Immigration Constipation

Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 1 month ago to Government
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Federal Law has been determined by the Federal Courts to be supreme, and the way things are going, with Millenium Democrats and others of their ilk, like spoiled brats demanding iilegal immigration without limit and chain migration because their base needs replenishment, and is the enemy of America's military and our Constitutional Democracy because they have been conditioned to hate this country and to call Trump type voters racists, bigots, homophobes, and despicables.
We are coming to a breaking point like 1860.

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 1 month ago
    Democrats don't seem to understand that adding more poverty stricken, uneducated immigrants to their voter rolls isn't a good strategy. The DNC is floundering, unable to raise needed cash for campaigns, because they have few donors with significant wealth. As Tom Perez, DNC Chair, says, they have golden ideas for 2018, but a tin budget.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 1 month ago
    It's not Federal Law that makes Federal decisions on immigration policy supreme, but the Constitution itself in Article I, Section 8 where Congress is specifically and explicitly delegated the power to control immigration. The problem has been that the enforcement of immigration provisions has been inconsistently (to understate the matter) applied and in some cases ignored entirely (DACA). Congress should have removed Obama over DACA alone - not to mention everything else.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 7 years, 1 month ago
    Immigration, border control, is a federal matter since its authority to do these things is derived from the ratified Constitution whose signatories are the 50 states. Constitutionally the federal government being derelict in their duty in both immigration and border control gave up their sole authority to the states. Border states, those adjacent to a non-US state) have an obligation to define and protect their borders for the safety and prosperity of its residents. If the states fail, then each citizen has a RIGHT to protect his home, his city, his state from foreign invasion.

    In the United States authority derives from the people to the state and from the state to the federal government; this is how it was intended to work. If the agents of the people refuse to do the peoples business then the people need take care of ti themselves and damn the agreements made with state and federal institutions.

    The country needs a colonic and the politicians are the piles that need to be flushed out of the system.
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  • Posted by Tippecanoe 7 years, 1 month ago
    Article VI of the Constitution flat out says the Federal laws are supreme. Unless of course overruled by either SCOTUS, another law, or an amendment, which probably would have to be done by the states in an Article V convention.
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