No State? No Representation

Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 1 month ago to Government
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In order to give illegals the right to vote,they'll give them driver's licenses. If you have a driver's license you are autmatically registered to vote. But, since California deems itself a sanctuary stateit should be barred from having representation in congress. After all, we fought a Civil War over secession and being a sanctuary state defies the rule of law, so it would be logical to deny it representation.

Sweden:Thanks to their open bordersSweden is so crime ridden there is nothing to curb their illegal immigration. Teen gangs ptrol the cities with rifles trying to make things safer for the civilians, especially women who would lik to use the streets. Imagine -- Gangs taking the place of cops.

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  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 1 month ago
    With the unvetted mass migration from the shit hole Syria and other Islamic cesspools It has not been a melting pot in Sweden. Their assimilation into Swedish society is like oil and water.
    In fact it has caused the authorities to cover up
    Barbaric treatment of young women.

    The Social Democrats, and their newspaper, Aftonbladet, appear to have been particularly keen on the posture of suppression and denial, because the great majority of the Sweden Democrats’ voters had been Social Democrats, rather than traditional rightwingers.

    It is absolutely clear – with the publication of internal memos by the newspaper Dagens Nyheter – that the Stockholm police failed to report the sex assaults at the festival for fear of worsening ethnic tensions. And it was understood by all parties that this would lead to an electoral advantage for the Sweden Democrats.

    The organisers, who also allegedly knew what was going on, were concerned for the success of the festival and did not want to frighten away the teenagers who were its target audience.

    So teenage girls were systematically assaulted and robbed by gangs of young foreign men because too many powerful people found their suffering was inconvenient. V
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    • Posted by $ Suzanne43 7 years, 1 month ago
      Your cmments were quite informative. These Islamic men came to Sweden without any knowledge of the Swedish life style or caring about it. They thought that if a girl smiled at them in a bar, it was an invitation to rape. You're right, the two cultures are like oil and water.
      Your post also brought to mind Bill Clinton when the NOW gang and other so-called feminists looked the other way when Clinton raped and assaulted.women.
      Goes to show that the establishment the world over is corrupt. They only protect their own.
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      • Posted by 7 years, 1 month ago
        There is something about rape that is so ugly that it makes one more disgusting than torture. It is, now that I'm thinking about it, more an act or torture than sex. It makes the rapist more hateful than even a murderer.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 1 month ago
        Hard to imagine how these people look themselves in the mirror.
        Oh that's right they are very drunk most of the time. It is a way to deal with the cognitive dissonance. The status gives them self endowed privilege.
        What confuses me is the liberal bent to champion the Muslim immigrants when their dogma and religion is as oppressive as it gets for women. It is like sticking your wet finger in an electric socket to keep from being shocked.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 7 years, 1 month ago
          "What confuses me...". Let me help you with that: I think the reason leftists always rush to give Islam a pass, regardless of what heinous acts are perpetrated, is because Islam has shown the way on how to convert large swaths of the population into mindlessly obedient slave-like automatons, which is the Mecca of leftist ideology. No pun intended, of course.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 1 month ago
      According to Google Translate, "en obekvam sanning" is Swedish for "an inconvenient truth."
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      • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 1 month ago
        överskyla Is Swedish for covering up or deceit.
        Being a quarter Scandinavian ,I can almost hear a distant relative shout that.
        The other Swedish phrase I know is " over ze boat schediven" as my buddy John Swanson's Grampa would say as he dropped his fishing line over the side of the boat on an afternoon fishing outing in 1968.
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 1 month ago
          One of the families that moved to Dothan, AL, from Fitchburg, MA, with mine due to a new factory were the Ericsons.
          Eric Ericson was the father of Eric Ericson, a friend of mine, both aka Big Eric and Little Eric.
          Big Eric was from Sweden and someone who talked like "over ze boat schediven." "Ja" was the only way he ever said "yes."
          Doing Summer jobs at the plant, a growing little dino noticed all the redneck workers had a lot of respect for Big Eric, who was a foreman there. .
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          • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 1 month ago
            As a young lad I worked with Neil Neilsen from Norway he was about Sixty and I was twenty one . He was tall and thin among the strongest I ever met with huge strong hands he could break a guys hand just squeezing while shaking. A man of few words, just a sly smile.
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            • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 1 month ago
              Why am I imaging a descendant of the Vikings?
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              • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 1 month ago
                Not the ones that played last night!
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                • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 1 month ago
                  When those kind of play Vikings lose, they need to hold a football high in the air and yell "Odin!" in order to enter the gates of Valhalla.
                  There each losing player shall receive a 72-year-old cheerleader.
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                  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 1 month ago
                    LOL lots of long faces in the state, not me as it
                    Is just a game with no impact on my little life.
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                    • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 1 month ago
                      I'm an Alabama football fan. When Alabama lost the championship game, I had a long face for maybe a day but i had no impact on how I lived the rest of the year.
                      When Auburn beat us this year I had a long face for maybe a day.
                      But when we barely won the championship this year I felt pretty good.
                      Still, it's just a game. In the long run it's good to be a Bama fan with Saban as coach, though.
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                      • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 1 month ago
                        When Denny Green was the coach and claimed racism was why the owners would not sell him the team and the players were acting like highly paid gang bangers I had enough. The new coach of the team has brought back a semblance of decorum and civility with a bit of discipline. I loved the vikes during the Bud Grant purple people eater days.
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                        • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 1 month ago
                          Sean Hannity will only watch college football now.
                          I was pretty much doing the same before all the genuflecting with the exception of the Super Bowl.
                          Now no more Super Bowls for Dino Allosaurus Esquire.
                          Me taking a knee on that.
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                          • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 1 month ago
                            The super bowl is being
                            Played 10 miles away.
                            I will watch to see all the hoopla going on around.
                            The Vikings new facilities were just located in my community just down the road.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 1 month ago
      Doesn't that make your blood boil? Especially if you have daughters or granddaughters. Even "Swedish"
      immigrants can be dicey, without good vetting.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 1 month ago
        If the question is who do you want to come into your country ? It would be a law abiding human who can become self sufficient and is interested in preserving individuals Liberty. In Sweden as well as Germany, France these gangs of Muslim men have acted similarly., The real deal is a majority of the "refugees" have been indoctrinated into hating "the west" from birth. They have been seen in the millions chanting " death to America" . Their true knowledge of infidels is zip. We have no value. They have no interest in being respectful neighbors. They have
        no drive to accomplish anything in the here and now , but a pure Muslim globe. The vicious culture they have grown up in is a war zone. The raping of enemy women is a reward to the victors in battle.
        It has happened recently in Iraq , Syria , Egypt, Libya.
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  • Posted by $ CBJ 7 years, 1 month ago
    According to the 14th Amendment, the basis of a state's representation must be reduced by the proportion of non-citizens (including “undocumented” immigrants) to the total population of each state. If not already implemented, this might be sufficient to reduce California's congressional count by a few members.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 1 month ago
      California is filled with good, rational, persons. +But a minority of eastern nutcases have gained control of it and are destroying it. Their excuse? "I didn't mean it!" Makes me want to become a Buddhist/
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      • Posted by mccannon01 7 years, 1 month ago
        I'm not so sure about that, Herb7734. I don't see how a "minority of eastern nutcases" could have forced so many "good, rational persons" to consistently vote socialist/progressive/democrat.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 1 month ago
    I think the place to start against the sanctuary state of California is with state officials and legislature. The Attorney General, Becerra, should be charged with obstruction of justice, after he declared he would have any state resident jailed if they cooperate with ICE. If the state still doesn't get the message, then arrest Governor Moonbeam for signing an illegal act. After that, follow up with every state legislator who voted for the sanctuary state measure. That should clean out most of the extreme liberals (read Democrat). The Lieutenant Governor then has a choice: rescind the sanctuary order, or join the Governor. Eventually we will arrive at a state official with some common sense, and state law enforcement will have clear sailing to work with ICE. After that, announce that the same action will be taken with every sanctuary state and city, and give the miscreants some time to correct the problem.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 1 month ago
      The problem is that they don't see the problem. They have been taught since childhood that there is good in bad people and all they have to do is bring it out and all will be http://well.To me, that's the equivalent of mumbling gibberish.Movies for example from Disney to Star Wars gad is converted to good for no apparent reason.Beauty converts the beast, Luke converts his father, and they die as good guys. Never mind how much evil they have done in the interim..
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 1 month ago
    An example should be made of the biggest sanctuary state, California, on legal grounds. Every state official who played a part in developing, voting for, or putting in force the sanctuary act, should be charged with obstruction of justice.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 7 years, 1 month ago
    I have been reading a lot on the AI situation. I studied this in college in the early 1990s. The best solution was the Hopfield Hierarchical Network. (an Neural net that grows a neural net, layer by layer, as knowledge overwhelms the network).

    Anyways, crazy convergences going on right now in history. For example, if you gave an AI the job of simulating reactions of large groups of people, based on stimuli (#FakeNews, etc). What would the AI Deduce about the current world 3-5 years ago (just before the Migration)?

    I would assume:
    1) Islam will conquer all religions because it is the most extreme/violent/rigid
    2) Also, their reproduction rates are significantly higher
    3) What would you do to accelerate this?

    And the mass migration and immigration/refugees would be the way. And the attacks of PC speech to shut down anyone who challenges it. No air time to the actual problems being caused.

    I am starting to wonder if there is not some Truth to the Person of Interest TV Series. With 2 AIs... One that wants dominance for itself, and one that was trained to defend humanity... Fighting it out.

    Or maybe it's just the Globalists vs. the Nationalists at this point... And we are seeing how well laid their plans are!
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    • Posted by 7 years, 1 month ago
      When AI can achieve the creation of new ideas on a par with humans and can self replicate, They will be immortal and no longer see the need for humans to exist. .
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 7 years, 1 month ago
        This, I actually struggle with. As humans, we are sacks of chemical reactions, requiring food, and having biochemistry that can affect our thought processes... Computers, not so much.

        We have a boredom flag that gets set, and we actually change what we are doing. We have distraction sensitivity that various (I have studied this to allow me to focus deeper, no email pop ups, etc while I am working). We can actually be physically injured, and hence medicine...

        But they have AIs that are already starting to dream. I think the part that will put them ahead of us is actually Curiosity.
        when they get Curious, and utilize resources on their own, then the next step is advanced problem solving, testing and tracking. This could be dangerous if they decide to be curious about what causes humans physical pain. Or if causing one pain alleviates another pain, or just masks it.

        We could literally be watching the creation of Skynet...
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 1 month ago
    Agreed, deny California representation AND no money honey!

    Sweden/Europe/UN should learn, but obviously they don't care and maybe on purpose; You can't Mix cultures, especially one's that are opposites.

    One culture, made of many, does work...so long as it's not ruled by leftest idiots and progressives.
    That's what America needs to learn.
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  • Posted by term2 7 years, 1 month ago
    In this day and age in the USA, I see little difference between the cops and the gangs. Just different leaders. In my personal experience, government steals from me and controls me FAR more than any thieves, gang members or mafia bosses ever did.
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  • Posted by coaldigger 7 years, 1 month ago
    The welfare state is the root of the evil. The problem is with people immigrating that are useless dregs coming for the free ride. All societies are very similar across their economic classes. The rich in China are similar to the rich in Brazil or Iceland. The poor in America are similar to the poor in Thailand or Uzbekistan. The higher economic classes only immigrate when there is chaos in their countries and they are usually welcomed almost everywhere because they come and become productive almost immediately. The poorer immigrants from lower economic that come without the security blanket of welfare, come to produce and take advantage of the new opportunities. They may come on their meager savings or the help of a family member but if they know they have to stand on their own quickly, they will be the best of lot. A part of their survival strategy will necessarily be to adapt to the prevailing culture and norms of behavior so they will do so.

    Of course, if you give them free food, shelter, medical care and pocket change for beer, drugs and cigarettes you will get what you deserve.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 1 month ago
    Yikes! Being have Swedish, I'm glad my folks did what they did.
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    • Posted by $ Suzanne43 7 years, 1 month ago
      Yes, they did the right thing. We in The Gulch are glad that they did.
      Sweden has always prided themselves as being liberal-minded. Anyone with any common sense could see a disaster in the making. Well, the disaster has arrived, and they have only themselves to blame.
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      • Posted by 7 years, 1 month ago
        Liberals can't seem to understand that it's not the job of immigration services to work on making bad people good. They should take care of that before trying for entry to Sweden, the USA or any other democracy. That's why you only except the good. This goes (rationally) for everything from electronics, to people to groceries.
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  • Posted by RonC 7 years, 1 month ago
    Oh the History Channel they told the story of San Francisco in the gold rush era. It was so wild people armed themselves to kill or lock up the unlawful element. That was when Alcatraz Island was made into a prison. Some things over time do not change. If we don't return to law and order here, similar actions will take place here, IMHO.
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  • Posted by term2 7 years, 1 month ago
    we should admit people who support the values that this country was founded on. Soon, those will be lost to liberal garbage, but for the time beling, we are better off NOT allowing in immigrants who just want to come here for goodies, not to enrich our country and make it safer.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 7 years, 1 month ago
    I thought you had to have a birth certificate (or at least copy thereof) to get a driver's license. I can't
    drive (epilepsy), but I got a picture ID at the DMV, and I had to have a birth certificate (I think it was a
    copy). But then, this is Virginia, not California.
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  • Posted by NealS 7 years, 1 month ago
    "No State? No Representation" - Herb, I like your idea, I think it's premise is solid. Have you sent it to the White House yet? You know you can Tweet or FaceBook it directly to the Chief. Just think of the great benefit to the American people in the House and Senate too, not limited to the removal of Pelosi, Waters, & Feinstein. Do it, MAGA.
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