The Inversion, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 6 years, 6 months ago to Government
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Their goal: to know everything about you, while you’ll know nothing about them. But for an intrepid few, we wouldn’t know the extent of intelligence agency surveillance, how the mainstream media serves as governments’ propaganda arm, corruption and criminality in high places, and the ties contractors, the media, and high technology companies have to the world’s militaries and intelligence agencies. Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Tommy Robinson, and other truth tellers pay a high price for their temerity. When governments, their string-pullers, and their minions are a criminal class, telling the truth is the ultimate crime, dealt with mercilessly.

This is an excerpt. For the complete article, please click the above link.

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 6 months ago
    Knowledge is power. Depriving others of knowledge is having power over others.
    As for what happened at that Starbucks~
    The two men arrested at Starbucks were waiting for a dude into real estate but were taking up space refusing to buy any anything. All the employees at that Starbucks could discern were two guys loitering and resting their butts.
    That crap about closing all of Starbucks to discuss what~how to be nice to non-purchasing loiters?`~strikes me dino as a demonstrative mea culpa bowing down before the idol of political correctness. "NO LOITERING" signs ain't the same as the "NO COLOREDS" signs old dino saw when I was a little kid.
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    • Posted by term2 6 years, 6 months ago
      I have concluded they were what I call "entitled blacks". I dont like "entitled blacks", or "entitled people" in general. There are fat chick "entitled women" with screaming kids they dont control, as well as second generation "entitled hispanics" that live off our insane welfare sytem to pay for their uncontrolled screamers.

      I can totally see why people want to live around others who espouse THEIR culture. Globalism is for the birds.

      I dont mind immigration, but dont force me to live with them just because they are immigrants. There used to be chinatown, harlem, spanish harlem, little italy, etc. until those people melted into the American culture. If they want to maintain their culture, let them live in their enclaves. If I want to experience THEIR culture, I will go visit and then come home. If they want to experience American culture, they can visit and then go home.

      Whats wrong with that.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 6 months ago
        Sometimes I like to eat at the buffet of The Wok in Hueytown, AL, a Chinese restaurant that borders the Birmingham satellite town I live in.
        Should any Chinese Americans, Chinese immigrants or Chinese tourists relish barbecue, a great restaurant called Uncle Sam's is just one block north of The Wok.
        Should any despicable entitled people care to loiter at either establishment, me dino says call the cops if they refuse to take a hike.
        And should any protestors show up to demonstrate against that legal action? Me dino says call the cops again. Those PC fools are on private property.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 6 months ago
    Nice work Mr Robert Gore. President Trump is our only chance to turn this around. The house cleaning in the FBI and DOJ has occured. The up coming IG Report should start the criminal proceedings. Huber has been working with Horowitz for 7 months. Page and Strozk have been singing . Many FBI folks are asking to be questioned. The news on June 11 should be noteworthy. Speaking of intelligence the raisin faced POS ex CIA chief John ( commie Muslim brotherhood ) Brennan and Clapper are going down. They are panicking. Squirm and burn you traitors.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 6 months ago
    If you are successful, expect to be discriminated against by those who are less talented and their pit-bull, gender and ethnically biased, glory seeking media hit-men.

    I look forward to reading each of your articles, Robert. Thanks for being in the company of Julian and Edward.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 6 months ago
      Thank you, although putting me in Julian and Edward's company may be a little much. I'm not exciled in a foreign country or embassy somewhere. But I'm certainly on their side of the ideological fence.
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  • Posted by chad 6 years, 6 months ago
    Any company that does not have the right to control what happens on its property does not really own its property. Use of said property is conditional upon the permission granted by the state and those who would demand that others cater to their feelings. This means no individual owns their own life at any level. It is owned and controlled by the state.
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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 6 years, 6 months ago
    Yes, it's the same inversion as penalizing the productive rich and rewarding the less capable poor. The same as elevating non-profit organizations to higher esteem than hard-working private and profit-seeking enterprises. The same as revering entertainers and sports figures while despising heads of corporations. The old antipathy of the honorable lower classes towards the vile upper classes. Seldom have these reversals been so clearly visible, the envy so nakedly revealed, and the power plays so shamelessly asserted. But that's how it goes for a Universe in constant flux. Seen from a more distant perspective, human conflicts are a mere blip in the stream of time.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 6 years, 6 months ago
    What timing.... Just this weekend I stopped by a local Starbucks for a coffee on my way to get some shopping done. The young man at the register was African American and repeated glared at me while I waited for my coffee. I was wondering what was going on. What did I do? Perhaps it was part of this training?... Won't go back, though.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 6 months ago
    There's a three day old fish smell at Starbucks. Having been in retail for 25 years, I know that smell. Something is fishy, and is being left out. No manager, even a half-wit, would call the police over a scenario as presented in that story. Many customers come into Starbucks waiting for someone to join them. And once the errant customer arrives, then the order is placed and all is well.However, there are two other possibilities. Possibility #1: The two men were sitting there, taking up much needed space for a long time. (15 minutes or more) and they got bellicose when asked to buy something or leave they became upset.. Or, #2: They were loud and bellicose from the moment they walked in. In either case there could be a certain justification for calling the police, in which case no apology is needed.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 6 months ago
    I spent forty years involved with the intelligence agencies, first as a military officer, and then as a support contractor. As openly as I could, I tried to warn people about how invasive into their private lives the agencies were becoming. Unfortunately, most laughed at my warnings, though now some are waking up.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 6 years, 6 months ago
    the slide into fascism is greased with "good" intentions...

    "implicit" racism is "Jessie Jackson" blackmail carried to the next level while ratching down the integrity of any and all individuals...
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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 6 months ago
    In my world, a basic tenet is MYOB! Mind Your Own Business. Follow that rule and just one other and you will have complete freedom. The other rule? The absolute right to say no. No to anything big or small. Think about it.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 6 months ago
      Can't argue with that.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 6 months ago
        I know.
        It is way too http://simple.No philosophy works with humanity, because no human who is free enough to not obey will not obey.People are too complicated and ingenious to impose simple rules on them. That is why no one size fits all in health care,or philosophy, ever works. Every human is a variation, and they number in billions.Translated into math or symphonies, or just about anything, the creators would spend most of their time trying to keep out of straight jackets.Take a colony of like-minded persons with a strictly enforced population limit and you might achieve a prosperous long-lasting civilization with just the two rules, or variations on same.
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