Charles Krauthammer leaves us to continue the task alone.

Posted by Zero 6 years, 6 months ago to Politics
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Not an Objectivist, but he was a reasonable man and that's enough for me.
He was my favorite mainstream columnist and I will miss him dearly.

There are so few reasoned voices left.

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  • Posted by GaryL 6 years, 6 months ago
    I was not a fan of CK however I did admire his demeanor when he argued his views. Intelligent man for sure but often times I find many intelligent individuals to be dummies on many issues. He labeled DJT as a Circus Clown which caused me to turn him off more often than not. His early prediction was that Trump could not win an election for Dog Catcher but near the end of the campaign he did also admit that he thought Trump would win big. He still did not and never would respect DJT but he was smart enough to understand why he won. I would guess he voted for anyone but Trump. I did hear him once say that Trump was the very best person for the job at this point in history so I bid him farewell and Gods Speed for a life filled with many challenges that he was able to overcome. So we did not often agree but big deal, he would argue his points respectfully which is a complete 180 from most liberal thinking people. With CK I always got the feeling I was arguing with a person I disagreed with but not with the enemy
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  • Posted by MinorLiberator 6 years, 6 months ago
    A great man, a moral man, a voice of Reason.

    I will not do him the dishonour of even describing him as part of the MSM, and certainly not The Swamp.

    Did I disagree with him on many points? Of course, but that is irrelevant to me. I disagree as often in Objectivist groups...

    A heroic man has passed. I mourn that, but like any hero, he will inspire others to fight to the end, or, the beginning.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 6 months ago
    Irrespective of the fact that I often found Krauthammer on the wrong side of an argument, from my perspective, I admired his calm demeanor and logical discourse. He reminded me of William F. Buckley in that he relied on facts and logic to support his position. When he slipped and let his emotions guide his argument was when I found he lost track in a way Buckley would not have.

    Most of the statements of admiration involved his graciousness and sunny disposition, in spite of his serious handicap. It seemed more about the kind of man he was, rather than his political positions. Would that we could all be admired for our positive effect on those around us.
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    • Posted by MinorLiberator 6 years, 6 months ago
      Agree. Except on Buckley. He was SO far beyond Buckley...who was brilliant, but missing something, perhaps passion, that CK had...
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 6 months ago
        Part of how Buckley occasionally lost his audience was that his vocabulary was far beyond what most people understand. Sometimes you had to have both a dictionary and a thesaurus handy to posit exactly what he had just said. Krauthammer's speech rarely got out of hand with his audience, which is what made him such an effective speaker.
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        • Posted by MinorLiberator 6 years, 6 months ago
          Exactly. The job of someone in the “media”, or in the middle, is to be an intellectual conduit to the general public...who have the intellect to comprehend an idea or opinion that doesn’t require a thesaurus or dictionary...CK was simply the much better communicator...
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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 6 months ago
    Once a propagandist, always a propagandist.
    If mainstream "journalists" (and I use the term loosely) mourn his passing, then I celebrate.
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    • Posted by exceller 6 years, 6 months ago
      I would be interested to know how do you define "propagandist"?
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      • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 6 months ago
        Journalist (or other person well known to the public) who (a) makes excuses for abuses of power, undeclared wars, invasions of privacy, murder of innocent US citizens, etc, (b) goes along with actions clearly not representative of the wishes of the people, violate the constitution, reward, instead of punishing, the guilty actors, (c) help to cover up such actions by introducing misleading issues of no relevance, (d) criticize and inaccurately defame those who don't agree with the journalists personal bias, (e) support any unfounded attempt to remove a legally elected president from office and support unfounded investigations by prejudiced state employees who have a previous history of biased judgments, (f) pretends to represent the opposite of their own bias while actually conceding that side in almost every discussion, (g) write scripts for broadcast entertainment that consistently misleads and ignores reality in favor of the writers' biases.
        It's likely I could list scores of other actions that qualify these forked-tongued traitors as propagandists.
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        • Posted by exceller 6 years, 6 months ago
          It looks like you dub Krauthammer as a propagandist. Am I correct in that assumption/
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          • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 6 months ago
            Do you think at least (f) is true?
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            • Posted by exceller 6 years, 6 months ago
              No. I respected Krauthammer for his intellect and ability to adhere to his integrity. I can't think of anyone of his generation who, being in politics, was able to do that.

              I did not agree with his stand on Trump. But he remained steadfast in his conviction that he articulated to the end. He argued, and lost sometimes when presented with facts. Name me another person who remained true to himself and not flip flop as the political wind dictated.
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              • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 6 months ago
                I did not admire him. He had an irrational belief that the political system worked and he just supported the lesser evil rubbish. He was a part of the swamp, just as the GOP is. He frequently made excuses for big government action that should have had a rational, patriot shouting against them. He even said he admired Obama at the beginning of his first term while disagreeing on policy. To me that is typical of the so-called conservatives (CINO) that are allowed to be a part of MSM broadcasting because they do more harm than good for liberty.
                "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"
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                • Posted by exceller 6 years, 6 months ago
                  We agree to disagree and let's leave it at that.

                  It is not a question of admiration.

                  May I ask, whom do you admire? McCain?
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                  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 6 months ago
                    How could you say such a thing? Guess you haven't read many of my posts ;^)
                    The only political figures I honestly admire are Ron Paul and Goldwater. Of course, Goldwater lived in a very different world, but was the last conservative major party candidate for president. The way he was vilified by the media was a warning shot that converted most "conservatives" of that era into cowardly moderates and closet liberals.
                    Well you did ask what I thought of Manchurian candidate McCain.
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                    • Posted by exceller 6 years, 6 months ago
                      Sorry FFA.

                      In our times there are very few people, as few that I can count on one hand, who deserve our attention. I admit I used to get more out of Krauthammer even 5 years ago. Recently he has had positions I disagreed with, as I alluded to it. Still, I wish we had more of his standing on the political arena.

                      Regarding Ron Paul: now I understand where you are coming from. You probably guessed he is not someone I am able to identify with. Far from it.

                      But hey, this is still a free country, so we supposed to have the right to form and adhere to an opinion and political stand.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 6 months ago
      Just out of curiousity, not trying to dig into anything, but - not counting Trump - how often did you disagree?

      I always thought CK's worldview meshed fairly closely with most of those held here.
      Again, not counting Trump.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 6 months ago
        I'd have to go back and listen to all that liberal and moderate rubbish to give you a specific index and I'm not into slow, painful self immolation. I hop it will suffice to say, that every time I had occasion to listen I could not stand the concessions he made for the enemy. His approach I would liken to the US effort in the Viet Nam war while mine I would liken to the effort in WW2 (excluding FDR's purposeful actions that caused the disaster at Pearl Harbor.)
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        • Posted by term2 6 years, 6 months ago
          I agree. He used to be a total liberal. He did give up some of that crap over time. I don’t understand all this adulation however. I used to turn him off when he ventured into l” balanced reporting” on Fox. Same with judge napolitano on fox
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  • Posted by Storo 6 years, 6 months ago
    I was not a huge fan of CK. I probably disagreed with him as often as I agreed with him. He certainly spoke in measured words and made measured arguments. I agree with the comment that CK, like many so-called journalists think the political system actually works, and offer their analysis and comments with that as their basis for doing so.
    What has frustrated me for a very long time is that while the MSM push their agenda and the agenda of the Left, those journalists who are Conservative, along with conservative commentators and other conservative voices, attack the issues by focusing on how the political process can be used to foil or block the agenda of the Left, and as a result often end up playing Whack-a-Mole as issue after issue is proffered by the Left.
    The fact is that there is a political/cultural war going on in the US, and there is a need to ignore all of the smoke screens thrown up as distractions by the Left, and for some leadership on the Right that drives to the heart of the corruption and sedition on the Left. But we will certainly not get it from the Republicans in the House or Senate.
    The only person close to this, though I have my issues with him as well, is Sean Hannity. Even so, Hannity can’t do anything by himself. That’s why I am happy to see Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingram going on the attack.
    Yet Hannity, Carlson and Ingram are all on one media outlet, and there needs to be more fighters on more outlets that reach more people.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 6 months ago
      I'd take exception with the concept that so-called journalists "think." I'd say they "feel." If they could think rationally they would not have the clear bias against those who can think. ( I did say Krauthammer had a mistaken belief - not requiring him to actually think.)
      I give every thing that these propaganda mouthpieces say all the respect it deserves.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 6 years, 6 months ago
    I liked that he started out liberal, and used reason to find his way to the more conservative side. His quest for learning and never weakened, which made him a role model. I did not always agree, but I had to work to figured out exactly why I thought he was wrong. He loved cutting through the political crap, and that is rare. Most liberals, even former ones, do not even engage today, they avoid debate.
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