A question on politics
Posted by coaldigger 6 years, 11 months ago to Politics
How is it that a political party that espouses any, if not in fact all of the positions outlined below be regaining favor and likely to return to power in the next election?
1. You owe everything you have accomplished to those that have gone before and paved the way, so you have done nothing.
2. If you aren’t given free birth control or do not use it and become pregnant, just kill it.
3. The state should provide you with all essentials for life: food, clothing, shelter, transportation, medical care and whatever else you consider necessary.
4. You do not need to protect yourself, family or property because it is the states’ job and you can’t be trusted have any weapon because you might use it in some forbidden way such as posing a threat to the state or any person therein.
5. You must attend government schools to learn all the rules, the history and reason for the rules and the proper thoughts required to accept the rules.
6. The rules are relative and have no basis in law but can be changed at any time to adjust to political situations.
7. Anyone from anywhere should be able to come here, share in all of our benefits even if they can contribute nothing and may even be an enemy.
8. We have offended other countries in the past by being more successful, therefore we should apologize to them and make rules to reduce us to their level, which is only fair.
9. Thoughts that are not approved are evil, forbidden and expressing them deserves punishment.
10. Minorities are oppressed by the fact that they are fewer and therefore less powerful so the rules must be made to be in their favor so we will all be equal.
11. Goods must be produced to fill the needs of the people but no one should profit from doing so.
12. Everyone that does anything must do so in service to the state and any resistance to this requirement must be quashed.
1. You owe everything you have accomplished to those that have gone before and paved the way, so you have done nothing.
2. If you aren’t given free birth control or do not use it and become pregnant, just kill it.
3. The state should provide you with all essentials for life: food, clothing, shelter, transportation, medical care and whatever else you consider necessary.
4. You do not need to protect yourself, family or property because it is the states’ job and you can’t be trusted have any weapon because you might use it in some forbidden way such as posing a threat to the state or any person therein.
5. You must attend government schools to learn all the rules, the history and reason for the rules and the proper thoughts required to accept the rules.
6. The rules are relative and have no basis in law but can be changed at any time to adjust to political situations.
7. Anyone from anywhere should be able to come here, share in all of our benefits even if they can contribute nothing and may even be an enemy.
8. We have offended other countries in the past by being more successful, therefore we should apologize to them and make rules to reduce us to their level, which is only fair.
9. Thoughts that are not approved are evil, forbidden and expressing them deserves punishment.
10. Minorities are oppressed by the fact that they are fewer and therefore less powerful so the rules must be made to be in their favor so we will all be equal.
11. Goods must be produced to fill the needs of the people but no one should profit from doing so.
12. Everyone that does anything must do so in service to the state and any resistance to this requirement must be quashed.
Welcome to the great awakening.
Hey, coaldigger, nice list! LOL!
To die is the better option. Not so much to the lefties, since they have never experienced freedom or have no inkling of what it is.
It has become Bizarro's world and not Superman's.
In many ways it is a battle between emotion and reason.
Yes, it is...................but to face that would mean insanity or suicide, so destroy everyone else instead. BT
Their answer is (as one once told me): "Oh, that will never happen." BT
These tenets used to be cleverly hidden in carefully crafted propaganda. What appalls me know is that the proponents of these provisions no longer make any attempt to hide their proposals, and a gullible electorate seems to find nothing wrong with them.
Just because someone is smarter or works harder is no reason to pay them more. Everyone is equal so everyone gets paid the same.
That is the purpose of the rules.
"Did you really think that we want those laws to be observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against—then you'll know that this is not the age for beautiful gestures. We're after power and we mean it.
You fellows were pikers, but we know the real trick, and you'd better get wise to it. There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted—and you create a nation of law-breakers—and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Rearden, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with."
The final straw was that They are pandering too more to leftists with their squeaky- voiced trophy newcaster women, and getting rid of the male figures that made the network big in the first place.
Unless we stop producing and, easier yet, stop consuming. We still have the power to collapse this system without firing a shot. Break the shopping addiction and regain your liberty.
Each of us has one short span of existence, most will not leave a trace of ever having been here and some will leave a mark that will last for a long time. The amount of wealth a person accumulates is meaningless compared to living to the fullest and maximizing our enjoyment of life. It matters little what we accomplished or leave undone as long as the process provides enjoyment. Relationships with each other, production of goods and services, art, music, literature, all the things that use the mind that makes us unique among the species is where satisfaction is found. Wealth is just the accumulation of a symbol for production that be exchanged for the production of others, hoarding it makes no sense. When all goes dark, the time spent stealing it from others will be nothing but time wasted.
Me dino just watched as much as I could stand (boring so I didn't bring it) video about (gets away with it because it's not 1955) Bolshevik Bernie versus (gets away with it because he's a MeToo Dem) Groper Joe Biden during a 2020 primary.
Just imagine the shorted-out brain cell count for listening to them debate. .
tion that these things should come to pass, but by putting government in charge of education. And it is rather sickening to hear people speak so fervently, and reverently, in favor of public education, even when they do not like the kind of public education that is being practiced nowadays. Just mention abolishing it, and listen to the cries of horror. But it is time to start advocating just that--abolition.
Asking how collectivist elements found their way into society invites empty political answers. The question is how we managed to overcome them and how we can get back on that path of individualism.
Changing this from passive to active voice, it would read "someone has brainwashed us". I agree with everything else in your post about humans serving their master like sheep and waiting for a supernatural reward. But I don't think the default state was reason and someone brainwashed people. I think the collective sheep mentality is the default state for humankind. Maybe it had some selective advantages of allowing people to work as groups beyond their clan. I'm not sure about the cause, but I think it's the default state. With the industrial revolution, the value people could produce wasn't limited by arable land. People made huge leaps forward in respecting individual rights. A pre-industrial person would struggle to understand the average modern person talking having a right to change jobs, study for a different job, move wherever she feels like, without feeling obligations to god, kings, family, etc. Our society is far from perfect because of human frailties. Saying people are brainwashed implies they would naturally be consummate rational individuals if it weren't for someone skillfully manipulating them. It overlooks how far people have come.
I see humankind as having cast off a lot of brainwashing. We've come so far but have so far yet to go.