Are Alien Civilizations Technologically Advanced ?

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 12 months ago to Technology
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The answer may depend on exo-planet politics?

Interesting article, aside from the "climate change" angle...(it's environment, stupid...Not Climate!)
However, the authors bring an interesting point.

Harkin back to ancient civilizations. They obviously had technologies and understandings of the cosmos we do not have today. They built out of stone and didn't broadcast their presents to the cosmos either but they seemed to get by quite well inspite of it all.
Let's look at this from a different perspective. Perhaps, as the books of Enoch pose, we had help from creatures that weren't quite on the up and up...evil you might say. They self destroyed their handy work, poisoned our genes and forever left us with that reminisce in the ruling structures and self assertive creatures of our world.
So, perhaps it would be a smart thing not to announce your presents to the cosmos, leaving the smallest footprint of life as possible so as to not attract the wrong kind of attention.

Of course, all this is conjecture and hypothetical but is something to consider.
Perhaps they are, in fact, watching and shaking their heads in amazement at us stupid humans.

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 11 months ago
    One sobering thought is that sentient life may develop on different time scales. What that means is that there may have been intelligent civilizations a billion years ago, and we developed too late to share the same time scale. The other alternative is that we might be the fastest-developing sentient life form, and are alone in the universe, for now.

    There have been those who say that there are no advanced civilizations because with even simple calculations, they would expand their territory rapidly. In theory, these scientists say, we would already be in contact with these civilizations, if they existed. I contend that comes from an anthropomorphic view, assuming the aliens are like us. Whether from biological, cultural, or philosophic differences, there may be very good reasons why an alien civilization does not expend its reach quickly.

    As Earth's human population becomes more affluent, barring a catastrophe, we will reproduce less, and our population will reach a stable point. Will that impede the Star Trek vision of ever-expanding human reach into the cosmos? As we are now finding technologies that promise longer lifespans, and artificial forms of birth, how will that affect our civilization? Trying to make predictions about alien civilizations is ridiculous when we can't even be sure where our civilization is headed.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
      Perhaps the exercise of thinking about other civilizations helps us to figure out where our own civilization could be headed.

      Interesting thought on different time scales. Perhaps the vastness of the cosmos, the distances involved, prohibits our sharing the same time scales of other civilizations.
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  • Posted by dukem 6 years, 11 months ago
    My position is that nothing means anything, and I mean that literally.
    We (beings, conscious or otherwise) make up meanings to justify our existence and give - yes - meaning to it.
    Intrinsically there is no meaning, only "stuff." All that "stuff" has no meaning, except what we create.
    We are our own nightmare.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
      So you are thinking that the physical, natural and quantum laws of existence as we understand them and experience them at this point have no relationship or "Meaning" to our own existence?

      The mere exercise of thinking about these relationships is what brought about self awareness, self introspection and contemplation of our place within everything we see, experience, explore and wonder about.

      Without meaning, we would not create, we would not have the drive to live and to better ourselves and would be forever stuck in an instinctive, reactionary animal like existence.

      That's my outlook and the outlook of western civilization anyway.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 6 years, 11 months ago
        Meaning implies consciousness, i.e., no meaning without consciousness. Consciousness does not imply meaning, i.e., meaning needs consciousness to create some relationships about objective reality. E.g., there is no Platonic reality of existing forms, but only what relationships that consciousness can create to give it direction for furthering its existence.
        Many want to believe in a "great scheme of things" to satisfy their questions, but there is no scheme behind the Universe.
        I cannot understand why a natural Universe without some intrinsic meaning is so hard to accept. That does not mean that one's consciousness cannot through thought create a meaning for itself and its creator brain and body.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
          But those relationships "are" objective reality and do in one form or another govern (so to speak) our existence.
          I don't see anything in nature that exists for no reason. My take is: that reason a thing exists is it's function and having a function to fulfill gives it meaning. (Conscious humans would naturally wonder about our function beyond just existing)(so we wonder too, what function does the universe fulfill...seems like a lot of energy and specificity to exist for no reason)

          Does that make sense?...I'm having trouble expressing that thought.
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          • Posted by lrshultis 6 years, 11 months ago
            I know what you are describing. Much of the confusion today comes from trying to reify abstractions, i.e., try to make them real as though they are existents outside of minds. They are kind of a model of objective reality, i.e., that which exists independent of any thoughts, beliefs, feelings, minds, etc. existences. Reason is in the mind, not behind objective reality. It is the means by which one understands objective reality and nothing that exists outside of minds. Many minds believe that their thoughts are objective reality and not just the result of matter acting without some scheme or consciousness directing it, i.e., other than observing and logically directing the mind's thoughts by the mind itself by biochemical means, if a reason must be held by the mind to describe that. There is nothing behind existence. It just exists and matter exists with definite attributes or properties which act without some thinking or reasons behind it. Even life exists without some reason behind it. What is modeled by minds, i.e., brains, exists in objective reality but the reasons exist only in minds. Reasons why, work fine when part of a system such as the Universe but do not work for an existent not part of another existent. Since the Universe is all that exists, there is no outside and thus no reason for being other than made up stuff in minds to pretend that one knows something. Mathematics, e.g., is not reifiable and those who try to reify it live in fantasy worlds.
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            • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
              First, Thank you.
              I see, "meaning" a construct of our minds, as an effort to understand the function of something and developing a "reasoned" relationship to other things.
              That is kind of what we do, right?

              It's like the Electric universe theory which observes that without electricity and magnetism the physical universe could not exist so the Reason Life and the physical universe exist is the function of electromagnetism as causation.

              I am trying to build a case that refutes the leftest "new age" idea that "We" create our own realities which to them, means it doesn't matter what you do...there are no rights and wrongs, no consequences.
              They are wrong, it does matter what one does and we can observe, through the consequences of our own actions that there are right actions and wrong actions. Everything we do and think has an effect on everything else to some degree even if we can't see it.
              Like the many experiments that show how we change the actions and outcomes of quantum particles moving through two different slits in a barrier by thought alone. We can observe the outcome and it's called an interference pattern.

              I wanted to make it clearer as to where I was coming from. You helped a bit...I think.
              This is the most difficult part of my work and I am not sure I can pull it off.
              The balance of my new book depends upon it.
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              • Posted by lrshultis 6 years, 11 months ago
                "I see, 'meaning' a construct of our minds, as an effort to understand the function of something and developing a "reasoned" relationship to other things.
                That is kind of what we do, right?"
                You might look at it as minds producing metaphor about objective reality. Data from reality through the senses or by instrumentation enters the brain-mind as percepts which must be interpreted by what is already understood and is no more valid than how well the understanding is integrated non-contradictorily. Back in 1965 I did 5 low dosage LSD experiments and found that the brain chemistry is changed enough that I had to make an effort to interpret the changes in percepts from reality. There does not seem to be any shortcut to consciousness.

                "It's like the Electric universe theory which observes that without electricity and magnetism the physical universe could not exist so the Reason Life and the physical universe exist is the function of electromagnetism as causation."

                It is an hypothesis and not a theory. The matter in the Universe all contain particles which have electric and magnetic properties. So, yes the physical Universe could not exist with out electric and magnetic properties. Gravitation should be included in the causation premise since the large scale of the Universe depends upon it as you do to function upon the Earth.
                Try to look at the EU hypothesis as something that main stream scientist have carefully looked at from a viewpoint of known physical laws and have found the the forces, etc. of the EU hypothesis are lacking in being an understanding of the physical universe. Try to fit the EU explanation for gravitation into a multi body system where it is known that each body attracts all the other bodies. That is not possible with the dipole lineups radially from the centers of mass. Might work somewhat for two bodies, but more bodies could not all attract one another. The polarizations could not be made right.

                Sure we create mental realities, but what you get is whether the creation is objective or subjective.
                Depends on whether one wants knowledge or to just to pretend to feel better.

                "Like the many experiments that show how we change the actions and outcomes of quantum particles moving through two different slits in a barrier by thought alone. We can observe the outcome and it's called an interference pattern."

                I have never seen any evidence that mind alone can change any experiment other than deciding to change the human body to do measurements on objective reality. In that case, physical reality has changed and different experimental conditions have change one should not expect the same results. The slit experiments is interesting in that no single particle shows any wave nature. Ensembles of particles have distributions which produce edge diffractions for single or multiple edges and show interference patterns between those diffraction patterns. One cannot expect to add the probabilities from one setup and another, say from one slit and from another slit, and get the probability distribution from a two slit setup.
                But there has never been any mind over matter other than change the bodies actions and even that is somewhat questionable since there is some evidence that the brain has already initiated action before the conscious mind knows about it and just adjusts awareness to seem to consciously have decided to act. The free will thing seems, to me, to be just an inhibitory affect on action by the subconscious brain-mind.

                I have not had time to edit that so there may be some typing mistakes.
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                • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
                  I'll post the quantum experiments when I have time, you will find them interesting...some of them date back many years but the recent one's are very precise.

                  As for gravity, yes it's an attractive force but very weak...attracting that which is close but electromagnetism is a much stronger force and doesn't seem to wane. I think the understanding is resonance effects multiple bodies in the universe along with an electromagnetic connection.
                  Have you checked out the EU theory?...seems to explain things more consistently than the gravitational is really making it's way into the mainstream and physics as well.
                  Our understanding of all of this is evolving daily. Listen to every morning...Free! and links to NASA and nasa scientists provided.

                  Thanks for taking the time.
                  Be well...
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                  • Posted by lrshultis 6 years, 11 months ago
                    Gravity attracts at all distances as does charged matter but which both attracts and repels depending on the charge. They both travel, apparently, at the speed of light. Try get electro gravity to work so that, say, all the planets in the solar system attract each other and are attracted by the Sun. You will see that some would be attracting others but repelling some others. Not a very stable solar system. Can't be done at least by the hypothesized methods that I have seen. Electro gravity has been proposed many times and each time has been shot down due to not agreeing with physical reality.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 12 months ago
    Methinks how technologically advanced a space alien civilization is depends on the space alien civilization and their environment.
    Environment could mean all kinds of alien to our solar system. A space alien environment could b e virtual Garden of Eden, a living hell, wars, pandemics, too many volcanoes, floods, droughts, nasty solar activities, space invaders, you name it.
    Some may have visited our ancient ancestors as that History Channel TV show drones on about it.
    Others may have nuked themselves back into their previous Stone Age.
    Others may be primitive yet civilized with advanced knowledge like the Mayans, who still cut out human hearts so the sun wouldn't go away. .
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 12 months ago
      I find it all very interesting to think about.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 12 months ago
        Me dinoi finds it easier to suppose there is life out there than space being such a gigantic waste of space.
        So many stars in so many galaxies is really mind-boggling.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 12 months ago
          One has to wonder, what function does life, especially Conscious Life sure the hell doesn't "appear" to be an accident.
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 12 months ago
            Me dino thinks I'm banned for expressing my opinion about that on this board.
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            • Posted by $ 6 years, 12 months ago
              I too. But, it's just a question, one that mankind has always wondered about, it's not like we are "looking for Mr. Goodbar". Laughing

              I still wonder if we were to shrink a Hubble like telescope down to a size proportionate to an electron in a cell in our body and just look from that perspective...would it look much like the cosmos?
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              • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 12 months ago
                LOL! Me recalls teen dino seeing something like that in a Marvel comic he bought during the early 60s.
                Bet the Marvel writer picked that up that notion from somewhere else.
                Marvel would have secondary stories following Dr. Strange, Ant Man or Thor.
                Believe The Fantastic Four and Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos generally went from cover to cover story-wise.
                Memories, memories! Marvel comics and Beatles. Those were the days.
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                • Posted by $ 6 years, 12 months ago
                  I saw a movie where they shrunk 4 people and a submarine and put them into someone's blood stream. they came out and low and behold, they were in someone else, each time, the beings got bigger and bigger while they stayed the same size.

                  I never forgot it and still wonder about what it would look like inside the body at a size proportionate to that electron.
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                  • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 12 months ago
                    It was called Fantastic Voyage by Issac Asminov, a novel I read when I was in a science fiction book club also during the early 60s.
                    I still like science fiction but that was a can't get enough of it phase I was going through--kinda like The Beatles and Marvel comics.
                    My youngest of four little brothers read my books and has been hooked on science fiction ever since.
                    Anyway, I saw the movie. It was pretty good adaptation of the novel or so I thought way back then.
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  • Posted by davidmcnab 6 years, 11 months ago
    There is that meme you see on social media when someone says something stupid, or points to some politician saying something even more stupid. It says "And THIS is why the aliens won't talk to us".
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  • Posted by BCRinFremont 6 years, 11 months ago
    Ancient Vedic texts profess numerous highly intelligent civilizations across the Universe. They also warn that the “Creator” of the Universe does not usually allow interaction of different civilizations in general due to Karmic situations associated with the various planets of occupation. I always wondered why a civilization capable of traveling across the galaxy would then crash upon reaching the Earth. 😉
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  • Posted by Rex_Little 6 years, 11 months ago
    My guess is that any race capable of technological advancement will eventually develop the means to destroy itself completely, and that inevitably this will be used. Even if it takes hundreds of thousands of years, that's an eyeblink compared to the age of the universe. So what are the odds against another race capable of contacting us, near enough to do so, and existing in the same eyeblink we do?
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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 11 months ago
    Not being an anthropologist, I can only base things on what I see and experience. Homo Sapiens either will not or cannot be at peace with fellow H.S.'ers because of his very nature. Rather than adopt to a hostile environment he modifies his environment to suit himself. This leads to the aquisition for stuff. The more stuff, the greater the ability to conquor his surroundings for greater luxury. The best is paramount, the best car, the best domicile, and if he doesn't have the best or the most but if anyone else does, theirs too must become his. There's the rub. The step beyond envy. That's where the Collectivist get him by promising no one can have more than him except for those who make sure that things are regulated so that everything is "fair"
    ."And so, there it is in a nutshell. I have mine and I'll keep it and if I want more I'll create it by labor, invention, or performance. If you want yours, but by taking it from me you'll need to do it by force, and so, we become the ingeneous fools of the universe, just ask any Rod Serling Alien.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
      The rub is between Conscious homo sapiens and parasitical homo's and yes, it's in our nature to take care of self and family first, and also up to us whether to share any left overs with whom we deem worthy.

      Conscious Homo Sapiens do not begrudge those that are more successful than ourselves; those that do, have a perversion set aside for the parasitical homo's. ( I can't in all good conscience call Them, sapiens): relating to, or being recent humans (Homo sapiens) as distinguished from various fossil hominids. [read humanoids]...wouldn't insult the great apes.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 6 years, 11 months ago
    Think about this. If you were an advanced civilization and you wanted to visit planets like yours.
    You are limited to what you could bring with you.

    1) A Way to cut/manipulate rock
    2) Portable Energy Devices

    And when you left. What would you make sure you took with you?
    The same.

    And if you did do that, how would you try to leave behind the clues of WHO built it, and WHEN?
    Astrology becomes the only feasible answer. Lots of stuff on History Channel and YouTube about this.

    We may never know... But I never thought we were alone in the universe. I think there is a far better chance that we are the Penal Colony for this galaxy, LOL. Except we don't have enough different species if that were the case!
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 6 years, 11 months ago
    "the answer is out therere!" It seems something once vsiited ancient civilizations ions on Earth. pictures on cave walls of Indian tribes show alien-like beings. An old painting in a museum shows what looks like a space ship far in the background. I know someone whose brother actually works on "reverse technology" at an air base. What if they are among us, hybrids that is? The government has really told us next to nothing, telling their pilots to "keep quiet". I find it odd this professor felt the need to talk about climate change, yet never about meteors. I do agree, we need to feel the oneness with nature and appreciate alone time, lose the tech gadgets sometimes, but I don't think it did much for this article to talk Walden Woods.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 6 years, 11 months ago
    I don't accept the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. But if one must grant the premise, let me remind the group: if a civilization lacked sufficient advancement to announce themselves, we wouldn't hear of them in any case.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
      I think we should explore the "Possibilities", and the "Probabilities" of extraterrestrial civilizations...if only to keep us humble.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 6 years, 11 months ago
        Possibilities since at least one exists that is known of. Probabilities of others would require a sample space of others from which to calculate a probability. Nothing is known such that the probability of others can be calculated. However the probability of at least one civilization in the Universe is 1, unless the Earth is considered not to have civilization, in which case no probability can be calculated for those in the Universe.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
          The probability comes from what we know about the components of living matter in the universe, in the cosmic and solar winds along with the shear size of the cosmos gives it a percentage of probability worth considering.

          Like I stated: This is conjecture and theoretical entertainment.
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          • Posted by lrshultis 6 years, 11 months ago
            Sorry but that is the possibility not probability. Probabilities require samples withing some known sample space. The possibility of living matter is a truth but the possibility of other life can only be guessed at from knowledge about chemistry, physics, and biology. Probabilities can only be found with a known sample size within the universe in question. Like I said, the probability of life in the universe is 1 while the probability of life other than on the Earth is not calculable. Only the possibility of life other than on the Earth is possible but no number can be assigned to it since possibility is a question of existence and no such existence is known for other than for the Earth so no probability can exist for it. .
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            • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
              So scientist that espouse a degree of probability of other life forms and civilizations are mistaken?

              I see your point about possibilities/probabilities and am aware of the difference. Technically, as you state, I guess they are mistaken.
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              • Posted by lrshultis 6 years, 11 months ago
                Other life is possible due to the observation that life exists on the Earth and that the elements of which life is composed exist throughout the Universe and that there is nothing to negate the possibility.
                There are more than 10^22 stars in the Universe and here in the milky way there seems to be planets around many to most of them. Say there are 10^22 planets in the Universe. So the probability of life on any of them is 1/ 10^22 since the sample size is just one, so is the best that is known and any other probability is pure mathematical guess work. There is a high possibility of other life forms but there is only an extremely small sample size to find a probability for that possibility.
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      • Posted by Temlakos 6 years, 11 months ago
        Consider this, then: our Solar System is at the "just right" distance from the center of the Galaxy, our Earth is at the "just right" distance from the Sun, the moon is "just the right" size--and the water did not come from outside. (Cometary and asteroidal ices have twice the concentration of deuterium in the oceans of Earth. If cometary bombardment gave us our ocean, what diluted the deuterium? No, Earth had water to begin with.) We should humbly acknowledge that this Earth was d____d lucky to develop or harbor any life at all. Lucky--or set up.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
          Everything needed for life, including DNA fragments, rides upon the cosmic winds...chances are they were well received elsewhere as well...but to your interesting point; Did you see this incredible work called Laniakea?:

          Seems, from our perspective, the milkyway is in the middle of it all...makes one what to go...hmm.
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          • Posted by Temlakos 6 years, 11 months ago
            I agree with you about one thing: the Galaxy (which is what "Milky Way" means) in which we live, is at the center of the universe. All expansion is uniform from the Galaxy.
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            • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
              Or the multi-verses of those galaxy's being attracted and repelled in what seems to act like an electrical generator. The whole system is like a dipole just like earth is.

              When I viewed the video, I didn't see that uniformity but I do speculate that the entire system might be cyclical in nature and we are only seeing half of it. Those galaxy's and universes moving away might be heading to the other side of the great attractor...more at 11:00...laughing.
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  • Posted by Arieroar 6 years, 11 months ago
    It all comes to the question-could highly advanced civilization develop without freedom of mind? Could it be malicious and opressive? I think not. It requires recognition of individual rights and all Objectivist values and principles . Slaves and slave drivers, blood thirsty barbarians don’t build interstellar ships. They don’t produce. Highly developed civilization should be benevolent to all beings with potential rational capacities including humans. Since emotional response is an outcome of integrated premises, automatic value judgment, every sapient being must have them- as a mechanism of response. And in this case their feeling toward humans should be at least simpatetic. Mind is rare in Universe.
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 6 years, 11 months ago
      Interesting, but not sure about this. There are many ways to become advanced. One way is inheritance/discovery. What happens if we discovered advanced technology under Antartica... It could catapult us to a very advanced state.

      Language is important. Some way to communicate ideas. The inverse of NewSpeak, if you will.

      In fact, there was STTNG where Captain Picard had to learn the planets history to communicate because all references were of their past, even to define things as simple as friendship. But they had advanced space travel, and I SCOFFED at this... Because if language requires so much work to express simple ideas... Imagine trying to define something as complex as a wormhole, or nuclear fission...

      But I think that mean, cruel and even sadistic creatures could find their way to advanced civilizations. Look no further than Nazi scientists in our own history, later to become part of project Paperclip.

      I hope you are right, but I fear you are not! And once an aggressive, conquering species comes out, and gains sufficient power... Look out! (Maybe it is best not to ring their doorbell?)
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
        If we did inherit technology by discovery at such an adolescent stage of evolution...thanks to progressives and other parasitical creatures like them, we would destroy not just ourselves but likely any other civilizations too.

        If the books of Enoch are at least partially factual then we have already been visited by evil races...I call them: The Fallen Idiots...besides falling favor to our daughters, they gave birth to the most vial critters in existence...the Nephilim...forefathers of the left, the crony and mentally ill.
        I call them...the Great Unwashed Ruleless Delete.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
      The Mind, or at least a connection to it, is rare here on earth as well. We can observe that daily.

      It also seems that connection is fragile and can be lost, blocked or weakened via a host of purposed and natural circumstances.

      Exercising that connection is key and thinking about such things as alien civilizations helps in that regard because we have to introspect our own existence. Viewing self is a key component to connecting to our minds...something the brain alone cannot do.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 11 months ago
    The question would be is that alien civilization based on logic or do they similarly have to fight with emotion as well? If they are logical, there's nothing to stop them from taking off as a civilization technologically. And yes, they would be looking down on us and shaking their heads.

    If they are emotional, I suspect they would have very much the same problems as we do and aren't any more advanced than we are given a similar timeline length.
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  • Posted by wiggys 6 years, 11 months ago
    are there alien civilizations? the subject of alien civilizations is theory at this time so how can know something about what does not exist?
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 6 years, 11 months ago
      We can only posit, and as such it's an interesting exercise of the mind. You do believe in exercise, don't you?

      I don't think for a second that another civilization would even consider (necessarily) Objectivist values as even a value. From the very beginning, literally, their history would be completely different, and so the growth of their civilization, if they have one...would also be completely different.

      I am not sure we would even recognize a different civilization, or the beings that belong to it, as existing, much less be able to "understand" it, even to the smallest extent.

      But that mental exercise is what keeps us from getting old. At least, I hope it does, even though I know the inevitable will happen.
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