The counterweight to the swamp, to the hidden Government holdovers and senior holders of Civil Service status is the new power structure of the U.S. Government -- and they are determined to get rid of Trump because for all the garbage spewing forth,Trump speaks and has instincts for the basic roots of America
before Soros' attempted revolution to produce a new society composed of legals and illegals most of non-European origin to remake the USA into the image of any European Union country where Christians and Jews are afraid to walk the streets.
before Soros' attempted revolution to produce a new society composed of legals and illegals most of non-European origin to remake the USA into the image of any European Union country where Christians and Jews are afraid to walk the streets.
Yes, in 1945, when real Nazis were perpetrating the real Holocaust, George Soros, as a teenager, was actually helping real Nazis confiscate the real property of real, about-to-be-“exterminated” Jews in his native Budapest, Hungary.
And no, this actual Nazi collaboration by a young George Soros was not an obscure tidbit dug up by opposition researchers. George Soros freely admitted his actions in the now-infamous Steve Kroft interview of 1998. Soros was shocked that the interview was so upsetting to so many and endeavored greatly to put the controversy to rest.
Sociopaths are people who have little to no conscience. They will lie, cheat, steal and manipulate others for their own benefit. They know exactly what they are doing, they just don't care because they don't think that way. If you are naive enough, they will brainwash you into doing exactly what they say and what they want which is the only time a sociopath is truly happy.
Sociopaths can hide this well if you haven't known them for long. They're really nice and charming at first, almost too nice, but it's extremely fake. The niceness will last until a problem occurs in which they are at fault however, you will be manipulated to believe that you are in the wrong. There is no reasoning with this person. Things have to be their way or it's the highway. They will blame you for hurting them (even if they're the ones who hurt you) or blame the world for all their problems (knowing full well they do shitty things in general). They are compulsive liars and even if they do apologize, it's never genuine. Most are anti social and have few to no friends because most people around them don't want to associate with them. However the sociopath will again tell you that "people hate me for no reason/the world is against me". The only person who will put up with a sociopath is someone who is off their rocker or someone who has absolutely no self respect, or both of those two combined.
Only one hitch (besides my briefly hearing a child's voice in the background). I was required to send $499 to someone in Tuscon, Arizona.
I said "Baloney" and hung up on him.
He tried to call me back but I have a caller ID.
I did listen to his recorded message. Quite upset, he yelled, "We need to talk like--BIG MEN! LIKE BIG MEN!"
He must have not been having much luck trying to rip people off.
And I hang up in the middle of a word.
It kills me to race to the phone and say hello and the pause click with "hello "like I am supposed to greet them again Don't they know when I say hello the call then connects them to me . Sorry just a pet peave.
A year or so earlier, I got a call from someone with a mean voice who said I was in trouble with the IRS and to have account numbers to assets ready because I'd get a call within the hour.
Bet he scared old people. Uh, wait, old would include old dino. Anyway, I was only amused. About 45 minutes later a different guy called me
He had a Hispanic accent and in the background I heard several people talking on phones. It was a freaking con game workshop. I laughed at the Hispanic, telling him that the IRS advises they only contacting people in the mail--not on the phone.
Were they working for the Mafia? Some cartel?
Just a bunch of crooks who found each other?
I settled for "workshop" aware of something more accurate.
Being called "closers" and working on straight commission I did not know.
Closers or straight commission as an earned wage.
Bonnie and Clyde drove a car and used a gun.
So do you. The ABC of selling is always be closing. The crime is the fraud.
That's not bad .Bonnie and Clyde
Used them for illegal means.
Just saying closing or earning a living by "straight commisioned is not illegal .
Problem is~
1. Everybody there knows me.
2. A police station is on the same block.
3. Having worked at a prison for 21 years, I definitely do not want to risk living there.
You understand the potential consequences
Of your behavior. If more people did that the Alabama prison would have plenty of vacancies.
I See You...
Wanderer, wanderer, lost in the haze
void of direction, succumb to the craze.
Give ear to my madness, so deftly designed;
deception de-jour: aimed to muddle your mind.
Hocus and pocus no need for free thought,
erase your opinions, your conscious to rot.
As sugar and soda your smile decay,
a hoax and swindle, then off on your way.
Smoke and a mirror, please don’t look too close.
The truth makes one banal; drugs for the morose.
Illusion can conjure emotions untapped
a quick misdirection, now I’ve got you trapped.
You think you arrived here, quite all on your own
you’re one of a billion, another sad clone…
I’ve stolen the treasure that once made you free
brainwashed you to thinking all’s as it should be.
Gobbledygook and hyperbolized drivel
platitudes, platitudes, mentally shrivel;
accept what I tell you, and not an ounce more,
wanderer, wanderer, you’re lost evermore.
Copyright © The Grahamburglar | Year Posted 2015
I have to hand it to him for being dedicated. He has my respect for sure.
He's not perfect but I do believe he is the only one who could keep that Evil Hag from further corrupting the White House~not to mention the Obamanation of the entire federal government!
Me dino wouldn't call him MR. PERFECT.
This is his arena and the crowd is his.
Before he was President it was a level playing field, now it is slanted in such a way as to give him the edge over all contenders, and he relishes it. He's a fighter.
What matters is a mind and what is between the ears.
Herb I was so struck by a passage that Freedomforall posted. I went to the bookstore and bought Three of his books. The author was Robert Heinlein and it pertained to governance. This is the passage.................. "I work hard governing. But only in thinking about policy and in judging the work of others. I don't do donkey work; I leave that to the professional administrators. Even so the problems ... can keep a man busy, especially if his intention is to govern as little as possible- as that means he must keep a sharp eye out and his ear tuned for signs that subordinates are doing unnecessary governing. Half my time is used in the negative work of plucking such officious officials and ordering that they never again serve in any public capacity.
Then I usually abolish their jobs, and all the jobs subordinate to them.
I have never noticed any harm from such pruning save that parasites whose jobs are eliminated must find some other way to avoid starvation. (They are welcome to starve-better if they do. But they don't.)
The important thing is to spot these malignant growths and remove them when they are small. The more skill a chief executive acquires in this, the more emerging ones he finds, which keeps him busier than ever. Anyone can see a forest fire; skill lies in sniffing the first smoke.
This leaves me too little time for my prime work; thinking about policy. The purpose of my government is never to do good, but simply to refrain from doing evil. This sounds simple but is not."
- Ira Weatheral, Chairman Pro Tem Howard Families, Time Enough For Love Robert Heinlein
Hayfoot strawfoot forward march,
Stiffen your backbone up with starch
Strut like Hercules or maybe Hector,
Get ready for the income tax collector.
Give 3 cheers and give them thrice
Roar like lions or maybe mice,
Boomalay boom on the big bass drum,
Where's the money coming from?
It's used in research children dear,
For ways to increase the tax next year.
Poetry can be divided into further genres ,prose
Satire, humor , and I will add horror.
The art of words. Limitless in content and application..
Who's nuts were made out of brass.
in stormy weather,
he'd clack them together,
and lightning shot out of his ass.
Unfortunately my limericks of that nature might be a bit over the top for this forum, or am I being old-fashioned?Here's one I made up when I started reading up on quantum physics.
There was a young woman, quite bright,
Who could travel much faster than light,
She took off one day,
In a relative way,
And arrived on the previous night.
It was a limerick that I had heard.
If these letters caused duress
Next time I'll arrange a new word.
I'm afraid that I led a rather dystopian life and limericks comprised of the grossest words in the language..No need for apologies. I also have a collection of rather naughty folk songs. Some mild and elegantly constructed and some very naughty indeed.We musicologists shouldn't be shy about putting forth the nasty stuff.
Came to shit and only farted.
The above is an example of how lavatory Graffitti
can amuse and embarrass . Not only a cute rhyme.
but something everyone has exoerienced, A slice of the reality of life.
The shift commander sorted out who threw the first punch. That inmate had a peculiar face and a crew cut.
Asked why he threw the first punch, the inmate pointed to the inmate he had fought and said, "He called me a carrot head."
That would really impress the jury if he had accidentally killed the guy. Or on purpose.
Such things do happen during fights.
Just what do you think a "senior civil service" person is? They are not poilitical appointees. They take tests to get those jobs. They hold them regardless of the Administration specifically because we want the bureaucracy to be independent of the administratiion. Bureaucracy has a bad name, but it is the foundation of a democratic republic. Unlike other societies where family, religion, and region matter, in a bureaucracy, each piece of paper moves from desk to desk on its own merits.
Your racism has no place here: "... legals and illegals most of non-European origin..." As you seem not to care whether they are legal or illegal, what seems to bother you most is that they are not Europeans. Mysefl, all I care about is that they work hard, whoever they are. And I met a lot of illegals who do work two jobs.
The current system was developed to keep the entire mechanism of government from being handed out as political spoils. It has evolved into a system that isolates government workers from control or oversight. What is the point of having elections if the government doesn't have to pay attention to the people who are elected?
It was put in after Garfield was assassinated in 1881 by a disappointed job seeker.
You are taking sentences out of context. I am pointing out facts. Soros has found that fodder for his evil intents are best and easiest when they are not Europeans.That's merely the truth. If you are afraid of the truth because you might be called a racist, you're the one without a place here. I suppose you never heard of a bureaucrat with a political agenda? One that was so loyal to Obama that he/she was willing to work in such a way as to subvert any agenda that doesn't jibe with Obama's?. As to Trump, "Of two evils pick the lesser" may not be A.R.'s ideal, but it works as good as can be worked in today's world. If a John Galt type politician somehow did arise out of the muck, and into politics, (Unlikely) how long would he last? Definitely not as long as to be nominated. Your choice was between Clinton and Trump, your choice was one or the other or abstention.Other than Trump the other alternatives were way worse. .Mike, I do find your posts to be insightful and intelligent, but if you have an axe to grind, you're grinding it on the wrong person. For now, I'll attribute your post to a bad breakfast.