"On Q!!!"- Shocking Justice Ginsburg Video Surfaces- Must Watch!
Another piece of the puzzel and the plan to remove the U.S. from the board. Just toss the Constitution and use South Africa's,because it's "better", or Canada's....
SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkmCAtC9a_M
Uh . . . hey, what's going on here? Me dino don't get it.
Where I sit, they are not turning at all.
BTW President Clinton announced Ruth Bader Ginsburg as White's replacement on June 15, 1993, and she was confirmed by the United States Senate on August 3, 1993.[2]
Remember when the "wise Latina" was confirmed? Hussein loved her because she declared to be "flexible" in interpreting the Constitution.
Hussein's greatest pain was that he was unable to outlaw it. But he did everything in his power to bypass it.
“As the federal convention assembled in May 1787, its members did agree, though, on some basic principles and use of terms. All believed in government by consent, which in 18th-century understanding included (1) constitutional monarchy, where the monarchs powers were limited and where the government included an assembly elected by the people; (2) a republic, meaning some forms of representative government without a hereditary executive; and (3) democracy which meant either town meeting style democracy or simply the direct voice of the people within a government. The revolutionary struggle against the government of George III left the constitutional monarchy in ill-repute in America.….Equally discredited was “mere democracy“ which still meant, as Aristotle had taught, rule by the passionate, ignorant, demagogue-dominated “voice of the people“. This was sure to produce first injustice, then anarchy, and finally tyranny. Hence virtually all shades of opinion reviled monarchy and democracy, and, publicly at least, affirmed republicanism.”
One need only revisit The Federalist Papers, or The Anti-Federalist Papers and read some of the writings of the Founding Fathers, or the transcripts of the debates during the Constitutional Convention, to realize just how far away from the government of the Constitution we really are. That realization is exceptionally distressing.
We have come so far away from the Founders’ intent, not by Amendment of the Constitution, not by Law, not by vote, or any other legitimate means, but by (1) an Executive Branch that has ignored the Constitution in proposing and enforcing the laws of the United States; (2) a Congress that likewise ignored the Constitution and assumed far more power than the Constitution allows; (3) a Judicial Branch which has likewise ignored the Constitution and its meaning in favor of creating “constitutional rights” that don’t exist in the Constitution, legislating from the bench, and deciding cases on the basis of personal opinion rather than constitutional principle; (4) any number of politicians, state, federal or local, who have taken the position, often publicly, that the Constitution is out of date and should be revised or replaced for their own ends; and, finally, (5) a populace that knows little or nothing about the Constitution, and which, as the prophet predicted, vote for those who promise them the greatest largess at public expense.
As Ginsburg notes, we have the oldest, still in force Constitution in the world. It has served us well over the last 240 years. And that fact should be a badge of honor that we wear for the world. And if you read it and understand it, you know that the principles and functions of the government it describes are timeless and basic to self government by the people, the right of the people to Liberty, the right of the people to pursue life, liberty and happiness on their own terms, and limited government that assures protection of the rights listed therein. Ginsburg would have us look to Socialist/Globalist/egalitarian documents to write a Constitution. That tells us a lot about where her 86-year old addled head is. That’s why we need to get rid or her and her ilk. And we as a populace need to stand up and throw out the lying politicians, the activist judges, and the corrupt government officials. Now.
If any part of the Constitution becomes unworkable, we have a way of amending it but that way is not a judge ignoring the meaning and intent and substituting something in its place from the bench. Loyalty on the part of the military, as well as the citizens is to the Constitution, period. While every individual is not a Constitutional lawyer, over time, actions by the government that undermine the basis of its existence will have consequences.
An Article 5 convention is 1) for a stated purpose or purposes, 2) proposes amendments to the Constitution, and 3) the amendments this proposed must still be ratified by 3/4 of the separate states.
The representatives to such a convention are chosen by the states. The federal government has no role.
I believe it is possible to have an Article 5 convention for the purpose of writing a Balanced Budget Amendment, and having such an amendment ratified. I also believe that any proposed amendment that infringes or revokes the Rights enumerated in the Constitution (think 2nd Amendment) will fail to get 3/4 of the States to ratify it.
18 U.S.C. §2032 — Eliminate the phrase "carnal knowledge of any female, not his wife who has not attained the age of sixteen years" and substitute a Federal, sex-neutral definition of the offense patterned after S. 1400 §1633: A person is guilty of an offense if he engages in a sexual act with another person, not his spouse, and (1) compels the other person to participate: (A) by force or (B) by threatening or placing the other person in fear that any person will imminently be subjected to death, serious bodily injury, or kidnapping; (2) has substantially impaired the other person's power to appraise or control the conduct by administering or employing a drug or intoxicant without the knowledge or against the will of such other person, or by other means; or (3) the other person is, in fact, less than 12 years old.
When Clintons heard about her she was a shoe in.
She also wanted to have funding for abortions written into the constitution.