Any recommendations on a rational and positive sense-of-life news commentary & analysis?

Posted by BrettRocketSci 6 years, 6 months ago to News
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Our news and commentary has gotten unbearably depressing, angry, and unproductive for me lately. Or pathetically biased and delusional, from one direction or the other. Even the more rational and reasonable outlets (while also entertaining, often) have become too much of a psychological and spiritual drain for me. And an unproductive time suck.

I'm coming back to the Gulch here for some recommendations. Is there anyone you follow / watch / listen to on a social media channel or website that provides (1) an objective and rational outlook on current events (2) a positive and inspiring attitude, and (3) action-oriented or practice advice that can actually help us become more happy, productive, and virtuous in our crazy world?

I could list our "usual suspects" but I don't want to contaminate and pre-populate the results. Enlighten and persuade me if someone is out there you think meets all these criteria. Bonus points if it is someone using a video platform because that is the most effective and fun way to engage with someone / some outlet.

In other words, I'm looking for an outlet that consistently delivers on the sentiment from Ayn Rand who said, "The world you deserve exists. It is real. It is yours." And here is how you can claim it...

Who is delivering on that philosophy?? Help me, please.

This discussion topic is also a test to see if a meaningful gap exists in which someone needs to fill. ;-)

Thanks, Brett

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  • Posted by Stormi 6 years, 6 months ago
    I watch FNC, but can't stomach Shepherd Smith, so turn over to FBC when it gets too bad. I check out Canada Free Press daily on the Internet, rational articles and they will say what our press will not. I get Michael Reagan's newsletter. I check in on rush every once in a while. I miss WikiLeaks.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 6 months ago
    I would like this too, but I would like it in text and/or podcast format.

    For podcasts, I like The Skeptics Guide to the Universe. I miss Dan Carlin's Common Sense podcast, which he publishes rarely. He also produces a Hardcore History podcast. That podcast is like a series of history audiobooks.

    This is a good time to catch up on audiobooks.

    My favorite news outlet since the 90s is NYT. I had a paper subscription in the 90s before it was all on the Internet. I still subscribe and listen to the Daily podcast, but I'm not thrilled with them lately. You have to scroll down to get past the lurid stuff.

    I have gone through phases of reading Bloomberg and the WSJ. I had a paper subscription to WSJ at a different point in the 90s when I didn't have NYT.

    I share the OP's question. It seems like there's a lot of clownishness in the world, as if irrational conspiracy-theory thinking is bleeding over from the kooks of the world into the real world.
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    • Posted by term2 6 years, 6 months ago
      The problem comes in when advertising plays such a huge role in the financial side of "news". We get what will keep people watching or reading the ads.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 6 months ago
      Many of those "conspiracies" are no longer theories but still a bit of caution should always be taken, even in the discussions.
      Observing what actually is happening instead of what is said or posed is best... but in today's world, events are hidden, facts changed and sometimes while the events are happening.

      It's maddening trying to vet some things out.

      Investigate without fear, ignore that within you that temps you to discount everything and you'd be surprised at what you learn...Everything these days requires this procedure. Trying always to prove it wrong.
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      • Posted by 6 years, 5 months ago
        We agree on a lot there. That's why I want to find sources that actually point to the original facts and sources, and practice ruthless perception and analysis of them. Not mind reading of peoples' inner thoughts ("it shows his racism") or spending 75%+ of time on speculation and conjecture.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 3 years ago
    The local newspaper in this town (Richmond) has becoming more leftist in its commentaries. I also have noticed more editorializing in the "straight news" articles. I think it would be a good thing for some people to get together to start a newspaper to report news and save the opinions for the editorial columns. It would be a good idea. I'd like to help with it, although I am not a journalist, and never took a course in journalism.
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  • Posted by starznbarz 6 years, 6 months ago
    This is our main site, all original pieces, with content added as I have time to write. On the opening page is the link to our FB page, it is updated with a variety of news articles from many sources early every morning, Monday through Friday. EDIT after reading some comments - we do not run ads, or ask for money, nor do we sell/rent your info.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 5 months ago
      Thanks. Looks like you use your FB page as the primary platform because your most recent website article is from Sept 2017. Am I missing something??
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      • Posted by starznbarz 6 years, 5 months ago
        That was the last piece I put up on the main site, the FB page is the platform that I update every morning, I find it to be the best way to quickly put up links to the daily news / issues that I find interesting - and usually not given time by MSM. I have a full time job, run a photography business on the side and try to write for the main site when I have the time, updating the FB page takes about 2 hours every morning. I am semi retiring in a few months, there will be more time to write then. Glad you stopped by.
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  • Posted by $ TomB666 6 years, 6 months ago
    Thanks for asking this. I've gotten to where I leave the room when my wife puts 'news' on because it is more upsetting then enlightening.
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  • Posted by term2 6 years, 6 months ago
    I wonder just how much "news" we would pay to receive IF we had to pay cold hard cash to get it. When its financed by ad revenue, we get what the news organizations think will make us sit through the commercials or see the ads in the papers.

    Most of the "news" doesnt affect us directly at all, and I say that people wouldnt want to pay $$ to find out how high the tide came in on a bangladesh shore, or how many carrier pigeons live in the USA.
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  • Posted by term2 6 years, 6 months ago
    No one that I have heard espouses the philosophy of Ayn Rand consistently. Conservatives are on the whole closer to that than liberals, but conservatives are so intellectually conflicted that they can be counted on.

    I like Mark Levin, who occasionally gets on FOX news. I have forgotten his name, but there is a tall black well-spoken and very smart dude who is also occasionally on FOX.

    The rest of the FOX people are good today and bad tomorrow, depending on who knows what. Except for the religion thing, Bill O'Reilly wasnt too bad. Of all people, I actually liked Milo (I will not get his last name right). At least he said what he thought, which is a good thing.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 6 months ago
    Levin TV, The Blaze...these are pay per view although you can get 30 days free viewing.

    Haven't found anything that ignores the chatter of the day. The two sites above do give reasonable and detailed background and commentary. Also they interview a lot of good authors and on occasion, some good things that have happened that no one is talking about

    There is probably some other sites as well but these two are all I have time for.

    Understand: The post modernist have made it their business to create chaos, confusion and division. There is no discussing anything with them.
    At least at the Gulch we can express our dismay's and try to make some sense of it without being shut down or band.

    The resources gathered can be impressive at times.

    Humanity is under siege and in danger right now, it is not likely to change anytime soon.

    Look up Post Modernism...that is what underlays everything these days.
    It's the opposite of Rand and the Enlightenment.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 6 months ago
      Thanks for the suggestions. I prefer to stay with free for now but can come back to this later.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 6 months ago
        I get took me quite a while before I saw a value in paying for news...seems Everything Free! has a price that is way to high.

        Yes, there are many people that sideline on the two programs I mentioned, offer their take on youtube or their own sites and you can get the reasoned observations and the "What actually happened" news you are looking for.

        I find the daily scheduled routine valuable because I need to spend time researching and writing my book.
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