NATO pledges to boost defense spending after stern words from Trump
I don't know that Trump did anything wrong here. In fact, it was more like having renters promise to pay 5% of the salary for rent and yet only cough up 2% and say they can't afford it, and expect you to pick up the tab. All the rest is theater mainly because the Dumbocraps do not have anything useful to add, nor have they done anything in the last 8 years. Amazing how the immigration thing went extinct in a week, and the Supreme Court and NATO became their complaint. Trump has no problem telling countries like it is, unlike any previous president.
It is a complaint that Trump doesn't act Presidential. I say good , I don't like any that have acted Presidential. Look at the results.#MAGA
Oh, yeah, and to let enemies laugh at us as they beat us in trade is to be Lefty/.RINO presidential also.
Just ask Nutty Nancy and Sliding Specs Darth Schumer.
It's Jackass Party voters who hang on to such clowns.
I've always told people I was drafted into the Marines and became a supply clerk who never got out of the Carolinas between 1969 and 1971.
I was glad too. I didn't want to get killed for a war that made no sense to me and that I was against.
To say I fought in Nam would have dishonored myself and insulted those heroes who did.
Me dino never called real Vietnam vets "baby killers' either.
Darth Chucky sounds Star Wars At Child's Play
To me Trump is the opposite , a clean gushing mountain spring of cool fresh water.
Bad Hair Day ain't perfect but I really appreciate him anyway.
I don't understand the complaints either. And the STUPIDITY of Germany getting rid of Nukes, to become dependent on a pipeline.
Bug dig deeper, and Trump called out the PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATOR as the person who is personally benefiting from this bad
decisions. GOOD FOR HIM!
I grew up on the free lunch program. I am sooo MUCH BETTER OFF than that... But my daughter is in school, she is working 2 jobs, and for 3 months her car was stalling, leaving her stranded... Where she learned to safely get to the side of the road, and call AAA... (or wait it out, some relay was overheating)... The mechanic couldn't find the issue until the 3rd time. When he kept it and let it run for hours until it stopped, found it in 5 minutes. Fixed it done.
What did she learn? A Car is only good if it is reliable! That, we count on things to work JUST RIGHT every single day, and when they don't, you have to be able to handle it. If you don't have the phone number or the address of where your next appointment is, on you, or in your phone, etc. Then what do you do when the car conks out. You better be calling people to let them know. And texting...
BUT the funny part was when her best friend said "So, now that your car is dying, you're going to get a new car!!! ".
My daughter said "Girlfriend... have you MET my father?!?"
And she's right, SHE can't afford a new car. I could buy her 3, but that is no way to raise a young adult who respects what they have!
And she called, just just got ANOTHER job... BTW with the QuickBooks Certification I had her get at while learning QB to help do my books.
That's what we have lost more than anything else in my view... Those chances to make mistakes, and suffer... In order to learn to make better decisions... In a word: RESPONSIBILITY.
I don't know if Trump is really pursuing the goals that he claims, but the known enemies of the people appear to be very upset by Trump's actions. I view that as a good thing as far as it goes.
Go Trump! Europe , MSM and the Dumbs.
Having had work contracts in China I've seen how obscenely expensive anything made in the US is over there. It isn't all tariffs, either, as they have a whole tool box of tricks to keep out US goods. The painful thing is, like the EU, our own politicians helped them all along the way... until Trump.
True story while I was working in China: A few of my Chinese coworkers went up to the roof of the factory we were at for a smoke break and at the time I liked a cigar from time to time so I went up to join them. We were warned before we went over there that political conversations were forbidden, but this was a rare moment when a few of us were just relaxing and the subject came up regarding how well the people of China were doing in this city. I mentioned I hadn't expected to see such prosperity in shops and businesses run and actually owned by private individuals. A friend about my age said these things are all recent because there were many days as he was growing up when all he got to eat for the whole day was a single sweet potato. After the death of Mao things started getting better and people were more free to start their own businesses. He also whispered to me if the leaders in Beijing ever tried to reinstate the old communist rules, the people would put their heads on a pole and "they" know it.
Side story: I was sitting at an outside table in Beijing having a beer (good beer there!) within sight of the famous giant picture of Mao. One of my Chinese friends, who noticed me staring at the portrait, leaned over and said some officials wanted to take it down to signify the move away from Maoist China. However, local shop owners complained loudly that it was a big tourist attraction and they would lose business if it was taken away. Who'd have guessed the big commie's picture was being kept around to sell more beer and tourist trinkets! LOL!
I have only read the headlines, but I don't either. I've long wondered why everyone asks "what's the US going to do" about the latest military crisis in the world. President Trump is talking about it aloud. It seems long overdue to me.
I dream of US going back to mostly an armed militia of citizens and a limited standing army for things like missile defense. Other countries could do likewise. Regardless of how far we dial in back, I don't understand why US has to carry most of the burden of policing the world. President Trump is the only president in my lifetime I can recall asking this aloud.
So, defense against Russia is much more important to Europe than to the USA. Russia could destroy the USA, but not really take it over. The people here are much too difficult to control (at least the deplorable half) than socialist europeans. In fact the Soviet union couldnt even melt the satellite countries it DID control into mother Russia.
Imagine the USA trying to take over any one of the European countries and managing it like a colony !!! Pretty much impossible.
Therefore, Trump is right that the other local countries should be shouldering the burden for local defense. Why do we spend $700 billion to defend them.
Merkel is kind of an idiot making big deals from Russia. Maybe she wants to be part of Russia like she wanted to be part of the middle east.
Look at here and realize they are aligned to the "World Customs Organization" and you begin to see the "one world order" threads being strung about. No free trade exists, it is, as you said, a way to fund their social agendas. Main reason the Cabal is fighting back so hard. Even our farmers are whining, when they really just need to go find other markets.