Republicans Thought Peter Strzok Would Be a Punching Bag. He Just Knocked Them Out.
Now if you can read this, and think it has any basis in reality (go watch Trey Gowdy for the other side of this), you have been dragged into the murkey end of the swamp. This is classic yellow journalism, and propaganda, and is a desperate attempt by the Cabals media monsters to make a traitor and disgusting abuser of public trust into the "good guy", complete with Hollywood references.
What do you expect it'll do now? Post the facts?
I picked up on the mantra line "This latest spectacle was designed for one purpose only: the destruction of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Donald Trump’s Russia ties. " where the author doesn't even bother with using the word "alleged" between "Trump's" and "Russia" as if this supposition were true in spite of zero evidence.
They were responsible for the murders at Ruby Ridge and Waco (Janet Reno's sham responsibility statement aside) and no one was ever punished.
The FBI has been a statist bunch of thugs since its inception.
Is me dino into ad hominems or is me dino into ad hominems? Listening to Rush Limbaugh
makes me do this.
the disruptive dems should have joined him
Trey Gowdy needs to get a backbone...
always follow the money....
Chinese don’t buy from USA because we are too expensive, and tariffs won’t help that at all. Maybe if the Chinese yuan tripled in value, the US dollar loses 2/3 if it’s value, the trade deficit will be gone. But China doesn’t want that either because their US dollar hoard would drop by 2/3
The shot will hit the fan one way or another and we will get the inflation in the US dollar we have deserved for years. It will be a depression. Not a recession. I don’t know how much inflation is in the cards but it’s going to be a replay of the Nixon/ford years at least. A car that could be bought for 3000 in 1966 now costs more like 35000. Gasoline went from 24.9 to 3.00 now per gallon. If this is repeated, take current prices and raise them by perhaps a factor of 10 in the next 20 years with a new currency being floated to wipe out Chinese hoard value, assuming they don’t come over here and buy up as much of America as they can first.
Maybe that would wipe out the trade deficit for awhile, but cause an inflationary temporary boom here as we sell off our country’s assets for depreciating dollars while the Chinese keep their wealth in hard appreciating goods
It’s not going to be pretty for the USA. The chickens are coming home to roost pretty soon. The establishment (including Chinese establishment) will desperately attempt to kick the can down the road once more, and might yet do it once or twice more
Trump walks a tightrope.....
I watched all of the Strzok hearings. Strzok showed himself to be a smirking, arrogant ass. Pithy questions were answered with “The FBI tells me I can’t answer that question.” His other responses were uber-spin aimed at trying to get those watching to believe in his patriotism.
His testimony belies the facts.
He has headed both the Clinton and Russia investigations. He softly found Clinton did nothing wrong (lie) and was a strong Clinton supporter and advocate. Along with James Comey, he proffered that Clinton was innocent before she was “interviewed”, and before the investigation was complete.
With the Russia investigation, he aggressively went after everyone in the room, and his emails show that he and his illicit lover, Lisa Page, wanted in the worst way to find something that would bring Trump down, either before or after the election. He would have done literally anything to keep Trump out of the White House.
Now, as they say, his chickens have come home to roost. His bias is showing. His lies are both showing and telling. His patriotic babble, his many smirks during the hearings, and the palpable thickness of his arrogance only prove his Deep State status among his fellow Clinton worshipers.
He claims that his personal views had no bearing on his actions as an FBI Assistant Director. Really?
If you believe that, then you are, indeed, nose deep in the swamp. Frankly, it took little effort to see just how duplicitous, hypocritical, and fraudulent Strzok is, and to see through his attempts at the BIG lie.
We are rapidly getting to the point of little confidence in our swamplike government and its defense of itself at our expense.
If there's a conspiracy to realign the world system, Strozk may not know about it. If he does, all the more reason for him to think it's a game.
U.S. and U.K. Intelligence Communities that conspired to produce
both the fake Russiagate and very real Spygate.”