The perfect news story! An Assault Weapon and illicit sex...
Sadly, no lectern...
Where is flanap when we need someone to puke all over this guy's iPhone? hee her
Where is flanap when we need someone to puke all over this guy's iPhone? hee her
seems kinda cheap though. I'd charge way more
Oh, wait, there are some things I just do NOT want to know...
You do realize it's a takeoff on the "What Would Jesus Do" meme, right?
Oh, no, I probably made flanap puke on his pore lil' iPad again!
Still not sure just what the big deal is of being a widget... Some widgets are really cool, and sexy, such as the ones in Linux. But then others are dull and boring, such as the ones that come with Windoze, or Solaris.
So I guess it would depend on just which widget set I'm from!
2)what brand hammer was it? kathywiso may want to know