Nikki Halley Unloads on Arab Countries

Posted by mminnick 6 years, 2 months ago to Politics
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From the article; US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley slammed Arab member states over their relationship with the Palestinian Authority Tuesday, saying anti-Israeli rhetoric was having a disastrous impact on their “streets and communities.”

Haley was speaking at the United Nations Security Council this week when she called-out Arab nations for their “never-ending” speeches surrounding Israel; adding if “those words were useful” Palestinians “would not be facing the desperate conditions” we see today.

“If those words were useful in the schools, the hospitals, and the streets of their communities, the Palestinian people would not be facing the desperate conditions we are discussing here today,” she said. “But talk is cheap.”

“Since [1993], the United States has provided over $6 billion (with a ‘b’) dollars in bilateral assistance to the Palestinians. How much have the Arab countries – some of whom are wealthy – how much have they given to the Palestinians? It does not come anywhere close to what the United States has done,” she added.

“We are not fools. If we extend a hand in friendship and generosity, we do not expect our hand to be bitten. And as we extend our hand, we also expect others to extend theirs as well,” said the Ambassador.
My comment: Well Said Nikki. Well said.

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  • Posted by jimslag 6 years, 2 months ago
    Ambassador Halley is the real thing. I applaud her standing up to the loud mouthed but do nothing UN. She is right to ask what have you done. All the foreign aid we send over there goes into corrupt politicians pockets. I spent several years in the Middle East and saw all the opulence that the Emirs, Kings and their underlings live in while the rest of the country lives in squalor. Don't get me wrong, some do good with the oil money and foreign aid dollars, look at the UAE, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman. However good they are, they still have money to burn and could help the UN to resolve this issue. However, the Palestinians are also at fault for lot in life, there are plenty of Arabs who live in Israel with no problem and they are welcomed. But and Israeli could not even venture into the Gaza Strip or anywhere ruled over by the Palestinian Authority without a contingent of soldiers.
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