Now or Never, by Robert Gore
They’ve thrown everything but the kitchen sink at this gargoyle, but the kitchen sink for which reasonable people keep looking is any hard evidence from those who bear the burden of proof that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. As SLL has said from the beginning, the story is pathetically flimsy, a sign of its purveyors’ weakness, not strength. It’s driven not by Russophobia, but prosecution-phobia. Washington broke into insane hysteria the night of November 6, 2016 not because Donald Trump said he’d seek better relations with Russia, but because of his catchphrase: “Drain the Swamp!”
This is an excerpt. To read the complete article, please click the above link.
This is an excerpt. To read the complete article, please click the above link.
The Democrat's academic branch office ad intellectual vanguard has gone farthest off the deep end. Socialists in training demand free (to them) higher education, and free (to them) housing and medical care plus a guaranteed income once out of school. Who pays for all this in a country carrying $200 trillion plus in debt and unfunded obligations? Not their problem--they issue demands, not solutions."
Ah, by the way, I have but one critique about this excellent article~
"flack" is a publicity agent, according to an online dictionary.
"flak" gores boom in the air and is a metaphor for, well, catching criticism. .