? People just jump fences at airports and can climb on board? I think they need better airplane keys for the doors....
The Airplane.
As for the wannabe hijacker obtaining access, methinks doors may be left open when maintenance is taking place inside. May be the only way to get some air.
Me dino now recalls me as a kid summer jobs of loading parked 18-wheeler trailers and boxcars.
Whoo-wee! In Alabama summer heat!
Really enjoyed all those cools showers after work.
Larger, multi-engine planes usually do NOT have this feature. The "protection" is that there are comparatively few people who can fly these planes.
This is an interview conducted on the day of, with an airline pilot who voices concerns with the low safety standards at the time.
As Mary Ann Sures observed in "Facets of Ayn Rand," anger went out of the world with Ms. Rand's passing. Now, listening back on this interview, I realize that, without her philosophy of Objectivism, not even 9/11 (or any subsequent atrocity) could be enough of a shock to "trigger" that healthy emotional response of indignant anger at the sight of an obvious injustice in most people who can only whine about their apathetic sadness and confusion.
Intellectually (and emotionally) disarmed by gangs of professional cowards and cynics in academia, politics and beyond, too many have allowed themselves to become the silent, opium-addicted "victims" of an historical (post-modern, egalitarian) trend that continues to spread & gain momentum. over a generation after the biggest wake-up call we've had since Pearl Harbor.
We have to not think like collectivists, draw a firm epistemological line between what is known and what is a premature "integration" in seeking to understand who is doing what, when, where and how.
There are no "forces" at work (that is pure Platonism).
Here's a syllogism:
[All "Q" is spam
This post is Q...
Ergo, downvote Q.]
That document Dobrian posted to explain "Q" is pure science fiction, a "Big Lie" only to the addle-brained readers who buy into such elaborate constructs. Everything in the wikipedia article on it is spot on (having read both).
M2, here we come (and no, that's not a "thing").