House Dems unveil new midterm campaign slogan
I was tempted to put this in Humor...but it can be politics or Culture. Should really be "For the People (As long as we get our cut)", but really, doesn't "For the People" has such a ring of bad Sci Fi politics (Honor Harringtons People Republic of Haven used it) or Atlas Shrugged government control? It is almost an excuse, not a slogan, and has been used many times before to justify imposing their will, taking away freedom, controlling markets. I bet Maduro in Venezuela sues them for copyright infringement, I think he has been using it for the last few years as well...
Let the "People" do for themselves.
Don't go away mad and foaming...just go a galaxy...far, far, away!
So the campaign slogan is "For The People," eh? How about "Power To The People" accompanied by a Commie-looking fist salute like I saw during the later 60s?
The Jackass Party bosses will show the people who has the power should they get to take back the "crumbs" Princess Pelosi spoke of just before the economy took off.
"More free shit for everyone!"
And it can't be everybody because some are going to have to be stolen from.
How about brain dead? Would that fit the bill?
The Democrat party is being eaten by fanatic socialists, primarily because the party has driven out any remaining moderates, most of whom fell as casualties of their grudging votes for Obamacare. Fiscal conservatives are also extinct in the party, demonstrated by the eagerness of the numerous presidential wannabes racing to the left, proclaiming they can promise even more "free" stuff than the other candidates. Economics is completely absent from their skill set.
Behind every promise of ever more safety and security lurks diminishing liberty. Under "Democratic Socialism" individual freedom has to be curtailed to meet the goals of social justice, crushed by an ever more powerful government.
The reason socialists are so opposed to individual ownership of guns is the possibility of a real resistance to the force of an overbearing state. Freedom of speech tenets are also to be restricted to only state-approved speech, lest opposition be encouraged. I believe the reason most media outlets have become mouthpieces for the left is out of eagerness to survive in a socialist environment. The MSM read the tea leaves of the Sandernistas socialists, and it scared some, and inspired others of equally delusional thinking.
I hope that enough people ask themselves how realistic the Democrat vision is to deny them possession of the House and Senate this Fall. If not, America will grind to a halt, buried under fruitless impeachment investigations and presidential vetoes.
Doesn't that illustrate the logic that assumes a Deep State would want to have the biggest, most emotional shootings they can, at a rate calculated to keep the idea of "guns are bad" in the sheeple mind, so that then their anti gun push is successful? Look at the discussion we had on Chicago, which is proof gun control is a fantasy, and that the next step is total confiscations of all guns because "we can't have good gun control with the criminals so total ban is needed to protect the people" thus achieving your premise?
To that end, they generate big shootings to keep it in mind, when really there are very few, and perpetrated by people way past high school:
Oh, I live in New Hampshire.
Live Free or Die state. See post on NH below.
Freedom for the people (not!)
For the people, from the people (via the meddling middlemen)
John Morgan, in central Florida, has used that slogan in all of his legal advertising and is immensely popular.
Especially if they have a relevant theme to them such as a portion of "of the people, by the people and for the people".
It is a simplistic statement and probably shouldn't be rightly uttered by the Democrats (nor Republicans).
However, my point is that it is a powerful slogan, and will serve well the interests of anyone using it.
As the old saying goes, you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.
"Democrats are in their best position in nearly a decade to regain control of the House largely because of an energized anti-Trump base seeking a check on the president. Midterms also historically favor the party not in control of the White House."
Wishful thinking but based on an inability to actually face reality. Wonder if the RHINOs are going to finally cross to the party they actually represent?
"Chains and Enslavement For the People"
As for Weber, he is the most unabashed biased multiculturist feminist in sci-fi. Virtually all his heroes are female or black or other non-white or a combination thereof. Virtually all his villains are white males. His love affair with monarchy is irrational rubbish, too.
He does write very good space battles if you can manage to get through the hundreds of pages of molasses slow political intrigue and biased propaganda.
Is this somehow implying that the Dumbocraps are going to run as space aliens?
Thanks again.